40. Deceitful Lies

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"Zachary," Wednesday whispered in the middle of the night. 

It was dark and cold. The last person Zachary Chapman thought he would ever hear from was Wednesday Addams. He really didn't expect to hear her in his dorm room at night.

"Wednesday?" asked the boy. "What are you-- Why are you here?"

"I came back because I made a mistake running away. I need your help," Wednesday whispered.

Zachary sat up and stared at the girl who stood by his nightstand. "You want my help?! You held a fucking gun to my head!"

"That was not personal," Wednesday said in defense. "Your father and his sorry excuse of a partner in crime would have murdered my friends. It was holding a gun to your head and acting as if I would shoot it or let all of my friends be taken captive. I had no choice."

"Shouldn't you be in paradise with your best friends if you got them out of dying by the hand of my father? I'm surprised you're not with Xavier right now taking things to the next level," Zachary replied bitterly.

"I am not with Xavier," Wednesday lied. "He is far too emotional and childish. He does not take things in the level of seriousness they deserve, but you do. That is why my friends are not here. You are the only one I could go to. I will be surprised if I ever see them again. They have strong intentions of never coming back to Nevermore."

"I always thought you and Xavier had something for each other," Zachary replied quietly. "And when you broke up with me and Mila broke up with him, I guess I just... I dunno, I thought you made the best out of it. I'm sorry."

"You have no reason to apologize," Wednesday retorted. "Are you willing to help me or not?"

Zachary nodded firmly. "Of course I will, Wednesday..." He didn't know if he should say the next sentence, but it was far too deep inside his heart. "I'll do anything for you. I'm still in love with you."

 Wednesday blinked harshly, speechless. 

Zachary slowly stood up next to her, took her hand, and kissed it. "I'm sorry for the differences we've had, Wednesday. I haven't been the person that you met originally. I wasn't lying when I said I don't judge outcasts, but my father is mentally ill. He thinks you all deserve to die. He sent me here to spy on everyone- you especially. But I only agreed to come here because you were here. I thought maybe, just maybe, you would give me a real chance. But when everything happened in the caves, I freaked out. I thought I would never see you again, and I started isolating myself from everyone. My dad sent Mila away, and I haven't seen her in weeks. But now that you're back, I have a better feeling about things. Maybe we can turn everything around, and we can help rescue Mila from boarding school. Is it possible... that maybe... maybe you can give me another chance? To show you who I really am?"

"I want to watch your father suffer and I want everyone to know what he has done," Wednesday replied. "Your apology is understood, but this isn't about romance, Zachary. I did not come back here for you. I came back here because I need to finish what I started."

Zachary nodded. "And I get that, but... are you still... are you still willing to give me another chance in that way? Even if it isn't on purpose?"

"I make no promises," Wednesday replied. "You have proven yourself to not be fully trustworthy in the past, and I do not forget past experiences."

Zachary nodded once more. "Thanks, Wednesday. I've missed you. What can I do to help with your plan?"

"We must figure out a way for you to lure your father and Timothy Anderson back to Nevermore without them knowing I am here. All of the other outcasts need to be gone because it's not safe with them here. But first, I need your help clearing my name with Principal Opal, and your father and Timothy can't know that I am here," said Wednesday.

Zachary nodded slowly. "Yeah... yeah, I can do that. Should we go to the principal now?"

"No. We should wait until tomorrow," replied Wednesday.

Zachary nodded with the world's smallest smile. "You shouldn't take the chance of going back to your dorm. You can crash here tonight."

"You do not have a spare bed," Wednesday replied blatantly.

"You can sleep with me if you want," Zachary replied hopefully.

"I will sleep on the floor," replied Wednesday. 

"It's not that big of a deal, Wednesday. It's just one night," Zachary said with an eye roll.

"I am not sleeping with you," Wednesday replied, deadpan.

Zachary rolled his eyes once more. "I meant by the end of the bed, dingbat. I'm not gonna let you sleep on the floor."

"No. I want to sleep on the floor," Wednesday replied.

Zachary firmly shook his head. "Nope, I'm not letting that fly. I'll sleep on the floor and you can take the bed."

"Finally, we come to an agreement," Wednesday muttered. "You can take the floor."

Zachary then realized he actually had to sleep on the floor. "Perfect. Sleep well, Wednesday."

"I hope you sleep on pins and needles," Wednesday replied.


"Zachary, wake up," Wednesday said, kicking him in the side. "We have to go to Principal Opal before everyone else roams throughout the halls.

"Good morning to you too," Zachary said with a yawn.

About ten minutes after he woke up, he said, "Let's go."

"Principal Opal," Zachary addressed the woman before entering her office, "There's someone here to... uhhh... hash out differences with the school. I'm kinda here with them."

"Yes, please do come in, Mr. Chapman, with your guest as well," the principal replied.

A dark shadow passed over Principal Opal's face as Wednesday entered the room. "Miss Addams, I see you found your way back to the academy."  

She then turned to Zachary. "Mr. Chapman, would you like me to notify your father of the mischief's arrival?" 

Zachary shook his head. "I... I didn't tell you before, Principal Opal, but I was there, and Wednesday didn't do anything wrong. It was the others. Xavier, Ajax, and Enid. Wednesday was waiting for me outside. My dad... well he just doesn't like Wednesday very much if that tells you anything, and he... he sort of lied to you because he thought it would be better for me to stay away from her."

"Oh," Principal Opal said with a light sigh. "I see. I did not realize such young love was present between the two of you. I understand. I will not notify your father."

She then turned back to Wednesday. "I do dearly apologize for the misunderstanding, Wednesday. I hope you'll find that Nevermore is still the perfect fit for you, with your lover here and all. Have a good day, dears. I will make sure the teachers and students are notified of the misconception of what happened the other week."

Wednesday nodded. "Thank you, Principal Opal."

"Yeah, thank you, really. This is the best thing that could ever happen," Zachary told the principal.

As soon as the two got out of the office, Zachary smothered Wednesday with a bear hug. "You're back, Wednesday, and you're safe now too!"

"Yes," Wednesday replied in a dark voice, "I am."

She couldn't believe the entire school would be fooled into the notion that she and Zachary were... lovers

He was the very opposite of what she desired as a lover,

because he was the exact opposite of Xavier.

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