1. She's Back

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Wednesday Addams stalked through the brisk, dark doors of Nevermore Academy.
The break after classes were cancelled had been extensively boring and somehow, she found herself grateful to be back in the educational pit of despair.

Even though the students had only been away a few weeks, much had changed. A new principal and botanical sciences teacher had been appointed.

It was unfortunate not having Principal Weems around, but all of the students were greatly relieved Laurel Gates was gone.

Wednesday only texted Xavier once over the five week break, preferring to keep her own thoughts to herself and continue her adoration of not becoming a slave to technology.

Xavier couldn't help but smile when he saw her walk into the school. He'd arrived two days earlier because his father had to leave home early for a show he was filming.

"Wednesday, hey, I didn't know you were coming back," Xavier commented, trying not to show how ecstatic he was she'd decided to come back for the second semester.

"You shouldn't look so surprised. Feeling too much emotion can cause extreme stress which leads to death at an earlier age. Although I can see why you would want to die young. The boredom of old age seems to be unfavorable," The noirette retorted back.

Xavier shot her a face that blatantly stated This conversation is ridiculous. "Well I would've known if you'd actually answered one of my texts. Seriously, what's it gonna take with you to answer one question?"

"OMG! WEDNESDAY!" Enid Sinclair squealed, rushing down the staircase. The blonde ran over to her best friend and engulfed the smaller girl's body into a hug. "I've missed you so effing much! We have SO MUCH to talk about!"

Xavier frowned as he watched Enid excitedly whisk Wednesday away to their dorm. If only he was allowed on the girl's wing of dorms, then he could catch up with his friend.

Screw it the artist thought to himself. I really wanna talk to her- "Xavier, man! How are you?" A familiar voice asked. Xavier turned around to find Ajax Petropolus standing with his bags. "Eh, I'm okay. Can we catch up later? I was kinda gonna go talk to Wednesday."

Ajax shrugged. "Sure thing. Good luck with that, though. Enid seems pretty determined to spend the next week with Wednesday alone. Apparently there's a lot to talk about," he muttered.

Xavier frowned. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Need any help with your stuff?"
Ajax gave a grateful smiled. "Yeah, dude. That'd be awesome."


Wednesday was absolutely horrified when she walked into her dorm. Enid had sprinkled her side of the room with even more colors than the semester prior. She refrained from commenting on the fact, though, because she didn't want to take the chance of hurting her best friend's feelings.

Enid plopped onto her bed, holding one of her many stuffed animals close to her chest as she sighed romantically. "This semester is going to be amazing! No crazy strict principal keeping tabs on us and no evil monsters to fight!" A little frown appeared on her lips. "I will miss Weems, though. She really understood us."

Wednesday began unpacking her belongings, starting with one of her most prized possessions, her typewriter. "She was stubborn and obsessive. I respect that. I must admit this semester will be boring. I will miss having a mystery to solve."

Enid shrugged. "There'll always be a mystery to solve at Nevermore. Even if it is what's in the cafeteria food," she said with a giggle and a shrivel of her nose.

Wednesday remained silent, unpacking her black sweaters and leather jacket.

Enid couldn't refrain asking, "So, what's up with you and Xavier?"

Wednesday looked over at the girl with a stern and confused look on her face. "What do you mean? Xavier and I are friends."

Enid rolled her eyes and sat up enthusiastically. "Come on, Wednesday! You can't be that blind! He was absolutely freaking out when you hadn't gotten away from Crackstone and is literally obsessed with you!"

Wednesday found Enid's comments unamusing and focused back on unpacking. "There's nothing going on between us, Enid. Just because he bought me a phone doesn't mean we are being considered in what you call a 'talking' phase."

The werewolf''s jaw dropped. "XAVIER BOUGHT YOU A PHONE?! And you didn't tell me?!"

Wednesday was officially screwed. "Yes, he did, and he gifted it to me the day we left for break. There was nothing to tell you. Besides, you were already on your way back to California."

Enid hopped off of her bed and started pacing around the room with excitement. "Oh my god. He is effing in love with you, Wednesday! Do you know how much phones cost?!"

Wednesday looked at her best friend. "You are being senseless, Enid. Xavier's family is disgustingly rich. I am sure it was no trouble for him to buy something for a friend as an act of..." The girl found utter distaste in the next word she muttered. "kindness."


After Xavier helped Ajax move his bags into the dorm they were now sharing, Xavier couldn't help but ask a question.

"Hey, do you think you can try to distract Enid or something so I can talk to Wednesday?"
Ajax smiled, knowing Xavier had feelings for the psychic. "I'll try my best, dude."

The two headed in unison to the girl's dorm, even though they knew they weren't allowed there.

With a quick knock on a door, Enid appeared in front of them. "Ajax! Xavier! What are you guys doing here?! Quick, come in before one of the dorm moms catches you!"

The boys wandered into the room, and as soon as Xavier spotted Wednesday, he flashed her a more-than-friends 'friendly' smile.

Ajax turned around to talk to Enid. Since they were officially dating, he decided he'd ask her out to dinner. "So, Enid, do you wanna eat out tonight? I heard the new principal's pretty lenient."

The gorgon's girlfriend flashed him a joy-filled smile. "Omg, I'd love to!" Enid paused for a moment before turning back to Ajax, her eyes flickering in between Wednesday and Xavier. "Can Wednesday and Xavier come too? It can be like a double date!"

Xavier was left speechless, but Wednesday was quick to reject the offer. "The last time I went on a date, it was with a homicidal monster. I woefully decline your offer."

"Yeah, and we're not dating, so it doesn't really make sense for us to go with you guys anyways," Xavier commented, defending his friend.

Wednesday stared at him intensely. "I agree with Xavier, except on the eating part. The drive from New Jersey was absolute torture. I am parched."

A lightbulb went off in Xavier's mind. "We can go get some and let them go out if you want," he said with a small smile.

"Let's go," Wednesday agreed, walking towards the door.

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "We're going now?" He asked.

Wednesday turned around and simply stared. "Yes."

His lips curled into a flirty smile. "Fine, but we're taking our time. I'm in no rush to get back to my dorm."

Wednesday continued staring. "You have a deal. Come, let's leave."

Ajax nudged Xavier as he left the room. "Have fun with your 'friend' tonight," he said, teasing.

Enid giggled and pitched in. "Yeah, have fun, lovebirds!" She called, purposefully loud enough for Wednesday to hear.

So this is what a living hell feels like Wednesday thought to herself.

They aren't going to give up until something happens between Xavier and I.

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