4. Jealous Much?

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Wednesday stayed true to her promise and didn't ignore Xavier in class. As much as she wanted to act like he didn't exist at times, it would always be useless in the end.

Saturday finally came and the two friends were going to meet up at the Weathervane to talk about Wednesday's stalker over coffee.

"OMG, I can't believe you're going out with Xavier! Just imagine if you guys end up official! What if you end up being the Mrs. Thorpe?! EEK!" Enid squealed in her roommate's face.

Wednesday stared blankly at her best friend in disgust. "I have no marriage intentions, Enid. And this isn't a date. It's vital that Xavier is filled in on my stalker situation. After all, he may be a great asset to my upcoming plan."

The blonde smirked at the noirette. "Yeah, okaaaayyy. Whatever you say. When you get back, you have to tell me everything!"

A pounding sound came from the other side of the door. Wednesday glanced, absolutely horrified, at the large wooden frame.
It was Xavier, and  her mind hadn't even pondered he may have technically asked her out, or at least before Enid had brought it up.

"Wednesday," Xavier said, looking down at his friend, grinning like a devil.

"Xavier, we meet again. We have much to talk about. We should get going," Wednesday told him. He smiled and backed up, making space for her to walk out of the room. Enid smiled and gave Xavier a supportive thumbs up before shutting the door.

"Xavier, come. We don't have time to fool around in such imbecile-like behavior. Besides, if you remain at the door any longer, Enid may take you captive and interrogate you about our relationship," Wednesday snapped.

Xavier raised an eyebrow at that comment. "Our relationship?" He asked with a smirk.

Wednesday glanced back at the boy, flashing him a glare unlike any other. "You know what I mean. Enid believes you and I have romantic feelings for each other, but you have no reason to worry. I've told her she's wrong."

The artist followed behind the raven, trying to figure out what to say next. "Uhh- uhh- yeah! She's definitely wrong. I mean, you and me- dating?! Pffft, I guess she'd have to be pretty high on something to think it. Not that I wouldn't date you, but... nevermind."

The girl found that comment rather annoying. "Exactly. We are only friends. Besides, there is no time for romance. We have a stalker to catch, torture, and expose."


When the two friend arrived at the Weathervane, Wednesday immediately went to sit at her regular booth, and Xavier sat across from her.

The barista, James, walked up to the two with a bright smile. His eyes were focused solely on the girl.

"Hi, my name's James, and I'll be your barista for the day. What can I get you? An iced coffee? Vanilla latte? The pumpkin spice mocha is just in for Autumn, and I think you'd really enjoy that," he commented, winking at Wednesday.

Wednesday stared back at the boy intensely. "A quad, and nothing else."

Xavier's eyes flared with jealousy as they flickered from James to Wednesday. "I'll have an iced coffee and a double chocolate muffin," he gritted through his teeth.

James finally turned, so he was now facing Wednesday and Xavier. "No problem. I'll be back with those in just a few minutes. Can I get your snap?" He asked Wednesday.

She met his eyes and felt the darkness swirl around in her cold heart. "The only snap you'll be getting from me is the satisfaction of me snapping your bones if you keep attempting to flirt with me. I have no interest in dating a barista."

Xavier couldn't help but smirk at his friend's comments.

James walked away, surprisingly not feeling defeated, but determined. Wednesday Addams intrigued him, and he believed he would do whatever it took to get her all to himself.

He was a fool, however, because Wednesday made a vow to herself to never date another worker from the Weathervane after Tyler. Though she found interest in how strange he was, she didn't want to date another homicidal monster who'd almost murdered two of her best friends.

Xavier knew what James was trying to do, and immediately after the barista walked away, he went to sit beside of Wednesday instead of across from her.

"Don't get mad at me, okay, but just go with what I say when he's around. Please."
The artist told the raven.

She stared back. "Only because I trust you, Xavier. I'm not doing this out of friendship."

He looked deep into the girl's eyes. "I know, but I am."

Wednesday decided not to bring up stalker specifics until their coffees and muffin were brought to their booth.

She tried to make small talk, but ultimately failed. "How is your... dead roommate?"

Xavier couldn't help but laugh at the girl's horrible attempt. "Rowan's still dead, and I don't really want him to be the next Joseph Crackstone, so I'm not gonna go find out."

The boy could've sworn he saw a golden fleck of humor in the girl's eyes. "Why not? I dream of digging up decade old cadavers. Garrett Gates was the second of many."

Wednesday hasn't even realized it, but Xavier had been getting even closer to her the more they spoke.

"I-uh- here's your two coffees and muffin," the barista interrupted them. "And, Wednesday, have you re-thought about giving me your snap? I'd love to get to know you better. I'm sure we can become great... friends," James said, smirking with both eyebrows raised.

Xavier protectively took Wednesday's hand into his own. "Leave my girlfriend alone. The last thing she wants is a stupid barista trying to hit on her when she's clearly taken."

James glared at the artist. "I don't think she likes when you talk for her." He turned to the glaring noirette. "Isn't that right, Wednesday?"

The raven felt anger roaring inside the pit of her stomach. She wanted to grab the normie's neck with both of her hands and snap it clean off.

Wednesday consciously scooted closer to Xavier, holding on tighter to his hand. "No. My boyfriend knows me better than a girl-chasing, flirting, nauseating boy ever could. You should go back to the normie girls, James. You can't handle me, and you don't want to. I am Xavier's, and Xaver is mine."

The words felt even stranger on the tip of her tongue than they did in her mind, but at least it would be shooing a normie barista away.

I can not believe I just said that. I am an absolute fool. Wednesday thought to herself.

Then it it her like a brick wall.

I think I may be developing some sort of feelings for Xavier.

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