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neteyam's pov

I held my bleeding chest - debating whether or not to follow s'more to the ship or not. I didn't know for sure if the pain in my heart was caused from my wound or the sight of tsireya holding noxta in her arms. I didn't want to leave tsireya alone with her body but I also didn't want s'more doing something she can't finish. granted yes, lo'ak had went with her but he was prone to be hard headed.

so, without another thought I looked to tsireya with saddened eyes and she just nodded - understanding what I was about to do. "I will be back," I reassured her. she responded with a weak smile. I called my ilu over and made my way quickly over to the ship. I had worried id waited too long and s'more had already started with her blinded rage.

I was in fact right.

my eyes widened as I saw s'more on quaritch's back - her teeth digging into the flesh on his neck. he screamed out in pain; trying his best to get her off of him. lo'ak, father, and mother watched her in awe and although my father had tried to intervene at least once, my mother stopped him. she wanted to take the chance to get kiri, spider, lo'ak and tuk out of his reach - which she did. "you come with me," she snarled at me. I shook my head no. I was going to make sure I was here in case s'more needed me.

"I am a warrior... i'm staying," my voice was stern. tuk was pulling my mothers arm trying to get her to get away from the ship. so, my mother had no choice but hope and pray that id be okay. which I would be. I wouldn't let anything happen to myself nor s'more. my father ran up to quaritch to help - his dagger digging into the side of his hip.

"you son of a bitch!" my father yelled. quaritch now was gaining back his power which caused him to throw s'more back. her body hit the ground rather hard. you could hear the sound of her head bang against the ship floor. I gasped. I felt useless - I could have been faster and tried to catch her but I was so caught up in thought I hadn't realized she'd lost her grip until she hit the floor.

I rushed over to her since my father and quaritch had each other preoccupied. I lifted her head up and immediately noticed blood form on my hands. she was bleeding profusely from her head - not a good sign.

her eyes fluttered open and then closed quickly again. almost like she was trying to keep them open but she couldn't. "neteyam?" she muttered. I grabbed onto her face; wiping quaritch's blood from her lips.

"yes, i'm here," I coo'd. I pressed my nose against her's in reassurance and gently placed a kiss on her lips before looking behind me to see my father and quaritch still fighting. I suck in a deep breathing coming to the conclusion that I had to get s'more out of here and hope my father could fend for himself. which I knew he could.

"tate, why-why can't I see?" my eyes widened. what did she mean she can't see? i had no time to answer - I just picked her up and carried her toward the water. I couldn't even feel the pain in my chest anymore, all I cared about was s'more. I called my ilu before allowing her and I to hope onto it and make our way back toward the rock where everyone else was. "I'm scared, neteyam," she choked once again. I just rubbed the top of her head as I tried to swim the fastest I could toward the rock.

"I know, I got you," my voice was shaky but I held my composure together the best I could. I didn't want her to think I was scared - I wanted to be strong for her. we arrived at the rock. spider rushed over to help me lift her onto it.

"what the hell happened?" I couldn't form words into a sentence. so, I didn't answer him. I just shrugged - I was too scared to find out the results of her injury to care about anything else at the moment. we laid s'more down on the rock - her body shivering in response.

"noxta," she whimpered. I pursed my lips at the fact that noxta was still in fact dead. there was just too much going on for me to process everything. "I-" before she could say anything else she turned to her side and began throwing up; franticly. lo'ak gasped and hurrily stepped back as his feet had just been by s'more's head. my mother grabbed s'more's head in her hands once she had been done throwing up - making sure to get a good look at her.

"oh my child," she cried. her hands fell loosely onto s'more forehead to check her temperature. I looked between my mother and s'more - I was confused to say the least. my mother let out a gasp before shooting her eyes towards mine. s'more sat up slowly; rubbing her eyes.

"I can see again..." she cried. a small smile forming amongst her lips. my mother just pushed her back down; putting her hand over s'more's stomach - making sure to also keep her eyes on mine. I grew nervous. why was my mother shooting daggers into me? did I do something wrong? I had blinked slowly. I was scared that if I looked away from her she would pounce at me with anger.

my mothers fingers pressed down firmly against s'more's stomach but harder this time. only for her to let out another gasped. she looked around at all over us. kiri came up to join my mother. "what's wrong?" s'more asked with a nervous chuckle. kiri gasped as she felt s'more's stomach - obviously feeling the same thing my mother was feeling.

"oh, big bro... you are going to be in so much trouble," she mumbled before backing away. my eyes widened at kiri's words. I had no clue what they were talking about. my mother then placed a chaste kiss against s'more before making her distance.

"my child... you are pregnant," and as the words left my mothers lips, I only had a few seconds to process them before I fainted onto the cold rock floor.

a;n - don't be minding spelling errors because i be lazy. also, i'm sorry for the slack in updating i've been hella busy ...

but thank you so much for 65k reads i cannot believe it!!! current book that's my fav rn also is "like before," neteyam. love it , but she is just like me at updating .. iffy.

and yes, i got y'all 😼... right where i want ya

anyways, vote and comment !

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