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who was I kidding, did I actually think I could avoid neteyam? he was my whole life. all I've ever known. he was the one and who was I to rip that away from us. we were laying in bed, everyone had fallen asleep already so it was just neteyam and I left awake. "I'm so thankful to have you in my arms again," his nose brushed against my mask. i loved our moments like this, so calm and innocent. it made my heart happy.

"i am too, i'm sorry i hurt you," my words were soft as i spoke. i didn't want to wake anyone up by accident. i could feel his fingers lightly brushing up and down my hip. "you could break my heart in two and when it heals it beats for you," his fingers tugged on my loincloth as he murmured to me. i could collapse right now from how soft and gentle he was touching me, his touch felt so warm and tingly i was trying my hardest to stop myself from whining.

"oh really?" i teased. i wanted to kiss him so bad. it was killing me, we were so close yet so far from each others lips, i hated this. i hated not being able to just feel his breath against my face. the little things we could never do. an idea popped into my head and although i would still be left wanting more, this was as close i could get to feeling some more affection from him. i sucked in a breath, i was nervous to ask him. what if he found me weird? but i closed my eyes as i could already feel his fingers slightly caressing my inner thigh. "can-can you touch me?" i grabbed his hand and gently placed it above my private area before letting him get the chance to answer. i was too nervous to hear what he had to say, so i just did it.

i heard him chuckle quietly. "you want me to-" he paused. "-you want me to touch you?" he laced his words with venom and i quickly nodded and i just wanted to feel him already. "yes, please," i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. i could feel his fingers slip into my bottoms causing my breath to hitch.

"you have to be quiet," he snapped as he began rubbing me. my hips immediately bucked at the feeling and i was trying my hardest not to make a noise as he kept moving his fingers around my sensitive bud. i wanted to whimper for him, his fingers felt so good against me. it was hard to ever imagine that we could have done this sooner.

his lips kissed my shoulder as his fingers now made their way to my entrance. " netey-" before i could say his name he had already slipped his fingers inside of me. "quiet." he warned. i could have released right then by the way he spoke to me. i could feel my walls tighten as he picked up the pace with his fingers. i couldn't take it anymore, my fingers gripped onto his shoulders as my face squinted in pleasure.

i felt like i was on fire and it pained me even more that i couldn't let him know how much i was enjoying it since i had to stay quiet. i began panting getting ready to finish all over him. i wanted to kiss him as i finished, to silence the moan that i wouldn't be able to control.

so with a swift motion my legs began to shake and my hands quickly grabbed onto my mask; pulling it off. and i quickly connected our lips together before he had any time to process that i had did so. my moan escaped into his mouth as i felt the weird feeling in my stomach go away. our lips danced together as one. the butterflies in my stomach were now ten times worse just by the touch of his lips.

we were practically making out at this point. his tongue dancing with mine, i wished this could last forever. but my time was now running out and i could feel my lungs begging me for air, so sadly i had to quickly pull away and put my oxygen mask back on. luckily, i could still feel the presence of his lips on mine from how exotic it was, i could never forget how they felt. neteyam was still catching his breath as i tightened my mask around my face.

"that was-" he couldn't even get the words out and i understood why because i couldn't even process what had just happened. i was now more in love with him than i ever had been before. "wow," was all he said and laid  back on his side. i giggled at him and took my spot closely next to him. "i think we just had make up sex," my eyes shot open at his words.

"where did you learn that from?" i looked at him, his body was stiff as he thought about what he was going to say. "uh-" he gulped. "my dad," and soon his lips turned into a full on smirk. i lightly smacked him in annoyance, he was so full of himself. "oh, eywa," i laughed and laid my head on his chest. "you are crazy," and we both fell asleep in each others arms.


if you don't like smut i am sorry, but i do🤭 and there will be smut in this story !! just a warning , so if you don't like smut do not read ..

ps , stop shipping neteyam with aonung. it's literally just NO


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