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"this way," i pulled neteyam by his hand. after dinner i had convinced him that now was the time. i couldn't wait any longer. i had been frustrated all day, and i needed him. i had led us to a near by pond that was surrounded by trees; blocking off the rest of the village. it was secluded enough - where we could have the perfect amount of alone time.

i wanted this to be the best night of his life. i also wanted it to be mine, but i cared about him more. "i had wondered what was up with you today," i heard him snicker from behind me. i rolled my eyes. his voice killed me - sent vibrations through my body like no other being could ever do. if i was to pick to only listen to one sound for the rest of my life, it would be his voice.

his accent, his tone, nothing could get any better than him. we eventually arrived at our designated place. my heart was being so far out of my chest; i was nervous. i took a deep breath, feeling his eyes staring at my body. "are you sure you want-" i put my hand up to silence him. how could he ask such a question, i had been practically dying to feel him for past few months and now was the perfect time. i was going to follow through with it.

"yes, more than ready," i walked up to him - placing my hand on his heart. which was at the exact same speed as mine. we were soulmates, no one could tell me any different. i felt his hands glide up my arms softly, grabbing onto the straps of my shirt to take it off.

once he did so, he tilted my face up - so that my eyes could capture his yellow ones. "i see you," his hands grabbed onto my oxygen mask. i had gotten the memo he was going to take it off so i quickly sucked in a breath. i could never get bored of his face. he was the most handsome boy i had ever laid my eyes on and he only had eyes for me.

he placed a chaste kiss against my lips. the feeling inbetween my thighs immediately got worse. his lips traveled down toward my neck; leaving love bites. i had never done this before but i was determined to try my best. he picked me up in his arms - catching me by surprise. i quickly attached my lips to his again, i was done with this slow burning desire. i wanted him now. his tongue swiped over the bottom of my lip so he could casually make his way to taste the inside of my mouth.

his arms were wrapped tightly around me; whimpers escaping his lips. my hands played loosely in his braided hair, i was hoping i would find a way to get him even closer than he already was. "i'm going to put your mask back on now," he murmured as he pulled away from our heated kiss. i just nodded, trying to agree to whatever he said so i could get to feel him sooner.

he put my mask back on me; standing me to my feet. he began untying his loincloth that hung around his waist. "get your bottoms off and get in the water," he pointed his head in the direction of the pond - demanding for me to do so. i gulped at his sudden lower tone of voice. it almost made my knees go weak just by the sound of it. but i complied and did as told, i dipped my toes in the warm pond water as i waited for him to finish doing what he was doing.

"what do you want me to do in here?" i asked. he made his way towards me - the water only reaching up just below our waist. he didn't answer but instead pushed on my back so that i laid over the edge of the pond wall. my eyes were wide open, he had gotten so full of himself already. taking all control of what was about to happen. he kissed the back of my shoulder and ran his hand slowly down my back. he was driving me absolutely crazy.

"are you comfortable?" i turned my head to look back at him and i just nodded. i was at a loss for words. i felt the tip of him at my entrance. we were doing it like this? his thumbs rubbed gently against my back dimples as he slowly entered me. i winced in pain at the sudden feeling but i didn't mind it. it had felt way better than my dream. my hands gripped onto the grass in front of me. "neteyam-" i was breathless as he began picking up the pace. the pond water splashing in waves as a response.

he eventually laid his body on top of mine so that we were closer. his lips nipping my earlobe - moans escaping his mouth. my hands didn't know what to do with themselves, so they eventually grabbed the back of him causing him to go deeper. i let out a gasp at the sudden feeling. i couldn't believe we were actually doing this. it felt so right, so amazing. "i'm yours, neteyam," i whimpered. his lips connected to the back of my neck at the shaky sound of my words.

"cookie-i-" he grunted before he could finish his sentence and i felt pressure release into me. in response to the feeling i released as well. my body shaking with adrenaline and his body rapidly breathing to catch his breath. the pond water had finally stilled, and his body laid loosely on mine. "i love you," he murmured once he had relaxed. my hands rubbed up and down his arms as they were hung around me.

this moment was perfect, the after effects of finally feeling each other for the first time. nothing could beat this. "i could stay like this forever," he quietly laughed at my breathless state. and in my heart, we had mated for life.


does this make me a furry? if it does idc because tbh all of us technically are since we find blue aliens attractive anyway 🤭

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