10. Wreck Everything

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The next day in Botanical Sciences, Xavier wasn't hesitant to act as if he and Wednesday were talking- or in a relationship. 

"Morning, Wens," he said with a sleepy voice, leaning over the more petite girl, and placing a kiss on the top of her head.

Wednesday completely ignored him.

Bianca, Enid, Yoko, Kent, Morgan, and some other classmates watched in awe as the dramatic scene took place.

Xavier leaned down to Wednesday's face level, "You can't just act like nothing happened last night," he sang into her ear.

The raven looked up and glared at the artist. "Nothing happened between us, Xavier. Leave me alone."

Xavier frowned. Had he done something wrong already?

The new Botanical Sciences teacher, Ms. Tropanca, then began her teaching. "Everyone in their seats, now! This lecture is the most important for your end-of-the-quarter final, and it is not easy material!"

 The students all groaned in unison. Not only was Ms. Tropanaca a strict teacher, but she had no sense of humor. Even though Laurel Gates had been a homicidal psychopath, she'd at least known how to wake the class up... Well, the majority of them, at least.

While Ms. Tropanaca was lecturing, Enid leaned over to Wednesday and mouthed, "Did something happen between you guys?"

Wednesday glared and shook her head. A firm no.

When Enid mouthed the same question to Xavier, he nodded. A confident yes.


After Botanical Sciences, Xavier walked up to Wednesday in the hallway, gently grabbing her arm. "Hey, what was that in there? Are you mad at me or something?"

"No," Wednesday answered immediately, before beginning to stalk away.

Xavier ran after her. "Wednesday, wait up!"

She ignored him, but he still caught up to her before she reached her next class. "You just kinda blew off what I said and ignored me... I don't get it. Why?"

Wednesday hated what she was about to tell him. 

"You are acting as if we are more than friends, Xavier, perhaps even dating. We are not more than friends in the slightest. I thought I made that excruciatingly clear last night."

Xavier frowned. "But you said you reciprocate what I feel for you..."

"I also said that we must remain friends and not hesitate to find interest in others. You seem to have omitted that key detail," Wednesday replied.

"I've waited so long and now you wanna talk to other people," Xavier groaned. "I wish I could build a time machine and erase the whole conversation we had last night."

Wednesday frowned. She hoped he didn't really mean that. She truly did want to be more than friends with him, but it would wreck everything. 

The raven simply moved away from the artist, trying her best to not show that she'd been hurt by his words.

Unfortunately, as usual, he followed her. 

"Hey, wait up! You didn't tell me who you're gonna be interested in now! I gotta know who my competition is!" Xavier began teasing.

Since Xavier had hurt her, Wednesday decided to hurt him back. She twirled around and simply replied, "James McCellan."

Xavier's eyebrows shot up. "What?! You're gonna go get with that dickhead who treats you like-- like-- like-- like an object?! Seriously, Wednesday?!"

"I can handle myself, Xavier. My relationship with James doesn't concern you. It is not your business, and you should not make it your business either. Perhaps you should find another girl-- one that is willing to treat you better than I do," the girl suggested. 

The boy rolled his eyes, scoffing in denial. "You're insane. Do you really think I wanna date anyone other than you?!"

Wednesday frowned. "Do not bring my existence into your complex equation of emotions. I am going on a date with James McCellan. You should go find someone to go on a date with as well."

Xavier crossed his arms in defense, looking the girl dead in the eyes. "Fine. If you're going on a date with James McCellan, I'm going on a date with Mila Chapman."

"I am sure you are expecting me to act in a dramatic fashion as many other girls would. Would you like me to say 'Do not leave me, Xavier! You are my only hope!' or 'Oh my god, not Mila Chapman! She is my arch nemesis now!' or some other ridiculous, and obviously scripted, monologue? I can assure you, I will not. Mila Chapman is a friend of mine. If you do not treat her well, I will hunt you down and steal your soul," Wednesday threatened.

The boy's eyes met the girl's eyes. "I mean, it wouldn't hurt to know if you were a little upset."

Wednesday knew Xavier wanted her to be jealous, but it was the only way to set the second phase of her plan into action.

Now she wouldn't have to worry about romance while she dealt with the dark, deceptive part of the plan: fully gaining Mila's trust.

Once Wednesday fully gained Mila's trust, she knew the normie would share the secrets of Jericho, one having already been known by the psychic. 

There was an inner circle in Jericho devoted to exterminating outcasts, specifically ones not from Nevermore.

Recently, there had been Nevermore students going missing, and no outcast knew exactly where they were running away or being taken.

Mila Chapman was one of the most well-known normies in the entire town. She undoubtedly had classified information. 

Wednesday would manipulate it out of her, and if need be, get rid of the girl-- especially if she still stood in the way between Wednesday and Xavier at the end of it all.

Wednesday may have not technically been 'jealous' of Mila and Xavier's relationship, but it gave her another reason to fight for the outcasts that were disappearing.

No one other than Wednesday would understand the plan, especially not Xavier. 

She'd wanted to tell him the entirety of her plot, but if she had, there would be a higher risk of their mission being compromised. 

I am not giving up on you, Xavier, Wednesday thought. 

You are merely motivation for my plan to succeed. If it does not, I may lose you forever, and I never lose. 

Mila Chapman and her kind will pay for the evils they bring upon outcasts, and I will be standing by your side when all comes to an end, not the normie.

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