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a/n; let's pretend s'more looks similar to this! ofc - she has red eyes instead of green but this is the closest i could get to have some what of a face model for her, found this on pinterest so i do not own this ! her hair is curly like this so k...

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a/n; let's pretend s'more looks similar to this! ofc - she has red eyes instead of green but this is the closest i could get to have some what of a face model for her, found this on pinterest so i do not own this ! her hair is curly like this so keep that in mind, i just wanted her to have a face for this book and i'd been having a hard time coming across one. so this is the best i can do. anyway thank you , i love you guys - thank you sm for 25k reads this truly is a blessing !!

s'more's pov

I still could not believe that my human body had met with eywa. I was in my true form - my na'vi form. I felt on top of the world. neteyam hadn't been able to keep his eyes off of me since last night. I smiled at him as he ate his breakfast. we still hadn't fully come to terms if we were going to get back together or not but it really didn't matter. we knew we loved one another - more than we loved ourselves. he knew I was already his so, there really was nothing else to say. when the time was right, we would be together again. last night was us making peace with each other - letting each other know that we are meant to be no matter what was to get in the way. that our love is our weakness but our greatest strength. "your hair is so pretty," noxta smiled up at me catching me off guard. she pushed some hair behind my ear to get it from in front of my face.

"thank you," I coo'd. the way noxta acted toward me made me feel things I didn't want to feel.

"I actually got scared last night when all the lights from the tree died, I had thought they did it wrong," she laughed; stuffing a piece of fruit in her mouth. I felt a small smile crack onto my face.

"maybe, i'm just that powerful," I teased. she rolled her eyes at my cockiness which made me laugh. my eyes met neteyam once more - his lips pursed together as he saw noxta and I conversing. I had wished it was just him and I - but he had yet to apologize for hurting me. I knew we were at least okay now but I wanted us to be more than just that. I sighed at the thought.

I wanted him to wrap me in his arms and say I am his for the rest of his life - and never let me go. ever again. "I am going to have to cut your hair again soon, it is getting too long," tsireya approached me. I groaned.

"I think I want to grow my hair out," making eye contact with her. she pouted.

"and to think I was going to become a hairdresser," she teased; taking a seat next to me and noxta. I giggled at her joke as I finished up the last of my breakfast. "this new you really suits you," her eyes glistened into mine. my heart fluttered at the compliment.

"thank you, reya," my appreciation was sincere. I loved this new me. my dreams had finally came true - I felt complete. I heard neteyam blow his breath from in front of me and get up rather quickly before making his way to the door way. my eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his actions - before I could say anything to him, his eyes met mine; ushering for me to follow him. I felt a smirk curl upon my face. "I'll be right back," I murmured as I got up to follow him - leaving noxta and tsireya behind.

he was some ways in front of me but I decided to keep following him. I knew exactly where he was leading us - leading us to our favorite spot; the pond. once I saw his feet touch the grass that surrounded the pond, he stopped and waited for me to approach him. I took a deep breath; nervous to be alone with him.

"hi," I muttered - unsure what else to say to him. he obviously had brought me here for a reason so I was going to allow him to start the conversation. his breath hitched at my presence. my eyes finally met his - almost being the same height now I could finally look into his eyes more deeply, with more love; lust.

and by surprise his lips attached to mine. I immediately kissed him back without thinking. he was mine - I was his. I belonged to him. the kiss was rough - like he had been starved of my touch. "my whole life is you," he pulled away from my lips - admiring the red in my eyes. "I haven't been able to sleep or breathe because of you," he continued. my heart was beating out of my chest. his voice was yearning for me. "you own me, you- you control me," he kissed me again quickly before pulling away to finish what he was saying. my body was aching for him - the way his hands were placed onto my face to make sure I could look no where else but his eyes. "I love you, I-i'm in love with you. you're the love of my life," his nose brushed against mine; his voice cracking as his words got more progressed. "I-i exist... for you," my mouth parted slightly at his words and my eye brows furrowed as I saw the look of pure love in his eyes.

I blinked; a tear falling slowly down my cheek at his speech. my lips attached to his in response - my arms wrapping around his neck to deepen our kiss. his hands fell to my hips to bring me closer. I needed him - only this time I knew I could have all of him. so I grabbed my queue and brought it over my shoulder. he pulled back from my lips - looking me in my eyes once more. "I am yours," my voice was soft. "you think you exist for me? I-i exist for you," I could feel the lump in my throat form as continued to talk. he grabbed onto his queue and brought it in front of him as well. "y-you are my purpose," his eyes scanned over my face as I let the last few words leave my lips.

that was it - he grabbed onto my queue and connected our braids together. our pupils dilated as we felt every emotion, feeling, breath, of each other. we both gasped at the feeling of each other. this was the best feeling I could have ever imagined. I could finally feel all of him - everything. my eyes water - happy tears pulling from them. "I see you, cookie," he muttered once more before attaching his lips to mine again. this felt like the very first time - i could feel his pulse rising as he kissed me. I knew he could feel the love in my heart multiply because now I was his for life; forever.

our kiss deepened. his hands getting lost in my hair - my hands trying to find something to do with themselves. he laid me gently onto the damp grass as he hurrily took my bottoms off along with his. we were craving for each other - practically begging for the touch of one another. I spread my legs open waiting for him to get rid of all his clothes. I could feel the pounding in my heat get progressively worse as I saw his abdomen flex at the sight of me. "I need you, neteyam," I cried out; reaching my hands out for him.

without a second thought he got on top of me; kissing my lips passionately. I moaned into the kiss as I felt him enter me. every feeling was now multiplied - I could feel his pleasure on top of mine which was sending me over the edge. "oh my-" my back arched at the feeling of him stretching me out- from what felt like the very first time.

his lips danced around my neck - leaving love bites. his hands roamed my body, trying to feel how my body felt under him. I felt him twitch inside of me; nearing his high. he hissed under his breath - he could feel me coming close to my release as well. our lips danced together once more as we both finished together. the feeling driving us both insane - our moans and whimpers practically echoing around us. my eyes screwing shut as I felt myself coat him - him doing the same as he filled me up.

still inside of me - he brought his face up to meet mine. our eyes lingered on one another for what seemed like forever. not that i was complaining, I could look at him for the rest of my life. "we are mated for life," his lips pulled into a smile. I returned a smile and brought my hands up to his mouth; tracing my thumb over his bottom lip.

"for life,"



don't mind spelling errors in this , i don't have the energy to proof read.. but also this is the longest chapter i've writing and 🤭

they are finally mated... SOOOO cute. neteyam ain't wait one day for that shoot .

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