25. Figure This Out

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A week and a half after Zachary arrived at Nevermore, students began forgetting about him being the son of Michael Chapman.

They were giving him a second chance, a chance to show them that he belonged at Nevermore and wasn't just some cocky normie from the deep roots of Jericho.

Xavier and Zachary's fight had left an imprint on both of their relationships with Wednesday.

Xavier felt as if he were dying inside because he couldn't talk to her. Wednesday was his lifeline, and without her, his life was practically falling apart.

Zachary completely ignored the order that Principal Opal had given him and talked to Wednesday regularly. He was trying to regain her attention... or as he called it, her "love".


While Xavier was at archery after school, the principal's assistant walked up to him. 

"Mister Thorpe, Principal Opal would like to see you in her office."

Xavier glanced at the woman. "Can I go when I'm finished? We have a big competition coming up soon, and I can't really spare any time during practice."

 The woman nodded. "Of course. I can simply tell Principal Opal that you are much too busy and respectless for a short amount of time with her."

Xavier sighed and shrugged. "Fine, I'll go now."

The woman smiled. "Very good. Archery practice will be over by the time you are finished speaking with the principal, so there is no need to come back here."

Once Xavier reached the principal's office, he hesitated to knock on the door. 

What could Principal Opal want from him? Why would she need to talk to him? Why was it so urgent? Had something gone wrong? Had he done something wrong?

He shook his head, trying to get out of his head, and knocked on the door. 

Principal Opal opened it with a kind smile and patient eyes. "Mister Thorpe, please do come in."

Xavier nodded and walked into the large room. It looked much different than the last time he'd been there, other than the past week when he had argued with Zachary. He hadn't been in there since he'd first come to Nevermore... when Principal Weems was still around.

"Sit, dear boy," Principal Opal invited. Xavier did so, and then she began talking. "I am sure you are wondering why you are here."

Xavier nodded. "Yeah... I don't really know why. I'm guessing I'm in trouble?"

"Why do you believe you are in trouble, young Xavier?" Principal Opal questioned.

He shrugged. "I don't know, but no one ever really goes to the principal's office for anything good."

Principal Opal chuckled. "That is usually the case, but not today. I just have a few questions for you, and I would like you to answer them honestly. Can you do that for me, Xavier?"

Xavier nodded. 

The principal beamed. "Wonderful. I understand that you are dating Mila Chapman, Mr. Chapman's sister. Is that correct?"

Xavier swallowed nervously. "I-- I don't really know."

"You do not know if you are dating a girl?" Principal Opal asked.

He shrugged. "I mean, Mila and I were dating, but her dad got really mad and told me to stay away from her and that he was basically gonna try to murder me. So, if I go anywhere near her right now, I'm dead meat. So... yeah, I don't really know."

The woman frowned. "That is rather unfortunate. Are you now dating Wednesday Addams?"

Xavier shook his head. "Uh-- no. We-- I mean-- It's com-- We're just friends. I'm not dating her."

"You don't sound so sure of yourself, Mister Thorpe. Are you or are you not dating Miss Addams?" Principal Opal asked.

Xavier shook his head. "No. I'm not."

"You teenage boys truly are emotional. I can see you have romantic feelings for her," The principal told him.

Xavier shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Sorry--uh-- what does any of this have to do with anything?"

"I just needed clarification and confirmation, Mister Thorpe. I am sure Mister Chapman would have said any thing he needed to elevate himself, but you are honest. That is an admirable and trustworthy quality. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to answer these questions," Principal Opal said with a smile.

Xavier sat in silence for just a second. "Am I-- uh-- free to go?"

Principal Opal smiled at him. "Yes. Before you go, there is one more thing I believe you will like to hear."

Xavier nodded. "Shoot."

"You are now allowed to speak with Miss Addams-- or do whatever you do whenever you interact with her. Your faithfulness to my command the past week has been refreshing. Mister Chapman failed in every aspect of completing the task. He will be prohibited to interact with her on any level, and my faculty and staff will be notified of this. Thank you for your time," Principal Opal said with a smile. 

Xavier's face lit up when he heard the news. "Thank you, Principal Opal-- Uh, I gotta go. See you later!"


When Wednesday walked into her dorm after Hummers Club, she found Xavier sitting by her desk, waiting for her.

"Xavier. I was not expecting you," Wednesday greeted.

"Hey," he responded with a giddy smile. "I've missed you."

"Why are you here?" She asked.

Xavier smirked flirtatiously. "I dunno if you noticed, but I haven't exactly been allowed to talk to you the past week. And we never really got to talk about what happened..."

"Zachary is at Nevermore, and there is nothing we can do to change it. I am going to stop his father before anyone gets hurt. There is nothing left to say. You can leave now," Wednesday replied.

Xavier rolled his eyes. "I wasn't talking about Zachary, Wednesday. I was talking about... you know... how we almost kissed."

"I told you before, there is nothing left to say. You can leave now," Wednesday replied.

Xavier shook his head. "Nope, we're not doing this again. We're not gonna just act like nothing happened. I'm not leaving until we figure this out."

Wednesday walked closer toward him. "There is nothing to figure out. You are still dating Mila, and there are bigger problems than our relationship at hand."

"Yeah, but I'm not dating Mila," Xavier argued. "You know that. Her dad will kill me if he sees me."

Wednesday stared back at him intensely. "Until you break up with Mila, you are still dating her, Xavier. If you back out on your promise, I will do the same."

Xavier sighed. "But she doesn't have to do with anything anymore, Wednesday."

"If you truly believe that, then I am not giving 'us' a chance. You vowed you would not break up with her until the plan was completed. It is not too far from being completed, but you know it is not completed. Do you understand what I am saying?" Wednesday asked.

"Great," Xavier muttered, rolling his eyes, "now I'm actually gonna have to break up with her."

Wednesday nodded. "Give the normie closure. Then leave her in the past."

Xavier smirked and walked over to the girl, "And then you'll give me a chance."

Wednesday nodded. "Then I will give you a chance."

Unapologetically, Xavier leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be waiting," He said with a wink as he walked towards the door.

Wednesday watched him leave and reminded him one last time, "You have a girlfriend."

"Yeah!" Xavier shouted back. "And soon it'll be you!"

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