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s'more paced back and forth as she watched norm and max do their magic upon kiri. neteyam had stepped out of the hut for some fresh air. "her brain looks good..." norm trailed off. everything had been healthy within kiri. so, everyone had been confused as to why she had such an episode connecting to the spirit tree.

norms face twitches he saw something come up onto his screen. he looked to jake - ushering for him to step outside with him. s'more obviously, followed them; wanting to hear what was wrong with kiri. "i'm afraid she had epilepsy," norm informed him. s'mores eyebrows furrowed in confusion - she hadn't heard this word before. "you definitely can't let her connect to the spirit tree again," s'more felt horrible for kiri. she knew that when kiri heard the news of not ever being able to connect to the spirit tree again, it would break her heart.

few hours later...

kiri had awaken. ronal had came and done the same techniques as she did for s'more when her mask had broke. almost immediately after ronal started her healing practices upon her, she had fluttered her eyes open before crying hysterically. s'more rushed over to her side in attempt to comfort her - kiri crying into her shoulder. "oh my sweet child," neytiri had coo'd; rubbing kiri's legs to calm her nerves.

neteyam watched the girls from a distance. he felt as if he had failed his sister, by not pulling her out of the water quicker - or even disconnecting her queue from the tree sooner. he felt like he had not done the best he could. he blamed himself. s'more looked up to meet neteyam's gaze, she could sensed his off mood. so, she made her way toward him.

he watched as tuk replaced s'mores spot. which, tuk kissed the top of kiri's head in affection - almost made him smile. "you okay?" s'more broke him out of his trance. he didn't know what to say to her, he was in a state of confusion and hurt and didn't want to say anything wrong. since he was not thinking clearly. so, he just gave her a small smile before ripping his gaze away from her.

s'more face pouted at his action but she knew not to read too much into it. she knew how upset he was about the situation. she did her best not to pry at him about it. she trailed her small hands around his waist to pull him into a hug, just so he could feel her comfort. when she felt his breathing relax at her touch she knew that she was doing a good job. "i love you," she murmured. she didn't care if he said it back or not. she just wanted him to hear her words of affirmation.

he was scared now. not only for kiri, but for s'more. what if something were to happen to s'more and he not be quick enough? he sighed at this thought and finally hugged her back. he didn't want his love putting her in danger, and him loving her as much as he did could back fire. he tried to shake the thought because he knew that he'd do anything to be able to call s'more his. to him though, that wasn't worth more than her safety.

neteyam's fingers combed through her hair as he tried to picture a life with no drama, no war. he wanted to be stress free, happy - with s'more. he broke free of s'mores grasp and without saying anything to her, he made his way over to kiri. "you had me spooked," he murmured; moving a piece of her hair away from her face. s'more smiled at this action. kiri gaze met his and showed a sly smile.

"i'm sorry," she took a breath. "i am okay now, thanks to you," her words stuck him in the heart. he had wished she was more than okay. he thought again. - he should have been quicker. he just pursed his lips together before getting back up and walking outside the hut.

kiri looked to s'more as she noticed neteyam's strange expression. s'more didn't know what to do or what to say to him to make him feel better. she just shrugged at kiri in response and went to follow neteyam. "neteyam, you can talk to me," she grabbed onto his shoulder; he ignored her. her facial expression grew a puzzled look. "neteyam-"

"s'more, please - just leave me alone," he shrugged her hand off of him. this pained her heart to see him like this. she complied though, once he shrugged her hand off of him. she stopped in her tracks and watched him walk away into the distance. even though she knew he just needed space, her eyes still began to water at the sudden change in emotion toward her. she let small tears roll down her face as she watched him disappear.

she felt a touch against her back. "come on, let him take a breath," noxta came to comfort her. s'more just sighed at the fact that noxta would pop up at the most random moments - s'more just agreed with her reason and followed her back into the hut. "here, tuk and i were making friendship bracelets. join us?" tuk smiled up at noxta as she spoke with softness laced in her voice

"sure," s'more grabbed onto some gems so that she could participate. even though her mind was stuck on neteyam and what he could be thinking about. she hated the fact that he was by himself. she wanted to wash away his worry and fill his heart with happiness. but, she had a feeling this was more than what had happened with kiri. it was definitely something deeper - definitely something that revolves around her.

she was scared - scared of what was to come because if there was one thing neteyam would always make sure to do. it would be to put s'more before himself ; even if it hurt him.


thank you guys so much for as many reads as i'm getting .. i'm gonna cry 😭

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