Chapter 1: A Brewing Night

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(Y/N): Your name
(Y/A): Your age

It was a normal day like most at least for (Y/N).
They went to school, came home, ate food, played on their phone and went to bed. They wore basic clothing and studied the usual topics in school. It was just an endless cycle of doing the same old things everyday.

Of course because of this constant cycle, life became sort of predictable and boring. Nothing exciting happened to the (Y/A) year old. If only there was something to break this cycle. Well it wasn't much but there was one thing that helped and that was the game Cookie Run kingdom.

It may sound weird but at times even the littlest breaks can bring joy to any one, and for (Y/N) that was the app. For them it was fun and relaxing. Playing in battles, completing the story, and pulling for new Cookies. Sometimes they envied the little cookies in the kingdom that they built.

That's where this story begins.

A victory sign flashed on the screen.
"Phew. I didn't think I was gonna win that battle. But Vampire cookie is OP as hell so I knew he would pull through."

(Y/N) yawned, "Okay. That was fun but I have to sleep. Cause unfortunately I have school tomorrow."

(Y/N) closed the app before plugging their phone in and turning off the lights. They got under their covers and closed their eyes for about five minutes before-

"Wait, it's Friday! Which means I can stay up for as long as I want! Mwhahaha" (Y/N) said, sitting up and grabbing their phone.

They immediately opened the app and began playing once more. Not knowing what was brewing in the night.

Meanwhile in a cottage deep in the woods~~~~

A witch grumbled while her sister read a book in another room, "Of course this had to happen. As I am working on portals to other plains of existence, of course my sister had to copy me and work on the exact same thing. And because she never picks up her broom stick I tripped and dropped the book into the very portal she was working on."

"Tch. I wouldn't have left my broom on the floor if you didn't leave your stuff everywhere so that way I had actual space to put my broom away!"

"Oh shut it! Because of you, I lost a precious spell book that contained all sorts of spells. You didn't write anything down so now we can never copy the spells and we don't know where it is, who knows what type of person has the spell book now. Hopefully it isn't someone more evil than us."

The witch rubbed her head, "If only I had a sweet treat to help distract my mind from this. If only somebody had left the lid on the cookie Jar!"

Inside Cookie Run kingdom~~~~~~

"Woah what is that?" Gingerbrave gasped at the size of the giant book that suddenly appeared inside the forest.

"I-It appears to be a book of some kind." Strawberry Cookie stuttered, a little nervous at the giant book.

"I saw a weird circle thing appear from the sky and something falling out of it. The impact was so big it nearly knocked my kingly crown off my head." Custard Cream III said, as the main group also observed the giant book.

"Wow with a book this big. I'm sure it will sell for a ton of gold." Chili pepper cookie, giggled.

"We are not selling this book." Wizard Cookie shouted, destroying Chili pepper's dream of any gold that would come her way.

Wizard cookie jumped onto the open, book where it laid on a specific page about portals.

"This is no ordinary book. It is a spell book and based on the size of it. It can only mean it came from the witches."

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now