43. Shoot The Fucker

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"I don't have time for this shit, Zachary. People's lives are in danger," Xavier bitterly told the normie.

"NO," Zachary growled in return.

"You can't stop me from leaving the crime scene," Xavier said as he held his hands up innocently. "Go do whatever the fuck you came here to do. It's none of my business." 

"You're gonna regret this, Thorpe," Zachary seethed.

Xavier shook his head remorsefully as he ran back towards the woods to go get Enid, Ajax, and the sheriff. 


"Tim, I don't see much that we can do now. All of the kids are gone. I know my son was lying, but he has his reasons. He's a strange one," Mr. Chapman told Mr. Anderson.

Timothy Anderson aggressively shook his head. "That's where you're wrong, Michael. There's always more to the story with those kinds of circumstances. There's something we're missing, and I'm not going to leave this goddamned academy for these so-called 'special' little fuckers until I figure out what it is."

"They're only in high school. What harm can they cause?" asked Mr. Chapman.

"I hope you're joking right now, Michael. Do you not remember when that goddamn Addams girl betrayed your son for the most ugly-looking fuckers of them all?! Do you not remember the chaos that ensued because of that little bitch?!" Timothy Anderson shouted in the quad.

Silently and stealthily, Wednesday watched above from the balcony. The two old men would inevitably get what they deserved.

Mr. Chapman sighed reluctantly. "Tim, I understand why this bothers you so much with your family situation and all, but there is not a single person in this school other than us and that means--"


Before Mr. Anderson could finish his statement, the two men were blasted off of their feet by a minuscule explosion set next to the Nevermore fountain.

"GODDAMN IT! I TOLD YOU THERE WAS SOMETHING ELSE!" Timothy Anderson whisper-hissed at Mr. Chapman.

Wednesday slowly made her way out of the large stone doorway into the quad after causing another explosion in between the two old men.

"Yes, you were right. How heroic and thoughtful of you," Wednesday told Timothy Anderson, looking him dead in the eyes.

"You-- You braindead fucker! This is all your fault! OUR PLANS ARE IN SHAMBLES BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR LITTLE FUCKER FRIENDS!" He shouted in return.

"I knew there was something wrong with you the second you walked into my home with my daughter," Mr. Chapman heartlessly muttered under his breath. "If only my Mila could see this now."

"No! Leave Mila out of this! She's not like any of you!" another voice called from behind Wednesday.

Lo and behold, to the others' dismay, there stood Zachary Chapman, a "hero" to himself.

He held a gun in an upright position, pointing directly at Wednesday Addams.

"Zach," Mr. Chapman called as his voice broke, "I told you to stay out with the others."

Zachary regretfully shook his head. "I'm sorry, Dad. She was going to kill you," he said, glaring at Wednesday. "But she can't now."

Wednesday then fully turned around to the boy. "You've confused my respect for kindness. That is where you are wrong. I have no problem killing your father, Timothy Anderson, or you."

At that particular comment, Zachary's face fell. "You're better than this, Wednesday. He's my father, and I love you. I told you, I can't choose between--"

"Your religiously consistent begging will not work on me, Zachary Chapman. You have chosen your side, and it is not here. If you do not leave now and join the others, I will not hesitate to kill you," replied Wednesday.

"Please, son," Mr. Chapman begged. "You can't be here for this."

"Let the boy stay," Timothy Anderson growled in disagreement. "This is how he proves his loyalty to us."

Mr. Chapman's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Tim, you can't be serious--"

"Let him stay," Mr. Anderson repeated with violent emphasis. 

He then turned back towards the boy. "Goddamnit, Zachary Chapman. If you truly are one of us, get on with it and SHOOT THE FUCKER! THERE'S NOBODY STOPPING YOU!"

Wednesday had no other choice.

Would Zachary shoot her??

Absolutely not. He didn't have what it took.

But this was not his fight. 

Even though Wednesday was clearly not interested in him romantically in any way, shape, or form, she slowly took one step at time until she was just inches away from him. 

Gently, she looked up and fearlessly kissed his cheek. "Go. Leave the gun here. Your father and his comrade are evil. I will deal with them. When the sheriff comes, send him to come take them away."

Zachary's eyes welled with tears as he set the gun on the floor. Before walking away, he told the girl, "Please don't kill him, Wednesday. He's my family."

"AH, GODDAMNIT. I ALWAYS KNEW THAT BOY OF YOURS WAS A FOOL!" Timothy Anderson screeched at Michael Chapman.

"WON'T YOU LAY OFF OF HIM FOR JUST A DAY, TIM?! FOR GOD'S SAKE, HE'S JUST A BOY!" Michael Chapman growled in defense.

"AND SHE'S JUST A GODDAMNED GIRL!" Timothy Anderson shouted, red in the face, pointing to Wednesday, "BUT SHE'S ALSO A PSYCHOTIC MURDER!" 

"No," Wednesday replied. "You have been kidnapping outcasts and plan to murder them on trial just as your ancestors did with witches decades ago with my ancestors. But you will not have the chance."

"Wednesday? Dad? What-- what's going on?" a voice called from the stone doorway.

A light silhouette could be seen in the shadow of the stone. 

Michael Chapman recognized that voice anywhere. "My-- my Mila?"

"You-- you sent me away. You came here. Why are you at Nevermore? What did you do? What did you do?" Mila Chapman exclaimed in horror.

"Mila, I'm sorry, angel. It was the only way to keep you safe. The outcasts are bad, honey. This is all so bad. You shouldn't be here." Michael Chapman told his daughter.

"Wednesday... why is he here?" Mila asked, not having a clue what would come out of her friend's mouth.

"Because your brother has been a fool," Wednesday replied, deadpan.

"Mila, please look at me. I can explain," Mr. Chapman begged.

Tears streamed down Mila Chapman's face as she ran to her father's embrace. "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm so so sorry." 

"NO!" Timothy Anderson shouted, charging at Wednesday with his dagger. "THIS IS NOT HOW THIS ENDS! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY, YOU LITTLE FUCKER! DO YOU HEAR ME??! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!"

Wednesday slowly picked up the gun Zachary had left by the doorway. "No. You will pay for your own actions."

"What the fu--"

Seconds later, Timothy Anderson was on the ground with four bullet wounds in his chest, 

and Wednesday Addams had NOT been the one to shoot him down.

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