42. Fire Alarm

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"Wednesday!" Xavier shouted as soon as he saw her making her way down the spiral staircase into the Nightshades Library.

Xavier ran over to her and scooped her up into his arms, holding her tighter than ever before as he whispered, "This is gonna be our night, Addams. Once everything is over, we can officially be together."

"Xavier, put me down," replied Wednesday. "There is much work still to be done, and we don't have time to reminisce on the days at the sheriff's house."

Xavier somehow managed to hug her even tighter. "Yeah, I know, I know. But I've missed you."

"I've missed you too- beyond what I even thought was possible- but we can talk about this later. You have to go pull the fire alarm," Wednesday replied.

Xavier quickly set Wednesday back down on her feet. "So-- uh-- what exactly is your plan? You didn't really tell me anything over the phone."

Wednesday stared into his eyes as she told him, "You have to sneak upstairs and pull the fire alarm. Do not let anyone catch you; Otherwise, you will be sabotaging the mission."

"Okay..." replied Xavier. "Where do you want me to meet you after I pull it?"

"You aren't. Once you pull it, you need to go pick up Enid, Ajax, and Sheriff Galpin from his house. If my suspicions are correct, we may need them once all is said and done. Do you understand?" asked Wednesday

Xavier nodded. "Yeah. How-- You know-- What-- What are you planning to do to them? I mean, I know they've caused us harm and rough patches before, but... are you going to kill them?"

"No. I can not share details with you because of how risky it is, but the odds are in our favor. Now go! We don't have time to wait!" exclaimed Wednesday.

Xavier nodded once more. "Yeah, I will in a sec. Just one more question, please?!"

"Fine. What are you so eager to be enlightened about?" asked Wednesday.

Xavier anxiously scratched the back of his neck. "How did you get Zachary to drop out of your plan? I thought you said he'd do anything for you."

"He would," Wednesday agreed, "but he became frantically emotional once I brought up the subject of his father possibly being killed tonight. Besides, if he had been in on my plan any longer I believe I may have strangled him to death-- quite literally. He would not stop talking about how much he loved me and wanted what was best for me."

Xavier frowned. "He's still in love with you?"

"Yes," said Wednesday. "He is far worse than you ever were when you were stalking me last semester."

Xavier's jaw dropped in shock. "I was not stalking you!"

"We both know you were, Xavier. You wouldn't have known that Gargoyle was going to smash me because of Rowan if you had not been following me," replied Wednesday.

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Okay, to be fair, that was only because I was worried he was gonna try to kill you and you can't blame me for trying to--"

"I did not say I was mad at you for it," Wednesday intervened. "Go pull the fire alarm. I will see you after I finish off the old men."

Xavier shook his head with a sly grin. "That sounds really weird, Wednesday."

"It is weird," Wednesday agreed, "but that does not make it less sweet. This vengeance has been pestering me since I first met the Chapman family."

"Fair enough," agreed Xavier. 

"I'm gonna go now, but I'll see you after the war. Be careful, Wednesday. You mean the world to me," Xavier whispered before kissing her on the cheek. 

Wednesday quickly kissed him back on the cheek in return. "Be smart, Xavier. We are in this together."

"See you soon!" Xavier exclaimed before disappearing back onto the main level of the academy.


As soon as the fire alarm started blaring, Zachary Chapman ran for his life.

Unfortunately, his father and Mr. Anderson had made it. "Son, you called two days ago and the message you left was concerning. Why have you called us here?"

Zachary shook his head immediately. "I... I didn't mean to! It was a prank call, and.... and...."

"He's lying," growled Timothy Anderson.

"Why did you call us here, Zach?" asked Mr. Chapman.

Zachary shook his head. "I just... I just wanted you to know, Mila's in trouble. She's dealing with shit at that school you sent her to."

Mr. Anderson glared at Mr. Chapman. "Really, Mike?! I thought we agreed the girl should have no communication with the others!" 

Michael Chapman frowned. "We did, Tim. I didn't give her any means of communication, and I know my boy here is lying to us. 

"Oh!" shouted Principal Opal. "Mr. Chapman! Would you mind going into the school to see where the fire is?! The sheriff hasn't arrived yet!"

Mr. Chapman nodded. "Of course, ma'am. Come on, Tim. We can do some investigating of our own."

He then turned to look at Zachary. "Stay here, son. We'll talk later."

Little did they know, Timothy Anderson and Michael Chapman were walking into a set trap.

As soon as the two old men were gone, Zachary's eyes widened as he realized what was happening.

They'd been set up by none other than Wednesday Addams.

This was his moment to choose a side, and he wasn't going to.

Zachary was choosing peace... or so he believed.

He quickly ran to the only place he knew Wednesday could be hiding out: the old art shed. Xavier's old art shed.

Once Zachary got closer to the other side of campus, he spotted a shadow and assumed it was the girl. "Wednesday!" He shouted.

To his dismay, it was not Wednesday Addams. 

It was her previously believed-to-be lover, Xavier Thorpe.

"What are you doing here?!" exclaimed Zachary.

"Not now, man! I have stuff to deal with!" Xavier quickly replied.

"Where's Wednesday?!" Zachary shouted.

"What?" Xavier huffed back.

"Where's Wednesday?!" Zachary shouted again. "What did you do to her?!"

"Huh?" Xavier asked, ridiculously confused.

"Where is she, jackass?!" Zachary slurred. "How long have you been here?!"

"I dunno where she is, and I just got here, and now I'm leaving! Leave me alone, Chapman! You don't belong here!" Xavier shouted back.

"FUCKING HELL!!" Zachary shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I KNEW YOU TWO WERE TOGETHER!" The boy shouted as he lunged to fight Xavier.

Xavier didn't know what to do in the moment, but he knew he should try to get away.

But this was for Wednesday.

Was he supposed to fight or go get Enid and Ajax and bring them back to Nevermore?

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