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my feet kicked behind me. my fingers played with the sand beneath me. kiri and i had our heads in the water, taking in the beauty of the sea. "the water is so clear," i murmured; looking up at kiri. she just smiled and nodded since she couldn't say anything back. it was calm, waves lightly crashing against us as we were near the shore.

i could hear muffled voices; interrupting my thoughts. "they're just looking at the sand," someone snickered and eventually the shadow of them covered where we were; blocking out the sun. kiri and i mentally groaned at the fact that we could never just have some peace and quiet. "are they some kind of freaks or wha-"

kiri and i shot our heads up from the water and looked them in the eyes. and of course, it had been aonung and his friends, yay. "huh? what did you say?" kiri asked, making sure she heard him right. he just laughed at us. "i asked are you guys some kind of freaks," his friends snickered behind him and kiri's ears went down in embarrassment. "no," she flatly said. i felt bad for kiri, ever since we had gotten here it had been non stop picking on her. just because she looked different.

i didn't even care how they treated me, i had just wished kiri could get treated fairly. i sighed and stood up to my feet, offering kiri my hand to stand up. she took it slowly trying her best to avoid eye contact with aonung. "he asked if you were a freak," his friend snickered trying to tease us along with him, but it wasn't working. he had no room to talk.

kiri and i both ignored them, making our way out of the water. but aonung had grabbed onto kiri's tail; yanking it. my eyes shot wide open at his action and i quickly smacked his hand away. "leave her alone!" aonung just snickered. "oh please what are you gonna do, hiss at me?" i felt tears brim my eyes.

"kiri, let's go," i grabbed her arm and pulled us toward the dock. "aw the little five fingered freaks," he teased once again and before i could say anything else lo'ak came trotting down from the side of us. "back off, fish lips," and he pushed aonung away from us. he didn't take to kindly to that so he pushed lo'ak back; his friends joining him.

"leave us alone!" kiri yelled trying to get aonung and his group of friends away from lo'ak. i felt useless because i couldn't do anything to stop them. i was half their size and they hated me just as much as they did kiri and lo'ak. all because we we're different. it really confused me how tsireya was so nice and gentle but her brother was the complete opposite of that. it made me wonder which parent raised who.

aonung was yanking on lo'aks tail as his friends tried to grab onto kiri's arms. i had had enough even if i got hurt in the process, i was going to do something. so i ran up to them and pushed aonung with all the strength i had. "leave them alone!" i screamed and of course he just laughed in my face. "what are you gonna do human? you're nothing but a nobody," he spit. he lifted his arm up and elbowed my mask causing it to shattered. "S'MORE!" kiri rushed over to me as my eyes shot open by the sudden pandora air. i hadn't had time to hold my breath so now i was hyperventilating hoping i wouldn't die. "see, you can't even breathe our air," him and his friends laughed.

lo'ak was about to charge at them. but the crash of water was heard, revealing neteyam walking angrily towards them. i felt like my life had been saved just by the look on neteyams face; how mad he was. kiri was trying to reassure me that i would be okay, but my body had already collapsed onto the ground. i was trying my hardest to catch my breath but i just couldn't.

all i could hear was neteyam yelling at them, and the pushing of aonung and his friends bodies on the floor. "back off, now," he spit, my vision was getting blurry. i needed neteyam to just hurry and get me back to the hut so i could grab my spare mask. kiri's eyes were watery as she saw my pupils fading in and out. i had taken notice that neteyam probably didn't even see that my mask was shattered.

"neteyam, come on! s'mores mask is broken," kiri complained to him. both her and i were tired of waiting for lo'ak and neteyam to get their head out of their ass. there would be another time to pick a fight. "smart choice-" neteyams head snapped at kiri's words. "what?!" he ran over to me not fully understanding what kiri had just said. "oh my god," he grabbed me in his arms; bridal style and began walking away.

i could feel kiri's hands resting on my neck to check and see if my heart was growing slower. her eyebrows furrowed, she could feel that i was getting weaker. i could still hear aonung and his friends snicker as they watched neteyam walking away from them. which caused lo'ak to snap his head back towards them. neteyam rolled his eyes. "lo'ak-" he warned but he just hushed him.

"i got this bro," and before i could see anyone do anything else. everything went black.


i feel like this chapter is ass . but oh well 😭😭 vote and comment

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