Chapter 15: A new world

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..... Custard

Custard.... Cre

"CUSTARD CREAM COOKIE!" The prince's candy eyes shot open at the sudden shout. When his eyes opened he saw the blurry outlines of his friends and Pure Vanilla cookie, who had healed him.

Strawberry cookie helped the prince up, "Are you alright Custard Cream cookie?"

The prince groaned, "Yes. What happened?"

"After (Y/N) freed us, Wizard Cookie opened the portal to get us back home, but those witches found us before that. (Y/N) saved us and started to yell at the witches using very weird words. But whatever they said, angered them so much that the older Witch shot a spell at (Y/N). The spell knocked all of us back and now we're back here." Gingerbrave explained.

Custard Cream cookies eyes widened, "And what happened to (Y/N)?"

All the cookies around him stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond.

The prince asked again, "What happened to (Y/N)?"

"We don't know." Wizard Cookie stepped forward, "After that witch cast the spell, it knocked us unconscious and Pure Vanilla cookie had to heal us."

"Okay. So maybe they are still in the human world? Let's just go back and check they are okay."

"Unfortunately that won't be possible." Wizard cookie reached into his robes and pulled out the scroll that contains the spell on how to create portals. Or at least the burnt bits of it.

"Whatever spell that witch cast hit the scroll and turned it into ashes. And when I went to go find the spell book back in the forest, it was gone."

Custard Cream cookies kneeled down at the news, "So we won't be able to get back to them?" Tears started to form on the corner of the princes eyes.

"No, at least not yet. All we need to do is find the spell book, but who took it?"

Back at (Y/N)~~~~~~~

(Y/N)'s eyes began to fidget as they felt small gusts of wind blow on their face. They gently swatted whatever was causing it away but the small gusts of air only continued, irritating them further. When they finally opened their eyes they were face to snout of a cake monster.

"A cake hound?" (Y/N) groaned, holding their head as they slowly sat up.

"What are you doing here? And why are you so big?" (Y/N) asked, gazing at the hound, who didn't respond and instead ran away in fear at the human.

"How did I get outside anyway?" (Y/N) asked, still trying to get their bearings, "All I remember last is when Lucinda had hit me with that spell and.... OH MY GOD!"

(Y/N) shook off the tiredness they felt, "The cookies !? Did they make it out? Are they okay!? I have to go home and see if they are okay."

(Y/N) quickly stood up and made a move to run but instead fell face first onto the grass.

(Y/N) looked behind them, "Ow!? What the hell? What happened to my.... Feet?!" The human looked to see that instead of feet they had little stubs. And when they got a closer look their outfit wasn't the one they were wearing before.

Instead of jeans and a (F/C) sweat shirt, they wore ridiculously bright green sweat shirt with jeans.  As (Y/N) sat up, they bent their new stubs and looked to see their hands no longer had fingers and were just stubs as well.

(Y/N)'s breathing quickened, "What the ***** is going on?!" (Y/N)'s head began to twist at sudden beeping sound.

"What the **** was that? Wait, *****. My words are getting censored, how it that possible!?" (Y/N) grabbed onto their head to try and rack their brain for any answers but only recoiled in pain.

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