Chapter 47: The final battle part 1

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The plan was a difficult one but not impossible. Get (Y/N) distracted long enough while also avoid Pomegranate cookie's attacks to allow Wizard cookie the time and effort he needed to do his task along with Custard Cream, Poison Mushroom cookie and Tighnari.

All three of the hero cookies stood atop of a piece of rubble from the dragon attack earlier.

"My friends! (Y/N) had come to our aid when we needed them the most. Now it is our turn. I know this isn't our uh...first attempt at helping them but this time it is for real. So I ask you not as a ruler but as a friend. Will you help us get our friend back."

There was no silence after that all the cookies in the cookie kingdom, shouted in agreement. Hollyberry cookie grinned, "Finally Now let's go."

"Can I get a swing first." A sudden voice asked. Hollyberry gasped as she knew that voice all too well.

"Oh~ is it because of that grand defeat earlier." Hollyberry teased.

Pitaya cookie growled, now back in their cookie form, "Oh please. That was barely a defeat. But I need to get them back at cutting off more of my tail."

Hollyberry couldn't help but snicker at the tails lost in length, furthering Pitaya cookie's anger.

"Yes, you can. Besides we do need something big in order to take on (Y/N) head on."

Pitaya's eyes turned into sharp slits as they grinned, "Good. Maybe then I can knock some sense into them."

Hollyberry cleared her throat, "Now... does anyone have anything else they want to add....."


"Good. NOW LETS GO!"


Pomegranate cookie chuckled, "Oh finally for once the Master's plan is working successfully. Not that I would ever doubt of course... it's just every time a plan was executed something always went wrong."

The mage turned to (Y/N) as if to wait for a response. But the only thing they could do was growl and hiss.

"Now much of a talker, are you?" The female chuckled, "Oh well. You were annoying anyway. Somehow you were able to get Poison Mushroom cookie on your side which leaves us with less members as we were previously. You also have  Dark Choco cookie which I don't even know how that's possi-"

A sudden roar interrupted Pomegranate cookie's rant. While (Y/N) was no fazed by it, it made the female jump from her position on their shoulder. The female cookie turned to see every cookie in the cookie run kingdom as they made their way over to the two. Some on the ground, others flying in the air which is where the source of the roar came from.

The biggest creature currently chasing after them was Pitaya cookie in dragon form. Pomegranate watched in horror as the dragon warrior flew over the pair and landed in front of them. Pitaya stood on their hind legs, taking a fighting stance.

Pomegranate growled, "What are you waiting for. Fight them! I'll take care of the ones down here." She used her magic to teleport down on the ground, allowing (Y/N) to follow her command.

Ears folded down, (Y/N) roared as they went running towards the dragon with claws out and ready. Pitaya cookie grinned as they grabbed into the cookies hands and the two just stood there in a struggling stance.

"Oh yeah! This is the kind of battle I was waiting for. I gotta say I like this new form of yours. But it's rather annoying so I'm gonna ask you to shift back."

(Y/N) didn't hear nor did they respond verbally, all they did was attempt to use their now sharp teeth to take a bite.

"Now that's a low blow. A warrior would never go that far. I mean... it's not like you could anyway." The dragon said gesturing to their neck which had extended out, preventing (Y/N) from taking a bite.

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