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my vision was blurry. i stared into oblivion as the group around me conversed. lo'ak was explaining how he had been saved by a tulkun known as payakayn. my attention span was short, so i had spaced out. until i noticed lo'ak get up and walk away. "no, lo'ak i'm-i'm listening," tuk tried to assure him but he ignored her.

"I think he was telling the truth," noxta butted in. I had still not really liked her but I agreed. "yeah, lo'ak can be hardheaded but he wouldn't make something up like that," I added on to what noxta said. I saw her looking up at neteyam, she was probably waiting for him to say something. but I didn't like how her eye's were gawking him. like she wanted him to agree with her too. it made me mad.

"let's just let him cool off," neteyam finally spoke up; taking a seat next to me. tsireya sighed at the absence of lo'ak. "I wish things weren't so hard for lo'ak," she murmured. I also agreed with that, Jake and neytiri were very hard on him - and it didn't help that he was a troubler maker. "I-i'm going to go talk with him," tsireya coo'd and went to find lo'ak.

now the group had come down to only rotxo, aonung, tuk, noxta, neteyam, kiri, and i. I pursed my lips in a thin line as everyone was silent. neteyam played with the gravel beneath him as we were sat on a rock. "I'm going to get a snack," tuk broke the silence; grabbing onto kiri's hand as she stood up to leave. "me and aonung will come too," rotxo ushered - he got up to follow them with aonung following closely behind. I laughed; watching them run across the sand.

my hair blew threw my hair as the wind started to pick up. I could feel neteyam's gaze burning into the side of my head - which made me blush. "your eyelashes are super long," noxta complimented me; snapping me from reality. I batted my eyelashes to look at her. "oh, thank you," I gave her a small smile. this was the first time she ever really talked to me. her voice was soft - pretty. she was unique all around. "you're welcome, they are really pretty," she returned a smile. I felt neteyam grab onto my knee and I noticed noxta's ears go down by the sudden contact. was she jealous? this mad me curious, did she like neteyam? so I let out a sigh and turned my attention toward him.

"do you want to go get a snack also?" neteyam questioned. I sighed not really wanting something to eat but I did in fact want to get up and stretch my legs. "yes, sure," I agreed and took neteyam's hand in mine. "can I come too?" noxta asked before we could turn around. I mentally rolled my eyes. she probably wanted to come just so she could stay close to neteyam. it made my blood boil. even if neteyam didn't like her, she definitely liked him. and it made me insanely jealous. I wanted to speak my mind about what I thought about her but I swallowed my own tongue. "sure," I painfully smiled. a sigh of relief left her lips as she skipped up to me and interlocked our arms. "cool, thanks," she let out a breath. now I was definitely confused to why she took her arm in mine. we had barley knew each other. I heard neteyam snicker from the other side of me. he definitely knew something I didn't.

we finally arrived back at the hut. lo'ak and tsireya were in the middle of flirting. tsireya giggled as she tried to playfully feed lo'ak. I rolled my eyes at them - only because it was so cringingly adorable. "mh, maybe we should try that," neteyam teased. "you wish," I felt noxta's arm release from mine. my eyebrows furrowed. it was like every time I said something flirty to neteyam or vise versa, her attitude would alter. again. I heard neteyam laugh. I had - had enough. I grabbed onto his arm and took him back outside the hut.

"okay." I looked him into the eyes. "what is going on with you and noxta?" he almost gasped at my question before covering his mouth with his hand.

"what's going on with me and her? what about what she wants to go on with you and her," my eyes opened widely as he spoke. was he serious? me? me and her? I laughed. "oh please, you're telling me she has a crush on me?" neteyam folded his arms over one another; pursing his lips. my stomach dropped. "you're serious?!" I whisper yelled. he nodded with a smirk. how was he not jealous that she liked me. and why did she like me? I was human. "she just thinks you're cute, nothing major," he assured me. "if you're wondering why I wasn't mad, it's because I think it's cute," he held his hands up to his heart in a sarcastic way. I shoved him back; annoyed.

out of all the beings that lived on pandora. why did she find me out of all of them; cute? the only good news was that she didn't have a thing for neteyam. that was all that mattered. neteyam laughed and pulled me into a loose hug before kissing the top of my head. "and I know you love me, so I have nothing to worry about. she'll only be here for a couple more weeks," he reassured me. I just sighed into his chest. how had I not gotten the hint from the very beginning. she had never been rude to me. she easily talked with neteyam. she always seemed nervous or anxious when I came around. she even tried to confirm neteyam and I's relationship and when neteyam denied us - she probably got mixed signals. I laughed to myself as I thought about all the evidence that led us to this moment.

"am I really that good looking?" I asked; cockily. neteyam rolled his eyes. "don't be so full of yourself," a smirk played on his face as he thought about his answer. "but yes,"




and thank y'all so much for 11k, i cannot believe i've gotten this many reads in so little time x i love al of you sm. thank you 😭😭

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