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her pov

"you allowed him to bond with the outcast?!" ronal scolded the teens that sat around her. lo'ak had come home rather late and unfortunately ended up being questioned about his whereabouts. which resulted in him telling on himself. tonowari shook his head at his daughter - he had thought he taught her better than this.

"tsireya-" he snarled. tsireya looked up at him; ears pointed back. "-you disappoint me daughter," she whimpered at her fathers words - she felt sick to her stomach as his words stuck into the back of her mind. she felt like a failure - a failure upon her father. she had worked so hard to be the perfect daughter. only for it to all be washed away by lo'ak's actions.

tsireya wasn't necessarily mad at lo'ak but she was upset with him. she had taken the heat for him - because she had loved him. finally, she had admitted her love for him. he had yet to know of this but she was sure she would tell him eventually. "I'm sorry sir, but you don't know him," lo'ak stood up for himself. ronal hissed at the disobedient boy.

"lo'ak," tsireya warned; not wanting him to get into more trouble. he looked over to her. the look on her face broke his heart but he knew he had a right to stick up for himself - for payakan. so, he shook his thoughts from his head and turned his attention back to ronal and tonowari. this hurt tsireya's feelings - more than she would have liked it to.

"payakan is a killer," tonowari got down to lo'ak's level. in response lo'ak just shook his head at him.

"you're wrong," he honestly told him. s'more and neteyam rolled their eyes at him - even thought lo'ak had been in the right. they would have hoped lo'ak would back down just to get out of the scolding.

"that's enough," jake came up behind lo'ak; scolding him. lo'ak's ears immediately went down at the presence of his father.

tonowari sighed at the boy. he had never dealt with such an argumentative young man. "son of a great warrior, you were raised better than this," tonowari's words stung lo'ak like a knife through his heart. which caused him to make eye contact with neteyam.

neteyam was the golden child. the one everyone looked up to - the son of a great warrior. lo'ak sighed once more before saying his finally thought. "I know what I know," his eyes burning into tonowari's making sure he felt every word he had said.

Jake hissed before grabbing lo'ak roughly by his arm. "ill handle this," and he snatched him away. tsireya cried as she saw him get dragged away. she knew he was going to be in even more trouble than he already was. she had wished lo'ak would just cooperate for once - not make things so hard.

"I think you adults shouldn't be so hard on him. he's just a kid," noxta spoke up for lo'ak. ronal's eyes snapped toward her in confusion. noxta had never been one to speak her mind or have a back bone. so, ronal furrowed her eyes and kept her mouth closed. "maybe, if you guys would take the time to listen to the kid - he wouldn't do the things he does," and she stormed out of the hut; frustrated.

neteyam watched as she disappeared into the darkness. he almost felt a smile creep onto his face at the fact she had stood up for his brother. something he wanted to do - but he had wanted to avoid a lecture. so, he was happy noxta had did it for him. tonowari looked over to his wife- stunned at the fact noxta had said what she had just said.

"you are dismissed," ronal waved the teens away - not daring to look at them leave. ronal and tonowari had nothing else to say. almost as if noxta had gave them a reality check.

neteyam and s'more made their way to find noxta while tsireya had went to find lo'ak. tsireya was determined to tell lo'ak how she felt about him - to comfort him. she knew he had a strong heart, like he had been trying to show everyone else. others didn't care to listen but she knew she would - whenever he would need it.

s'more and neteyam made their way across the beach to meet up with noxta. she sat in the sand as the water crashed gently over her toes. "thank you for sticking up for my brother-" neteyam tried to thank her but she put her hand up to stop him from talking.

"this is not something to thank..." she trialed off. "...he simply just deserves better," her words were soft as she spoke of lo'ak. "I leave tomorrow evening. so, I thought I would do that for him," she murmured; pointing behind her. s'more smiled at her kindness and took a seat next to her.

"well, we appreciate you," she coo'd to noxta. neteyam agreed and took his seat on the other side of her. noxta in the middle of the both of them - she felt complete. she dreaded having to leave the next day. she had wished she had gotten to know them sooner. she had never met two souls quite like theirs before and it made her sad.

"I will miss you guys," a small smile formed its way onto her lips. s'more laid her head against her shoulder to comfort her.

"I think neteyam and I will miss you more," she sighed at the touch of s'more. her crush for her was very much still present but she knew her boundaries. s'more saw the biggest smirk play on neteyam's face which caused her to sit her head up with a puzzled look. "what neteyam?" she asked; raising her eyebrows.

"oh- oh nothing, just had a... idea," he stuttered. almost scared to say what was on his mind. noxta looked to him - wanting to know what it was. he sighed at the sight of both girls eying him. it made him feel things he knew he shouldn't feel. "okay-" he paused as he took a glance at them once more. "maybe we could do something special for you," he spoke up.

noxta laughed. "like what?"

s'more's eyes opened wide - putting together the pieces of what he had in mind. a sly smile appeared on her face at the thought. she knew neteyam was a crazy boy but she had never imagined this crazy.

"like..." his eyes met s'more's and that's when he knew she knew. so, he didn't hold back. he pulled noxta closer to his face; placing his lips on hers. she gasped at the sudden feeling and pulled away.

her eyes were wide open - scared of what s'more's reaction was going to be. but, to her surprise she was oddly pleased when s'more pulled her in for a kiss as well.

this was the thing i was talking ab... so next chapter is gonna be crazy 🤭🤭 hope y'all don't hate me too much, or i hope you find this likeable. i've personally just grown attached to noxta and wanted her to have a special moment ..

also, smore when she was human.. i was picturing her more to look like mia goth.. so just a suggestion.

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