Chapter 7: An eventuful Breakfast

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After the news spread about the meeting between the ancients and the human, Cookie from all over the kingdom began to ask to participate in a trip to meet (Y/N) the friendly non-magical human.

Some cookies were open to the idea, others skeptical and some not interested in the slightest.

But (Y/N) knew who ever came, they would be delighted to see them regardless of the skepticism.

Like today for example, before they headed to school they could smell the faint scent of Coffee and baked goods coming from the kitchen.

Now while (Y/N)'s initial thoughts were someone broke in and are making themselves breakfast, they began to think logically about how realistic of a scenario that was and decided to think of the other possible scenario.

There were cookies in the kitchen. (Y/N) zoomed over to the kitchen area to indeed discover not one or two but three new cookies in the kitchen.

One was in the middle of making casting a spell on a mug and the other on a plate. And the other was watching the two from a distance.

(Y/N) approached the three cookies, "Um... Hello!"

All three cookies heads turned over to the human in the kitchen. There they discovered who the three cookies were.

"Hello, Dear!" Latte cookie stopped in the middle of her brewing process to turn towards (Y/N), "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm latte cookie but from what Wizard cookie told me. I have a feeling you already knew that."

(Y/N) flushed, "Yeah I did but it's still a pleasure to meet you. Did Wizard Cookie tell you guys about me?"

"Indeed, after the ancient hero's met up with the friendly human. Cookies all around the kingdom asked him to use the portal magic he learned to transport them there. Lucky for me, I used my trusty spoon and was able to fly first in line. And I brought these two with me. Speaking of which, why don't you guys say hello."

The little cookies to Latte cookies side muttered a quick and silent hello while the other just nodded his head.

(Y/N) nervously chuckled, "Nice to meet you guys too, Almond cookie and Cream Puff cookie. "

(Y/N) then looked behind all three cookies to glance at the cups and plates, "What were you guys doing?"

"Oh, right. Well to give thanks for allowing us into your home. I came up with the idea to make you a delicious Latte and Cream puff wanted to make you Cream puffs in the side but it didn't go well."

"Oh what do you mean?" (Y/N) said, walking closer towards the three cookies.

In the plate that Cream Puff cookie was trying to conjure the Creams puff on, instead of the delicious treat it was a more like a jelly bean, and Star jelly dough on the outside with an abundance of cream in the middle that was slowly leaking out.


Cream puff cookie held her head down, "I'm sorry. I'm still getting the hang of my magic."

(Y/N) frantically waved there hands, "No, it's okay! Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's still delicious!" (Y/N) quickly grabbed the plate, "Here. I'll take a bite right now."

(Y/N) the grabbed the "Cream puff" off the plate before taking a nice big bite.

The taste honestly wasn't bad but it was sickeningly sweet to the point where it was just too much. Before (Y/N) could make the comment, they caught a glimpse of the young witches hopeful eyes and panicked.

Shit if I say anything bad, I'm gonna break this little girls heart.

Latte cookie seeing the expression on the humans face used her magic to lift the mug off the counter, "Here. I'm sure it'll be delicious with a latte."

(Y/N) very gratefully took the mug by the handle and took a healthy sip of it and their expression began to change.

"Mmmm. The Latte helps offset the sugar from the Cream puff so it taste even more delicious and the Latte is fantastic on its own." Both cookies smiled as they watched their new human friend finish the treat and drink.

(Y/N) placed the dishes into the sink, before turning to the cookies.

"Thank you guys so much for the breakfast. Now I can start my day a little better!" (Y/N) was so focused on their breakfast. They forgot about the cookie that just sat there and watched the whole time without saying a single word.

(Y/N) began to sweat, "Um... Hey Almond cookie? How is Walnut cookie?"

"She's fine."

"Almond cookie is a bit apprehensive about meeting a human. Many cookies are actually like that so I hope that doesn't offend you." Latte cookie chuckled, nervously.

(Y/N) shook their head, "Oh no. I completely understand. The only humans you guys have only interacted with are witches so I'm sure not only meeting someone that is significantly nicer but also has no magic is pretty shocking." They then turned towards to the detective Cookie, "But I do hope that we can be friends one day and you know that I have no Ill intent towards you, your friends or your family."

(Y/N) then grabbed their belongings, "Well. It was a pleasure to meet you all but I have to go to school. I hope to see you guys again."

As they were about to make their way to the door, a golden flash came into their line of vision and they jumped as a result.

When they opened their eyes one more they discovered, a new weight on their left wrist. When they looked down they discovered a bracelet that was designed to look like golden chains.

(Y/N) knew only one person or Cookie who could produce chains like that.

(Y/N) quickly turned back to the older cookie but before they could speak.

Almond cookie explained, "It's dangerous for kid like you to walk around without any protection. So just throw these chains at the culprit and they will be wrapped up in them."

(Y/N) stuttered, "T-Thank you Almond cookie but why?"

Almond cookie turned his head not daring to make eye contact, "To be honest I was skeptical. But after I saw you treat these two. I guess you aren't so bad."

(Y/N) would have cried on the spot if not for their eagerness their rush to get to school.

(Y/N) brushed the bracelet with their fingers, "Thank you so much. I'll treasure it for as long as I can."

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now