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"i can not leave my brother, what if he comes back?" s'more was pulling at her hair; walking back and forth out side of my family hut as the rest of the family packed their things.

"we will get him back but right now your safety is more important," i tried to reason with her, grabbing her hands away from her hair and taking them in mine. i hated seeing her like this; stressed. i wanted to take all her problems away and tell her that everything is going to be okay.

"what if they're hurting him?" her doe eyes looked into mine; tears falling. i just pulled her into a hug, her head laying just under my chest from our height difference. "it will all be alright, i promise," and to comfort her i lightly kissed the top of her shoulder.

"s'more, you need to get all your oxygen together so we can leave," my mother interrupted us. she lifted her head up to look at her. "yea- right, sorry," and she left to go pack.

i sighed at the fact that she'd have to always be wearing her oxygen mask to be able to breath where we were going. i wouldn't be able to kiss her again and i knew it would be quite uncomfortable. "teyam! can i fly with you?" tuk caught me out of my thoughts. a smile played on my face as she grabbed onto one of my fingers, waiting for my answer.

i was about to say yes, but i had remembered that s'more was supposed to ride with me. "i'm sorry, you have to ride with mom," i fake pouted. tuk groaned and smacked my arm. "no fair, you just want alone time with your girlfriend!" her words caused me to choke on my own air.

"tuk-" but she ran off before i could say anything else.

the trip

s'mores small hands held tight against my chest as we were now in the sky. my father had given up his roll as toruk makto, it felt like stones in my heart. the forest was everything i'd ever known and now we were just leaving.

i could tell my father felt some sort of guilt as to what was happening and i had tried to reassure him on it. he didn't want to hear my pity though, all he told me was that he was a father and a father does anything to protect his family.

so i was guessing this is what protecting us was, running away. i has thought of this as running away. running away from our fight, our war. we were supposed to fight for our family. not to run away, in hopes that we would never be found.

"you okay?" her soothing voice snapped me out of my thoughts. i turned my head behind me to meet her gaze. her lips played a soft smile and her hand's gently rubbed up and down my torso. "i am okay, cookie, thank you," i wanted to relive her lips once more and i was scared of the fact i might not ever get to feel them again.

"you were just super quiet, i had to make sure," she murmured before leaning her head on my shoulder. i just kissed the top of her head with a sigh of wanting to finally reach land.

i loved how small her hands were compared to mine, it felt like i had to be extra careful while holding them. like they were a piece of fine china, i would hold them so delicately as if i was scared they would crumble to pieces.

she sighed. "ma tate, you make my heart better," her words were soft but they flew through me like a thousand butterflies. i smiled. "you are my favorite human," i coo'd just above a whisper. s'mores arms squeezed me tighter, holding onto me as if she thought i would fly away.

"i would hope so forest boy," she giggled. i just stiffened a laugh and took one of my hands into hers. i could feel s'mores body relax into me and i was glad she had finally calmed down. she was played with my fingers as she laid her head on my back, i found her small gestures so meaningful to me. i loved how she always had to be touching me in a some type of way.

"aw, look at the cuddle buds," lo'ak teased, almost flying his ikran into mine. "you skxawng!" i warned, i didn't want him disturbing s'more. "maybe you will finally meet a girl and leave me alone," i teased, he just laughed with a shrug.

"i bet i will, i have better game than you!" i rolled my eyes at his words. "yeah right, says the moron that always gets yelled at!"

lo'aks eyebrows furrowed at me. "loser," was all he said before flying in front of me. i let myself laugh at him and i noticed s'more had stopped playing with my fingers.

she had fallen asleep.

authors note

this is more of a filler chapter! but anyway, have you guys heard of the percy allegations? uh ohhh

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