9. Heartbreaking Vulnerability

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While Enid and Xavier were talking outside of the dining hall, Wednesday was dealing with her own problems.

Just after she'd texted Enid back, she spotted a familiar hand across the room. Thing. He'd somehow made his way back to Nevermore. The raven angrily got up out of her seat and stalked over toward the chatty appendage. 

"Thing," she growled under her breath. The hand quickly realized Wednesday was walking and scurried away, out the door.

Thing ran to Enid for protection as Wednesday lunged for him. 

Xavier quickly placed his hands on the violent girl's waist and pulled her back so she couldn't hurt her family member.

Wednesday desperately yearned to attack Thing but wasn't so sure about what to do with Xavier's hands on her waist. The boy's action had caught her off guard.

"Wednesday, whoa, chill out!" Xavier exclaimed. The girl glared daggers at the boy.

Enid smirked at her two flirtatious friends. "Wednesday, leave Thing alone! He just wanted to be with his friend again. Your attempts of killing him are offensive!" She scolded.

"This has nothing to do with offensive actions, Enid. This is a family matter and the punishment of disobedience and disloyalty," Wednesday retorted back.

Enid crossed her arms with Thing on her shoulder. "He isn't disloyal to me. You're being too insensitive. We've talked about this! Thing and I will see you later. Take your time coming back to the dorm... you obviously need some time to cool down."

Wednesday glared as she saw her two best friends wander away. 

Xavier then pulled her back closer to him, swiftly making her face him. "She's right, ya know? Thing isn't disloyal. After all, he's the one who rescued me from that cop car."

"I took an arrow that you shot; Thing did not," Wednesday reminded Xavier.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Okay, but he wasn't the one who framed me for murder."

The noirette glared at him. "If you keep living in the past, you will get lost in your own mind. What a shame it would be not to have your senseless humor around anymore."

Xavier stared at Wednesday intensely. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"You wanted to talk to me about getting lost in your mind?" She questioned.

He shook his head with a grin. "No, getting stuck in the past."

Wednesday stared at Xavier, patiently waiting in silence for more context.

"Look... I know James told you that Mila and I used to talk, but that was two and a half years ago. Enid said you might feel threatened by her or something... and I just wanted to let you know, Mila and I are just friends. I mean, hardly even that anymore. I haven't spoken to her in over two years," said the artist.

Wednesday nodded. "Because of Bianca."

Xavier frowned. "Huh? What does this have to do with Bianca? She's dating Lucas."

"You stopped talking to Mila because of Bianca," the noirette commented.

The boy shook his head. "Nuh-uh. I stopped talking to Mila because I lost interest. She was nice, but I didn't really see a future with her."

"No. Mila said she stopped talking to you because Bianca belittled her," said the girl, deadpan.

Xavier shook his head once more. "Look, none of that matters anymore," he said, taking the girl's hand into his own, "You're the one that I want a future with, Wednesday. I don't know how else to show you that I mean it."

"You do not need to show me anything, Xavier. Mila is interested in you," Wednesday reminded him. 

Xavier's level of patience lowered by the second. "I don't care if Mila's interested in me. I'm interested in you. Will you please just tell me how you feel?"

Wednesday's eyes moved from the boy's face to the floor as she simply pulled her hand from his and began walking away.

Xavier wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. "Wednesday! Hey! That's not fair! You've gotta answer my question!"

The girl's legs started moving at a faster pace. She thought she'd finally escaped the emotional bear trap, but then Xavier found a shortcut and gave her a jump scare only a few minutes from her dorm.

The boy quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.

Wednesday's heart had never beat so fast in her entire lifespan.

He is too close. What if he tries to kiss me? I can not resist. I have feelings for him too!
I have to resist! I have to try to resist this loving death trap!

"Wednesday, I'm not leaving until you tell me how you feel. I can't move on until I know you don't feel the same way," Xavier said, with the most heartbreaking vulnerability.

Wednesday's mind pondered the many ways she could respond. 

If you were in a swimming pool, I would hesitate to send the entire population of piranas to murder you.

Feelings are for the weak. The only thing that has ever made me weak, besides my pet scorpion's murder and attempted murder of Thing, is being in close proximity to you.

Your eyes shine like a dead bird's. They are irresistible and incredibly pestering.

You would be the last human I would torture to death if it came down to it.

Instead of responding with something thoughtful, Wednesday decided to go with a more distant approach.

"My interest in a relationship is subtly reciprocated, but too many problems lie in our way. This is not the right place or time. We must remain friends, and not hesitate to find interest in others," she retorted.

Before walking away, Wednesday gave Xavier a quick peck on the cheek, making them both blush.

"I'll wait for you, Wednesday. I'm not interested in anyone other than you, and I intend on keeping it that way," Xavier mumbled softly, but loud enough for the girl to hear it.

Wednesday turned back around for one quick moment. "I appreciate your boldness, but I can not make any life-long promises tonight. Perhaps one day, but not now. Goodnight, Xavier."

"Goodnight, Wens," Xavier whispered back. 

Another thing that caught the girl off guard. "Wens? I am not partial to nicknames."

The boy chuckled softly. "It'll catch on, you'll see. Goodnight, Wednesday."

Wednesday walked back up to the boy, quickly pecking him on the cheek once again. "Goodnight, Xavier."

Xavier placed his hands on her waist and kissed her forehead. 

Wednesday glared at him. "I do not need my affectionate, and rather intrusive, actions reciprocated."

Xavier smirked playfully. "I know, Wens. But I'm gonna do it anyways. Besides, if you haven't noticed, I'm really good at flirting."

"I can assure you I do not reciprocate your interest because of your flirting," Wednesday commented.

The gangly boy leaned over her. "Oh, I think you do a little, though."

"No. You are much more interesting without impulsive statements," the girl muttered.

Xavier stared at Wednesday with a pure smile overtaking his face. "Goodnight, Wens."

"Devious nightmares, Xavier."

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