16. Double Interrogation

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A week after Wednesday told Xavier about the missing outcasts, Zachary asked her on a double date with Xavier and Mila. She reluctantly agreed to go.

Enid walked with Wednesday to the front gates of Nevermore to the bus, where Wednesday would be meeting Xavier to head into Jericho to meet the Chapmans for their double date. 

Enid couldn't stand hearing about the double date. "Why can't you guys just break up with them?! I seriously don't get how they're so important to your plan!" The werewolf groaned.

Wednesday stared back at her best friend. "They are our way in. It is a simple plan to stick to; Xavier asks Mila about their deep connections in Jericho and I ask the same questions to Zachary." 

"That doesn't mean you guys have to date them," Enid remarked with an eye roll.

Wednesday sighed. "It is too late to change that small aspect of the plan now."

"Wednesday, hey," Xavier shouted, waving hello from the gate.

Enid frowned. "I thought wavier was forever," she mumbled.

Wednesday shot her best friend a glare, hoping Xavier didn't hear that comment. 

Then she turned back to face him. "Xavier, hello."

For the first time in a long time, Xavier smiled back at Wednesday. The girl felt spiders crawling on the inside of her stomach, trying to gnaw their way out-- in other words, she had butterflies.

"You ready for this double date?" He asked with a mischievous smirk.

Enid made a disgusted face as she turned around, walking back to the school.

No! Do not leave me with this psychotic flirting excuse of a man! I am sure he will act even more senseless when you leave Wednesday thought, wanting to shout to Enid for help.

Xavier frowned but let a slight chuckle slip out of his mouth. "Why are you looking at me like that? I really hope you don't plan on killing me."

Wednesday stared back intensely. "We are going to miss the bus if you keep chatting. Let's go."


A little over an hour later, Wednesday and Zachary sat across from Mila and Xavier in a booth at the Weathervane. They made sure to go on a day James wasn't working.

Wednesday began the interrogation as soon as their drinks arrived at their table. 
"How long has your family lived in Jericho?"

Mila shrugged. "We've lived here all our lives. We've only left a few times for vacations."

Zachary nodded. "Yeah. My dad is super into our history. Our family history goes way back to the beginning of Jericho. We were one of the few founding families."

"So you were a part of burning outcasts?" Wednesday asked, suddenly intrigued.

Zachary chuckled and took his date's hand and kissed it before intertwining his fingers with hers. "That doesn't matter, Wens. It was a long time ago."

"Wednesday's family was one of them, so I think it kinda does," Xavier shot back. Zachary calling Wednesday Wens had royally pissed him off.

Mila looked over strangely at her boyfriend. "Calm down, Xavier. It's not like we were there."

"Yeah, my sister wouldn't hurt a fly. You should trust your girlfriend more," Zachary agreed.

"Are the other founding families still in Jericho, or did they flee the town?" Wednesday asked unapologetically.

Zachary nodded.  "Yeah! Actually, we have like a secret community thing with them every two weeks."

Mila's eyes widened as she whacked her brother in the arm, glaring at him. He wasn't supposed to say anything about it.

Zachary swallowed nervously and looked down at the table. "Sorry, that was a joke. You were supposed to laugh."

"You do not have an enjoyable sense of humor," Wednesday muttered bitterly.

Xavier eyed Zachary suspiciously, his green eyes piercing through the tension. "Yeah. I agree."

"So, Xavier, what do you have planned for The Dark Prom with Mila?" Zachary asked, changing the subject.

Xavier glanced over at his girlfriend. "Uh-- what do you mean? I dunno if she really wants to go."

Mila smiled at him. "Of course I do, Xav! Then I can meet all your friends!" 

Xavier smiled sadly, nodding, looking down at his lap. "That's great. I'll find some way to formally ask you too. I know you have high expectations."

Then Mila changed the subject. "Wednesday, I know you're not technically Zach's girlfriend yet but you should totally go with him! Then all four of us can go together!" 

Xavier scrunched his eyebrows together and looked over at Mila with a small smile creeping onto his lips. "Mila, don't push her to. You know Wednesday. She has plenty of options."

The boy had the urge to wink at Wednesday flirtily after he said that because truthfully, he had been including himself, but Mila was there. He couldn't tell her that by then, they probably wouldn't be together anymore. 

"I will most likely not be attending," Wednesday responded. "Circles of drunk teenagers moving in strange ways is not how I would like to spend my evening."

She knew she'd just lied, but there was no way in hell she was taking Zachary, and didn't want to egg Xavier on to keep acting strange either.

Zachary frowned, taking her hand once more. "But I would love to take you, Wens. You're my favorite girl," he whined.

"I am not a girl who goes to dances to get drunk and do stupid things. I thought you were aware of that when you signed up to take me out on a date," Wednesday snapped back, unquestionably showing how annoyed she was at the moment.

Another frown from Zachary. "I'm sorry, Wens. I'm sorry. I just want you to have a good time."

"I can have a good time by myself," Wednesday responded immediately.

"I wasn't saying you can't! I just wanted to spend a good night with you!" Zachary defended himself. 

Wednesday stared out the window. "School dance nights are not good, Zachary."

The boy squeezed the girl's hand. "I'm sorry, Wednesday. Really. I just want us to be happy."

Xavier couldn't help but smirk to himself. 

Wednesday is still free for The Dark Prom. Once this shit is over, I'm definitely asking her he thought to himself.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Mila asked her boyfriend. 

"No reason. I'm just happy," Xavier responded.

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