Chapter 2: The cookie and the human

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The little cookie couldn't help but scream. As he saw the world and friends he knew suddenly in a void of black.

But thankfully it wasn't long before a spark of light flashed before the small princes eyes and he finally was able to feel solid ground.

Custard cookie groaned as he got up and finally was able to see the world around him. Everything was huge compared to the small cookie.

"Wait where is my Staff?" The Cookie asked looking around this new environment.

He was on some type of speckled tile. And when he looked over to his left he saw a giant metal ravine, with a black hole in the middle of it. And on top was a curved metal pipe where water was slowly dripping out of. In actuality, it was simple a sink.

"Woah!" He gasped, he would have decided to explore it. If not for his desperate search for his staff. A king most always have his staff on him.

The little cookie decided to check the other side of the tile to discover a cliff with a king way down. And upon closer inspection, there his staff laid still intact but way out of his reach.

This is what truly broke the poor prince.

Custard Cream Cookie began to weep, "Hello! Wizard cookie! Strawberry Cookie! Gingerbrave! Chili Pepper Cookie!.... Anybody."

The small cookie could only sit by a flower pot where a small cactus was planted as he held his crown and wept.

Meanwhile in another room~~~~~

(Y/N) groaned as sunlight slowly peeked out of the closed curtain.

"What time is it?" They checked their phone to see that it was only 7:00A.M.

"Man. The weekend you're supposed to sleep in. But, of course, I am up early. Man, I shouldn't have played cookierun until midnight."

(Y/N) stretched as far as they could. So much so that there body began to shake.

"Well. Time to get breakfast." (Y/N) said, unraveling the sheets and climbing out of bed. Their parents were away on a business trip so they didn't have to worry about disturbing anyone. So they could stomp around and be as loud as they want.

At least that's what they thought. They didn't know that a small cookie was in the kitchen and could hear the loud stomps that were getting increasingly closer with a giant shadow that followed it.

Custard Cream lll gasped, "A witch!"

The little cookie tan behind the flower pot as (Y/N) made their way to the kitchen. They rubbed the sand from there eyes as they opened the fridge and let out a loud yawn.

Custard Cream began to tremble, "What a loud sound. Do witches roar? What is it doing? Is it gathering ingredients to work on an evil spell?"

(Y/N) finally grabbed what they were looking for, which was the milk, and set it down on the kitchen counter. They then moved towards a cabinet that laid right above the cacti and Custard Cream cookie.

When (Y/N) reached over to grab their favorite cereal. There body shook the cacti causing both (Y/N) and the cookie to jump.

(Y/N) yelped as they grabbed the edge of the pot.

"Jerry!" They screamed, yes they named their cactus but it was basically their child so (Y/N) could do what ever they wanted.

Once they calmed down and realized the cactus was safe, (Y/N) sighed only for there eyes to widen when they noticed a shadow that was clearly not in the shape of a cactus.

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now