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her pov

the waves crashed against the ship as the teens were cuffed to the railing. s'more had hated that they snatched spider away from her sight but she knew he could handle himself. after all, he had managed to be strong for the months they had been apart. s'more was going to be strong for her loved ones - she didn't want them to be scared. she wanted them to feel as if they had no need to worry. so, she allowed herself to show no signs of fear. she took in a harsh breath - the feeling of the cuffs around her started to burn as they were cutting into her wrists from how tight they were.

quaritch approached from behind them before ripping the ear piece lo'ak had from his ear - and putting it in his own. "Jake, I have your kids," he spit. "if you want your kids alive... you'll come alone," he lifted his gun up to the back of lo'ak's head; attempting to threaten him. "you know better than to test my resolve," tsireya screamed for her lover - if anything were to happen to lo'ak she would practically be bed ridden for the next decade from how empty her heart would feel. in response to quaritch's threat, lo'ak just hissed angrily - not because he was scared but because he was tired of the constant war that went on between the two adults.

"I am going to come for you," s'more hissed at quaritch - the man she had once called her father. his eyes shifted to hers - making harsh contact. he swallowed the lump in his throat before speaking.

"I see you betrayed your own kind too... just like Jake," he snapped back. s'more didn't care though. she would avenge her people. her family - the na'vi.

"I see you've already bit the dust once, I won't mind doing you the favor again," s'more's eyes burned into her fathers. she wasn't scared of him. in fact, she felt the most powerful she'd ever felt - in her life. a smirk appeared onto her face as she saw his breath hitch in his throat before walking away.

and with just a blink. the anger lo'ak had been feeling paid off as everyone could now see payakan flying through the air before landing on the ship harshly. his fins hitting anyone in his way. in result, killing them in the process from being crushed by his fin that weighed more than a ton.

the teens watched in amazement as they saw the tulkun fighting for them - especially lo'ak. "brother!" lo'ak shouted; kicking a human aboard under his fin - crushing him. lo'ak laughed at all the commotion going around him. he felt his heart swarm with happiness at the fact payakan had came to his rescue. he knew he had been right about his bond with the tulkun and he couldn't wait for this war to be over so he could finally rub it in everyones face - that he was in fact, right.

a splash of water was heard from the opposite side of all of them. they all turned their heads, revealing noxta and neteyam coming to their rescue. s'more's smiled at the sight of them - she was relieved that nothing bad had happened to either of them. "neteyam!" tuk shouted; happy to see her brother.

neteyam smiled as he cut the restrains from tuk and tsireya's wrists.  "get tuk out of here-"

"bro come on, hurry up," lo'ak complained. he had wanted to be free already. neteyam ushered for tuk and tsireya to leave before making his way over to lo'ak.

"who's the mighty warrior?," he teased. "come on, say it!" lo'ak rolled his eyes at his brother.

"no!" he laughed.

after lo'ak was free - he mad his way to s'more. he could have almost cried from seeing how red her wrists were - they had even started to bleed. "come on," noxta bossed. she had been the look out, making sure no one could get in their way of freeing them.

"i'm so happy you're okay," neteyam said quickly before giving s'more a quick peck on the lips. she smiled against the kiss and she wished she could just kiss him forever. she wished this war wasn't real. she just wanted it to be peaceful - peaceful for her and neteyam.

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