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her pov

s'more connected her queue to the spirit tree - in hopes to see noxta in peace. her hand held tightly onto neteyam's for comfort as she felt herself drift off. she was met with quietness - entering a not so familiar place. s'more's feet trotted through the sand that sat in front of her. she had felt like she had been walking forever until she finally saw a blue figure sitting just inches away from her. her heart skipped a beat at the sight of noxta - she was well, breathing, alive. it was almost hard to believe that she was in fact still dead.

so, s'more swallowed the lump in her throat and finally approached her. "noxta?" noxta turned her head away from the ocean in front of her to allow herself to make eye contact with s'more. her lips curved up into a small smile at the sight of the girl with red eyes - happy to finally see her. noxta had known what her fate had been and she was well aware. she wasn't sad or scared anymore - she was in fact at peace. there was no war where she was at - no drama. her heart was finally able to rest.

"it's about time you came to see me," she laughed and stood up to get closer to s'more. "I was starting to think you had forgotten about me already," she teased. s'more shook her head at her with a smile before running up to her and engulfing her into a hug. s'more's cries were silent - her tears falling onto noxta's shoulder. "do not cry for me, s'more," she pulled away from her. "the sea takes," she put her hand up to her own heart. "so that the sea can give..." noxta's words were delicate as she spoke and she then placed her hand upon s'more's stomach in reference.

s'more joined noxta's hand on her stomach. "the sea gives," s'more repeated after noxta. she understood what she was saying and it made her heart heavy - in a good way. she felt a smile creep onto her face at the thought, her eyes watering with happy tears. "my girl," her fingers interlaced with noxta's. it was a bittersweet feeling - s'more knew everything happened for a reason. noxta dying - becoming pregnant, it all made sense now. this was how her story was supposed to go. some people were put in your life to teach you things - for lessons. noxta had been in her life to gift her the blessing of a new one.

"now, you better get going. I don't want to hog you up," noxta joked; wiping s'more's tears away with the pad of her thumb. "don't worry, I'll always be here - waiting for you," s'more nodded at her words and without another thought she felt herself disconnect from the spirit tree. she swam her way back up to the surface - neteyam meeting her there.

"how was it?" he asked; curious. s'more just smiled up at him - unable to speak. she could feel her heart yearning again; wishing noxta was actually here.

"it was...." she paused trying to find the words for her experience. "...untroubled," her voice was soft - she had found a word to describe. it had been calm, all her worries washed away once she entered into that world with noxta. she had even wished that she could join noxta where she was at but she knew that was a silly thought. s'more now had a family - a step further into her life. this is all she'd ever want for herself and she knew noxta was happy for her achievements.

s'more and neteyam made their way back to shore. it had been a month since the funeral - s'more was just now able to have the guts to see noxta which is why neteyam decided he would accompany her to do so - so that she wouldn't feel so anxious. s'more stomach also began to form a little bump, not big enough to see a difference but it was noticeable that she was pregnant. tuk ran up to them; greeting them. "hi, baby!" she hugged s'more's stomach. neteyam chuckled at the sight of s'more and tuk.

ever since tuk had known of s'more's pregnancy she had been stuck to s'more's hip. "let her breathe, tuk," neteyam jokingly warned. tuk rolled her eyes at her brother. tuk had genuinely been the most excited about the pregnancy - happy that there would be another being to play with. she also was excited that she wasn't going to be the youngest out of the family anymore.

but tuk chose to listen to neteyam. "fine," and she walked off to play with the kids her age. s'more sighed - her hand over her stomach.

s'more looked up at neteyam in awe. she had been the most in love with him as she'd ever been. she was thankful for him - he had matured into the man he needed to be for her; finally. there was no more worry with them. their relationship was technically perfect - they would say. "I love you," she coo'd, not breaking eye contact with him.

he smiled before pulling her into a kiss. "I love you... my strong, beautiful woman," he uttered against her lips. she let out a small giggle as she playfully hit him.

"you're so cheesy," she teased.

"only when it comes to you," he kissed the top of her forehead. it was the little things like this that made him all more grateful for her. as he would remember the times he wasn't able to kiss her because of her oxygen mask but now she had been everything he wanted and more. she could breathe his air now - kiss her lips anytime he wanted because nothing was holding him back from doing so anymore.

and not to mention - she was now even carrying his child, his heir. they were mated for life. they were like another Jake and neytiri all over again. neteyam smiled and grabbed onto s'more's hand; walking back to their family hut. they met with everyone - everyone had been in the hut for lunch; waiting on neteyam and s'more's arrival. "how was it, my child?" neytiri asked as she handed s'more a plate of food.

"perfect," was all she said in response. neytiri just nodded and told them to sit with the rest of the family.

"how is my grand child?" Jake butted in. neytiri smacked his arm; causing everyone to laugh. "what? i'm just asking," he teased with a chuckle.

s'more laughed along with them. "she is strong," she nodded. Jake smiled.

"I would assume so... you are her mother after all," he reassured her. neteyam then kissed the top of s'more's stomach before taking a bite of his food. s'more felt her heart flutter at the small gesture.

and now, she couldn't imagine anything better than this. nothing could ruin what she had right in front of her.

- happiness.

authors note; don't mind spelling errors !!

also, so cute right !? debating whether to make more chapters because i know y'all at least want one more smut scene lol!

also, my next book if i made one for lo'ak would be called consume! let me know if i should make one!..

also vote and comment ! thank y'all so much for 77k reads im speechless , i love you all sm

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