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we found lo'ak safe and sound. the look on his face once he saw aonung again was filled with pure rage. my father had to stop lo'ak from charging at him. "let me have a look at you," he walked around lo'ak to see if he had any wounds - but lo'ak didn't break eye contact with aonung. he was sending daggers into his eyes. if lo'ak wasn't to get his revenge, I was, he wasn't going to keep getting away with things like this. "he's alright!" my mother walked up to lo'ak checking him out too, making sure he was alright. "I pray for the strength that I do not pluck the eyes out of my youngest son," she hissed as she went to grab his face but lo'ak surprisingly dodged it.

tonowari walked forward. "no," he pushed aonung's shoulder down causing him to kneel. which made me smile. aonung was finally going to get in trouble and serve the consequences of his actions. "the blame is his," my father let out a sigh of relief. probably thankful that he didn't have to scold lo'ak for the millionth time since we'd been here. until lo'ak stupidly stepped forward. "no, this wasn't aonung's fault," why was lo'ak so hard headed. I felt s'more grab onto my hand - looking up at me in a confused state. I was confused too, why had he stuck up for him? after all he had done. "I wanted to go out of the reef, aonung tried to talk me out of it,"

my father pinched the bridge of his nose as he grabbed lo'ak by the arm and dragged him off back to the hut. I followed along as s'more held loosely only my hand. "dad, you told me to make friends with these kids and thats all I was trying to-" lo'ak tried to justify himself but it was no use. I could tell my father had - had enough. "that's enough. you have brought shame to this family,"  my eyes widened at his words. I couldn't believe he had said such a thing. shame? he was just a kid; learning. lo'ak's eyes disocciated at his words. I pursed my lips in a thin line. I could see the emotion on lo'ak's face completely fade. "can I go now?" he asked.

"any more trouble and i'll knot your tail... you read me?" my father scolded once again. "yep, call me charlie," s'more hugged onto my arm watching the two of them in sadness. she was a sensitive girl and I knew she felt super bad about what had just happened to lo'ak. my father nodded for him to go and lo'ak walked off. I felt s'more let go of my arm. "I'm going to go talk with him," she reassured me and I just nodded before seeing her disappear into the distance. "where were you?" my mother caught me out of my daze. I looked up at her. was she really going to find a way to blame this on me? I had always taken the blame for everything. this blame should still be on aonung. "yeah, what happened to keeping an eye on your brother?" my father agreed. I just sighed not wanting to argue. "sorry, sir," and with a nod I walked off to find s'more and lo'ak.

I saw them talking with aonung by the edge of the water. my blood instantly started to boil as I quickly started to approached them. "haven't you done enough?" I pushed aonung back. s'more gasped at the sudden impact and went to stop me. "neteyam, calm down," her hands laid on my chest; holding me back. "bro, it's all good. swear." lo'ak spoke up to defend him. I scoffed. how could he be so forgiving toward him. he had been nothing but a bully, picking on kiri and s'more since the day we got here. and now lo'ak. "lo'ak-" I tried to get out but s'more grabbed onto my face to get me to look at her. "that's enough," she warned.

my gaze softened as I looked at her brown eyes. I did need to control my anger better around her but it was hard when the problem lived in the same village as us. she nodded to lo'ak and aonung before grabbing me by my hand and pulling me away from them. "you need to relax, tate," she pulled me all the way to our spot. I knew now what she was trying to do.

"sit," she told me; pointing to the ledge of the pond.  I complied and she took a spot next to me. "you need," she went to grab for my loincloth; undoing it. "a release," I sucked In a breath at the sudden moment. when had she gotten this bold? I chuckled as I watched her pull my bottoms all the way off. "what are you doing-" I was cut off by her lips wrapping around my length. I threw my head back in pleasure. I hadn't even noticed that she took her mask off - I was so caught up in thought, wondering what she was going to do. I was oblivious to the fact that she would actually be pleasing me with her mouth.

her head bobbed up and down as her tongue swirled around the tip. It was unbelievable how good she was at this. she had never even done this before, and she felt like a pro. "just like that, cookie," I moaned out. she hummed against me in response which just made me go even crazier from the vibrations of her mouth. she retracted her mouth from my length and replaced it with my lips. her kiss was rough but passionate. I had never seen her so eager and rough with me before. but I liked this side of her, maybe this was my new favorite. my hands reached for her neck; deepening the kiss. she quickly went back to erection - causing me to hit the back of her throat. I moaned as I felt closer to my release. I also wanted to hurry because I didn't know how much longer she could go without her oxygen mask. so I took her hair in my hands and began moving her head up and down to pick up the pace.

she gagged against me but she didn't seem to care. she just wanted to please me. I was hers, she was mine. so with just a couple more whimpers and moans, I finally felt the pressure in my stomach release and fill her mouth. a sigh of satisfaction left my lips as I watched her put her mask back on - and swallow what I had released into her mouth. "did you like that?" she asked. she rubbed my thighs trying to calm me down from my high but her touching me was just going to make me want her again. so I put my hands over hers. "I loved that,"



sorry I just love smut

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