45. Saviors Of Nevermore

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After the trial, Xavier walked over to his girlfriend with a subtle smile on his face. "So, I guess it's all over now, huh?"

Wednesday glanced up at her boyfriend with a gleam in her eyes. "Yes. But I am sure there is another mystery waiting to be solved." He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Anything in particular you're thinking about?"

"No, but my time at Nevermore has been much longer than I originally intended, and now that Timothy Anderson is dead and Michael Chapman is being sent away--" Wednesday began, but was interrupted by a normie news reporter exclaiming, "Oh my! You two are the ones who rescued the kids! George, over here! We're interviewing these kids."

Xavier opened his mouth to object, but the cameraman had already made his way over. The news woman smiled into the camera. "This is Maya Sanchez, and I am here with two outcasts from Nevermore Academy, about thirty minutes away from our town, Jericho. This is the boy and girl who saved all of the children in Jericho and all of their own Nevermore students." She turned to Wednesday first. "Tell us a little about yourselves."

Wednesday glared at the camera as she said, "I believe this woman should not interrupt the conversations of people she spends time pretending to respect to gain the approval of others."

Maya Sanchez turned the camera downward as she said, "You are being recorded as heroes, young lady. You should be taking this as a compliment and speak kindly."

Xavier rolled his eyes as he told the woman, "Leave her alone. She doesn't talk 'nice' to anyone. She just tells the truth to people who suck at being able to hear it."

Wednesday and Xavier then walked away together, but before they could get far, Principal Opal walked up to them. "Miss Adams, Mister Thorpe, I advise you to go talk to that woman. Watch your words," she said, looking directly at Wednesday, "and do not give the normies a real reason to cause harm upon our kind."

Xavier sighed and looked at the ground as he said, "Sorry, Principal Opal. We were just in the middle of a conversation, and she just butted in like we weren't even real people."

The principal offered Xavier an understanding smile. "That is how normies tend to operate, Mister Thorpe. I apologize on her behalf. Please go give the news reporter another chance."

Xavier nodded and took Wednesday's hand, leading her back towards Maya Sanchez. "We're- uh- sorry about how we acted. We were just caught off guard, and would really appreciate a second chance."

The newswoman nodded. "Alright, but no funny business this time." She then turned back to the cameraman. "George, now." She turned to Xavier first instead of Wednesday after repeating her original statement about the two. "So, tell us a little about yourself!"

"My name is Xavier Thorpe, and I go to Nevermore Academy." Maya smiled. "What are your hobbies, Xavier?" He smiled. "I'm an artist. I paint and sketch a lot, and I also compete competitively with archery." The woman nodded. "How did you first find out about the missing students, Xavier?"

He smiled and squeezed Wednesday's hand before saying, "Oh, my uh... Wednesday can tell you about that." Maya Sanchez turned to the girl. "Wednesday is quite a unique name. Where does it come from?"

Wednesday stared at the woman and said, "My mother named it after her favorite poem. Wednesday's child is full of woe."

Maya shook her head and asked, "What is your last name? Is it just as unique?" Wednesday glared and said, "My last name is Addams."

Xavier took her hand to ease her anger. Even without any voice fluctuation, Xavier could tell Wednesday was aggravated by Maya Sanchez.

Maya forced a fake smile. "Well, that's very nice. What are you into, Wednesday?" Wednesday stared into her soul and replied, "Bee keeping and digging up century old cadavers. I wonder which cadaver will be next."

Maya rolled her eyes. "How... unique. I'm sure you're just trying to give our viewers a good scare." Xavier shook his head. "No, it's true. It's a really cool art. She solved a murder because of it actually."

"Ah," said the newswoman. "That is quite the accomplishment, Wednesday. I think we are all very curious. How did you find out about the missing students?"

"I made alliances within Jericho. From there, the secrets showed themselves in plain sight. It would take a fool not to recognize them in the position I was in," replied Wednesday.

Maya Sanchez turned back to the camera with a smile and said, "Well, there you have it folks. Xavier Thorpe and Wednesday Addams are the next big detectives of the decade. They are the saviors of the Jericho residents and Nevermore students. There will be two statues put in the town square in their honor. This is Maya Sanchez signing off on the story of the saviors of Nevermore."


"So... your very own statue in the square," Xavier said to Wednesday, "How do you feel about it?"

"I am repulsed, Xavier. Jericho is where one of my ancestors was murdered. I do not belong anywhere near it. So, I am leaving," replied Wednesday.

Xavier turned to face her. "Wait, what?! You're leaving the town... or... or the school?"

"Both," replied Wednesday. "My journey is far from Nevermore and this seemingly homophobic and scarring town."

"But... what about us?" asked Xavier. "I just got you... and I can't lose you."

"You aren't. I will visit often. Enid will not let me off the hook that easily. Besides, I can not just thoroughly abandon my... boyfriend," said Wednesday.

"God," Xavier muttered. "I'm gonna miss you so much. You're the only thing keeping me here anyways."

"We both know that is a lie, Xavier," Wednesday said in return. "You have a ridiculously high social status."

Xavier let out a sad sigh. "Yeah, but that's only because of my dad. Seriously, I'm gonna miss you like hell, Wednesday."

Wednesday hesitated before saying, "I will miss you too, Xavier. But Nevermore is not on my path anymore."

The boy leaned down and kissed his girlfriend on the forehead. "I understand. Hey, do you wanna go to the Weathervane one last time? You know, for old time sake?"

"Yes," Wednesday said, taking Xavier's hand. "Let's go."

"Wait just a sec," said Xavier. Wednesday glanced up at him. "Why? What devious plan do you have hidden from me?"

Xavier shook his head. "Nothing. I just wanna memorize this moment. Here, with you."

Wednesday's eyes lit up with care. "That is kind, Xavier. Thank you."

"No need to thank me, Wednesday, you're my girlfriend now," Xavier said, leaning down to kiss the girl.

The mysteries lying in Jericho were over,
and Wednesday and Xavier were official.

Nothing would ever be the same,
and nothing could ever compare to the story they had been apart of.

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