41. Lovers Quarrel

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"Hey Wednesday," Zachary whispered during Botanical Sciences, "can I ask you a... sort of personal question?"

Wednesday stared at him and simply nodded in return.

"Can... Can you help me with something? It's kinda life-threatening, but I thought maybe you'd be up to the challenge," said Zachary.

Wednesday began listening more intently. "What is the challenge?"

"I want to get Mila out of the shitty school my dad sent her to. I don't really know how, but I thought maybe you'd have some suggestions. She's my sister, and my dad has treated her like shit ever since she dated Xavier. I know they broke up, but my dad doesn't believe it'll change things. That's why he sent her away. He thinks she's the one with the broken mind and morals," Zachary explained.

Wednesday nodded and retorted, "Your father is our priority right now. I know you want to be a good brother, and right now that is leaving Mila at the school. Your father is dangerous, and you will foil our plan by taking her out of the school and leaving his attention on that."

"We don't even have a real plan for how we're gonna take down my dad," Zachary argued, rolling his eyes.

"We are not doing anything," replied Wednesday. "You will bring him here once the others are gone and I will do what needs to be done. You are not going to be a witness."

"You're... You're not gonna kill him, are you?!" exclaimed Zachary. 

Wednesday simply stared in return. "That is none of your concern, Zachary. Sometimes that is all you can do- most of the time, actually."

"No! You can't kill him, Wednesday!" Zachary whisper-hissed at the devious noirette.

Wednesday glared at him. "Do not tell me what I can or cannot do, Zachary Chapman. Your name may as well end up on the tombstone next to his."

"Wednesday, I love you, but you really can't do this. He's still my dad!" exclaimed Zachary.

"Lovers quarrel, I see?" asked the Botanical Science teacher. "If you must argue, please go out in the hallway."

"No," Wednesday snapped back immediately.

Zachary shook his head as he forcefully took Wednesday's hand. "Sorry about that. She's just had a bad day. Of course, we'll go out in the halls. Wouldn't wanna interrupt your class any more than we already have."

"Wednesday, you can't just kill him! I love you! Please don't do this! I dunno how I'd be able to pick a side!" Zachary begged once he and Wednesday were outside of the classroom.

"Your senseless emotions are not reciprocated," replied Wednesday. 

"I know they're senseless, Wednesday! Believe me, I know! Do you think it was in my plans to go and fall in love with an outcast?! I can't choose between the world that I was born into and the world that you keep pulling me toward!" Zachary shouted.

"Do not choose," replied Wednesday. 

"What?" Zachary asked, breathless.

"Do not choose a side. You are an outcast or you are not. There is no in-between. I am not choosing for you, because we are not in love. Even though your emotions have confused you, I repeat to you, I do not reciprocate those loving feelings. You are not in my present, my past, or my future," replied Wednesday.

"But... but that doesn't make sense. If there's no in-between, how am I supposed to not choose a side?" asked Zachary.

"Wherever your morals may lie, do what you believe is right. Choose a side after the war. It will be crystal clear where you stand based upon your decisions," replied Wednesday.

"Whatever I believe is right?" asked Zachary.

Wednesday merely nodded in return.

Relying on instinct, Zachary took the chance and immediately pulled Wednesday in by the waist and kissed her.

As soon as Zachary's lips hit hers, Wednesday violently pushed him away. "No."

"See?! Didn't you feel that?! I knew there was something still between us!" exclaimed Zachary.

Wednesday glared heartlessly at the brainless boy. "No. We are not more than friends, Zachary. We are not friends."

After uttering the sentence, Wednesday began to walk away.

"But we can be something great, Wednesday!" Zachary exclaimed. "We can be the bridge between outcasts and normies! Just like you said, I don't have to choose!"

Wednesday whirled back around, walked up close to the boy's face, and slapped him across the cheek. "No."

"What the hell?! Why can't you just give us a second chance?!" Zachary exclaimed as his face stung with pain.

"You can forget the plan I ever mentioned to you and crawl back to your malicious father," Wednesday spat back in return. "You will never be respected by or cared for by outcasts."

"I am an outcast!" Zachary shrieked. "I always have been!"

"You were sent to Nevermore by your wealthy father to spy on outcasts. You are not an outcast and never will be, Zachary. Surrounding yourself with the ones you admire does not make you one of them. The alliance we have had the past few days is over," Wednesday stated blankly.

"But you're in love with me!" Zachary hissed.

"No. I am not. I am in love with nothing but revenge," Wednesday replied, deadpan.

"Vengeance won't make you feel any better! Can't you please just listen to me for once?! I want what's best for you!" exclaimed Zachary.

"No, you do not," replied Wednesday. "You want to control me. You want me to be a mother to your children that runs to you like a distressed maiden, and that is not who I am. Not for you or for anyone else. This is goodbye."

"Wednesday, you can't just--"

And just like that, Wednesday Addams was done with Zachary Chapman.

His useful days were over, and Wednesday was not going to pretend to be in love with someone she despised.


"Xavier," Wednesday whispered into the small cellular device she held with her hand.

"I thought you'd never call," The boy from the other side of the call said with a smile.

"I need your assistance at Nevermore. My time dealing with the shit the hounds have left on the wall is over. Meet me in the place where the Hyde book comes from tomorrow at sundown, and come alone," replied Wednesday.

"Why not tonight?" asked Xavier.

"Tomorrow is the chosen day," Wednesday replied. "If my speculations are correct, it will go down in outcast history as the day the secret societies are revealed. If they are not, my funeral will be a week from today."

Xavier wanted to say something in return, but she hung up before he could.

Neither Wednesday nor Xavier knew how the next night would unfold.

Would the outcasts be safe?

Could Wednesday truly get rid of Timothy Anderson and Michael Chapman?

How would Zachary play into it?

Who would be the one to try and stop it?

All of these questions would remain unknown until the moments came to pass.

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