credits - epilogue

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s'more as mia goth

neteyam as jamie flatters

lo'ak as britain dalton

s'mores pov

"nox'wa! please walk," i lightly scolded - she had just turned eight and she had been a little over stimulated from all the sweets she had received.

"i am sorry mama, i will wait for you," she took a breath; holding her hand out for me to take. "when will baby brother come out?" she looked up at me; touching my very pregnant belly as we walked along the beach. i laughed at her question.

"i do not know ... any day now," i assured her. she just nodded in response. "your daddy thinks sometime this week," i added on - trying to give her some sort of hope. i could see her grin which put an even bigger smile on my face.

"daddy is always right," she mumbled back to me. i pursed my lips at her comment. i saw neteyam from a distance; wrestling lo'ak. i rolled my eyes - they still had the young brotherly banter. "look, daddy!" nox'wa pointed in front of her - like she had read my mind. she let me hand go to catch up to them. in result, she left me in the dust.

i didn't bother to call her back because i knew she would be in safe hands once she approached them. once she did i could see her hop onto lo'aks back - trying her best to help neteyam which made me laugh.

her hair was long. i hadn't dare cut it since she'd been born so now her hair reached just past her lower back but - i did in fact keep it braided. and the more she aged the more the brown specks started to form larger in her eyes to where now - one of her eyes had become completely brown, while the other still fully yellow like neteyam's.

i finally approached them. lo'ak had tapped out from the fight - wanting nox'wa to feel like she had won. "where is tt reya?" nox'wa whined and made her way to sit in her fathers lap; out of breath.

"she is at home- resting," lo'ak tried to reason with her but she just rolled her eyes.

"she is still pregnant with my cousin?" she asked. lo'ak tried to hold in a laugh by pinching the bridge of his nose. he nodded. nox'wa rolled her eyes again. "mama and tt reya?"

"yes, nana," neteyam told her with an irritated sigh. he had made that nickname for her a little after she had been born. nox'wa was also a very energetic child - she had even worn tuk out. although tuk was now older, that didn't stop nox'wa from bothering her. she didn't want to play with kids her age - only tuk. "how about you go find tuk?" he offered and you could practically see the energy wind up among nox'wa.

"okay, love you," she quickly sat up and gave neteyam a quick peck before taking off back to the village. i let a sigh of relief leave my lips and took a seat next to neteyam. i had been worn out past my limit. onto my second child after eight years - it felt like i was nineteen again.

"she is something..." i let myself laugh.

"i'm gonna go check on tsireya," lo'ak mentioned and walked off in the same direction as nox'wa.

"later, brother," neteyam waved him off. lo'ak returned one. neteyam then turned his attention to me; laying his hand gently onto my belly. "my beautiful, cookie," he murmured and gave my cheek a chaste kiss. he still had a way with words - never failed to make me blush whenever he was around. it simply still felt as if we were the young teens from when we first fell in love.

i felt his teeth graze over my ear in attempt to turn me on. i rolled my eyes as his lips trailed down to my neck and began to suck on my sweet spot. "neteyam..." i warned. i wanted to - so bad, but i had entirely been too tired. but i also had longed for his touch, i could never get tired of it. so, i didn't want to tell him to stop. i felt his teeth pinch the top of my collar bone - then move over the top of my breast; grazing my sensitive bud from underneath the clothing i wore. "you tease," i whimpered at the sensation from his lips.

i felt him lightly chuckle before slipping his hand into my bottoms. my breath hitched at the sudden contact but i didn't complain nor stop him. i just pulled his face to mine to connect our lips. and i felt his fingers dance around my entrance; teasing me once more. my tongue entered his mouth and without thinking i found myself moving on top of him. my legs on either side of him - wanting to finally take control.

"can i?" i batted my eyelashes down at him as i tugged on his bottoms; indicating for him to take them off. he just nodded without saying a word. he wanted me just as bad as i wanted him. so, we got rid of our clothes and i aligned him with my entrance before i let myself slowly fall onto his length. my mouth opened; agape. the feeling had always gotten more advanced each time we would make love. this time - it felt like i was on cloud nine. my walls hugged him just right as i moved my hips against his. he bit down roughly on his lip - elbows leaned back in the sand so he could watch me ride him.

he looked in awe of me. his finger tips tracing my thighs ever so lightly - so i could feel electricity shoot up my body. he wanted to drop his head onto the sand and curse my name out but he knew better than to - he knew himself too well. when he would - he would be entirely too loud and then he wouldn't be able to stop. i felt the tip of his length brush my sweet spot causing me to let out small whimpers.

that drove him mad - his finger nails digging into the side of my hips; trying to contain himself. "shit," he hissed under his breath. i felt myself grin at the fact i could give him this much pleasure. it actually made me full of myself - that i was the only one who could make him feel this way.

my eyebrows furrowed as i felt my walls tighten around him and the pressure in my stomach build up. "i'm going to-" but i had no time to finish. i let myself go on top of him - as he did the same; finishing inside me as he always did.

our chest heaved up and down, trying to catch our breath. "i love you," he whispered; moving a piece of hair out of my face.

i kissed his lips. "love you more, ma tate," and this reminded me that no matter how much we grow or age - our love will never die. because for us - we had forever.

and our love remained the same as when we first fell for one another - when i was human and him na'vi.

END! fr

new book coming
consume | lo'ak

description; when two outcast teens fall for one another - it begins to consume them in the worst way possible.

an; thank you sm for the support on this book. it is finally the end. i love you all!

read my lo'ak book!!

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