2. Talk Over Dinner

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"They are absolutely horrible at keeping secrets," Wednesday muttered as she and Xavier headed wandered throughout the halls to get dinner.

Xavier shrugged. "Eh, I mean, Ajax is pretty cool with keeping things that he promised to keep secrets. I guess Enid has kinda worn him out, though, after the whole Nightshades situation."

They walked in silence for a few minutes before Xavier started talking again.
"So, uh, how was your break? I'm sorry we didn't really get to catch up earlier."

Wednesday glanced over at the angsty boy. "It was absolutely repulsing. I've never understood the excitement around a fat old man who creeps into your house at midnight in a soft red suit to give gifts to greedy, angry children. Christmas is my least favorite holiday. The only things I enjoy about it are the deathly cold frost-bite and occasional spell of sadness."

Xavier couldn't help but chuckle. "You certainly have your unpopular opinions; that's for sure. At least you got to see your family, right?"

Wednesday stared and nodded. "Yes, all but  my Uncle Fester. He is on the run right now. My father believes him to be in Costa Rica."

The boy's eyebrow's furrowed. "Your... Uncle Fester? Didn't you mention him back a few months ago when you and Enid were still fighting?"

The girl found it more-so unenjoyable that he'd chosen to bring up the fight between her and Enid. "Yes. Did you get to see your father over the break?"

The two finally made it to the dining hall and Xavier scanned the room, trying to figure out a place where he and Wednesday could sit alone and unbothered.

Wednesday began staring at him intensely. "Hello? Xavier? Are you a vision of some sort? Should I call the police? If you continue staring into the void of humans surrounding us, I will haunt you in your sleep."

The artist turned back to face the raven, still a little unfocused. "Hmmm? Oh, yeah I did." He couldn't help but scoff out a laugh. "And you've been haunting my dreams for months, Wednesday. That's nothing new to me. Where do you wanna sit?"

Wednesday gazed around the room. "We can take our food to the pentagon. No one will bother us there. Let's go," she told him, walking over to the large-style buffet.

As the girl got her food, the boy's words echoed in her mind.
You've been haunting my dreams for months, Wednesday. That's nothing new to me.

What could Xavier have meant? The last she'd heard, he'd been watching out for her and slightly taken interest after the Rave'N. That's why he'd painted her with her cello. It had to be... right?


After the two had gotten their food, they headed to the quad in silence. Xavier wasn't quite sure what to say, and Wednesday was still confused at what he'd been implying.

The boy couldn't handle the awkward silence anymore. "So, uh, why was your uncle here last semester anyways?"

The noirette's eyes flickered back onto the boy. "He was in for business. Unfortunately, it was perfect timing. He saved Thing's life."

Xavier couldn't help but smile. "That's great, Wednesday. I'm glad he was here. Did Thing come back with you?"

Wednesday glared at her plate. "No. I had to threaten to cut him in half for him to stay in New Jersey."

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't you want him to come back? I love him! He got me out of that frickin' cop car!"

Wednesday gave the boy a strange look. "He is nosy and half of the time, disloyal. And I told him no birthday party under the penalty of death. Thing can't obey someone, even if his life depends on it. I'm doing him a favor."

Xavier rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I guess you two have that in common. No wonder you're related," he joked.

"If you were wise, you would close your mouth. I have my pocket mace on me, and I'm not afraid to use it. Even on you, Xavier," the girl admitted.

"Okay, that's not fair. If you could get away with it, you'd use that thing on everyone. And, hey! I thought we were friends! You already put me in jail once!" Xavier exclaimed sarcastically.

"Many say second and third try are the charms, and just because we are friends doesn't mean I can't use my pocket mace on you," The raven told the boy, glaring at him as if she were a bull and he were the color red.

The artist looked into her eyes and held his stomach from the fit of laughter that had attacked him. "Oh my god! You know, you're cute when you get mad and start lying!"

Wednesday's eye twitched for a moment after hearing Xavier's last sentence. He'd just called her cute. She prayed on her dead scorpion's soul that didn't mean he was flirting with her.

It was a good thing Wednesday's scorpion was long gone and six feet under.

The girl had no filter, so she was pushed to ask the question that had been bugging her the entire night. "What did you mean by saying I have been haunting your dreams?"

Xavier had a sly little smirk on his face as he answered, "You know... when you think about someone, they invade your dreams. It's not exactly easy to just forget about the girl who put you in jail."

Wednesday felt as if she were smiling on the inside, but continued cubically staring at the boy. "I'm serious, Xavier."

Xavier smiled at his friend. "You always are.  I meant it like I said it, Wednesday. There's really not that much to it," he lied.

The girl let out a sigh of relief. "You are a piece of work, Xavier Thorpe."

The boy shook his head in defense, chuckling. "Not nearly as much as you are! You won't even answer a text!"

Wednesday looked at him in the way she had when he's said goodbye just a few weeks prior. "I'm not going to become a slave to technology just for you, Xavier."

Xavier smiled back. "Yeah, I know... That's why I'm gonna put Enid and Bianca and whoever else's numbers you want in your phone. Maybe then you'll actually respond," he said with a quick wink.

Wednesday was taken aback. Had he really just winked at her?

"You will do no such thing. You are evil for buying me that device, Xavier! You should be put in an insane asylum like my cousin," the girl joked in defense.

The boy rolled his eyes. "Pffffft. I'm totally gonna do it. If only Thing were here, he would help me."

"You are determined and hard-headed, Xavier Thorpe. I'll have to lock the small device in a box and throw it into the pond," Wednesday fought back.

Xavier leaned in closer to her face, with his hands on his knees. "Like you could ever pull that off without getting caught," he told Wednesday, looking deep into her eyes.

"I assure you I will." The girl taunted back.

"Nope. I promise, I'm gonna stop you before you can do anything," the boy declared.

I am officially screwed Wednesday thought to herself.

He's going to be watching me like how Weeems was with me last semester.

Xavier won't let me throw that cursed cellular device away.

Perhaps I will be able to throw him off my trail with coffee grounds, like Tyler did with his father.

I will not let Xavier and his evil cell phone win me over. I am determined to stay his friend and win this deceptive game.

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