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s'more's pov

months later...

tsireya had finally come up with a name for our daughter. in honor of noxta and the great mother; eywa. she decided to name her, nox'wa. plain and simple, yet so much meaning. i practically she'd a tear when tsireya came running to inform me that she had found the name for her soon to be niece. neteyam instantly fell in love with it - it was all he could talk about. he was most excited for when she would be born so we could finally be able to name her as such.

and to his luck, the time had finally come.

my eyes fluttered open - it had been the middle of the night but my stomach had been killing me. i winced in agony as pains started to shoot down from my stomach to my pelvic area. i was laid next to neteyam so i quickly shook him awake. "neteyam- my stomach," i groaned; quietly. i didn't want to wake everyone else up. he sat up gently - trying to process what was happened. i then felt water trickle down in between my legs which indicated that my water had just broken. i gasped at the feeling - neteyam immediately shot up from his seat as he felt the water form underneath him.

"did your water just break?" he asked. i looked to him in an obvious state. he pursed his lips. "right, don't ask dumb questions... i'm sorry," he awkwardly laughed and moved the blanket from off of me. "let's get you to the water," he muttered.

in response to me groaning in pain - it had unfortunately woken tuk up. tuk's eyes squinted at neteyam and i - watching as he helped me outside of the hut. "where are you going?" she asked.

"the baby is coming," i murmured. i heard tuk gasp and that caused everyone else to awaken.

"oh man, she's coming?" lo'ak asked in a raspy voice. neteyam nodded.

"no time for talking, just come," neteyam ushered everyone out of the hut. everyone obeyed and followed us out to the ocean. lo'ak was still a bit tired but came to my other side to help lift me up more. i smiled at him - he was going to be an amazing uncle.

i sat into the water, allowing my lower half to be fully submerged. "you okay?" neteyam asked. i just nodded - the pain had subsided a bit but it was still very prominent. i sucked in a deep breath. i could feel her trying to make her way out - it was all happening so fast. i hadn't had time to realize that most of the metkayina clan had gathered to witness the birth of nox'wa.

this was a big moment for all of us. the birth of our first born daughter, the privilege to becoming a mother and a father. they were celebrating us. they held candles - holding them in their hands so that it lit up around us. neytiri made her way in front of me to help me with the birth. "hold her legs up for her," she insisted to neteyam and he agreed.

he come beside me holding one of my legs up - whilst holding onto my hand for support. i took a deep breath - the sudden movement from my leg caused nox'wa to drop down to my pelvic area and i could now feel her crowning my entrance. i screamed out in pain - it was time, i needed to push her out. "i want to help," tsireya shouted and made her way to the other side of me; lifting my other leg up. "my girl, i am here for you," she gave me a toothy smile but i had no time to return one - i was in too much pain.

"i have to push!" i groaned out in pain. neytiri just nodded, telling me to do so. i could feel everyone's eyes on me - chanting to eywa as i began to push. my grip on neteyam's hand tightened - the feeling of nox'wa ripping through me was enough for my fingernails to dig into neteyam's hand; drawing blood. but he didn't seem to mind - he hadn't even winced at the pain. he knew my pain was much more crucial than his so he had chose not to complain.

my head fell back with desperation to get her out. the pain in my stomach was unbearable. "i can not!" i cried out and stopped myself from pushing.

"you must! you are doing amazing!" neytiri tried to reassure me. i just pursed my lips and went back to trying to push her out. spider came up behind me - moving pieces of my hair away from my face.

"you got this, emma, you're strong," he praised me. he rubbed his hands over my forehead to get rid of some of the sweat that was forming. my eyes were squeezed shut trying my best to continue to push with all my strength. i appreciated spiders help but it had begun to get too hot - starting to get agitated.

with a final scream i felt the pressure in my bottom half release and a splash of water was heard. everyone fell silent. my head dropped onto the sand; tired. my chest breathed up and down trying to catch my breath. my grip on neteyam loosened as i felt him make his way toward neytiri. i heard small cries - her cries. it made my heart swarm with happiness; love. "you did great," tsireya kissed my cheek. i finally returned a toothy smile toward her before i saw neteyam pick nox'wa up above his arms.

"nox'wa!" he introduced her to the clan. neytiri covered her mouth to contain her smile but it was too visible not to see. the metkayina clan chanted back her name - in celebration of her life. i felt happy tears slide down my face from seeing how beautiful she was - neteyam laid her gently onto my chest.

her eyes were captivating. yellow like neteyam's but had hints of brown specks like my eyes from when i was human. "she has your eyes, tate," i coo'd looking up at him. he just reached down and kissed my lips.

"she is beautiful!" tsireya cried. she rubbed her hand gently over nox'wa's head. "just beautiful,"

"i am officially an uncle," spider chuckled - letting his finger be taken by nox'wa's hand. i sighed at the sight of everything. how happy everyone was - how this was the moment that fit all of the puzzle pieces together.

"i love you," neteyam murmured and rubbed his forehead against mine; connecting our noses together.

"i love you," my voice was weak but i made it a point to say it back.

"let me get a look at her," jake came up behind us with kiri by his side. i saw him smile down at us - kiri was crying from the ceremony. "my god, she looks just like you," he said in awe - referring to me. i just giggled.

"thank you," everything was so perfect. tuk came running up next to us - getting a good look at our daughter.

"oh my gosh, she is so cute- i am finally not the youngest- i am going to be the best big-" she ranted but jake picked her up to stop her from talking.

"give her some rest," jake chuckled down at tuk. she just rolled her eyes.

"i'm sorry, i am just so excited!" she defended herself with a giggle. jake just shook his head.

my attention was now back on nox'wa, everything was silent around me. all i saw was her - her and her beautiful eyes. my creation - my life - my whole reason to exist.

authors note; don't mind spelling errors (wrote this at work,) but there will be just a few more chapters or maybe even just one more!

nox'wa pronunciation (no-ah/noa)

but thank you sm for 90k reads im speechless , i love you all

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