Chapter 3: A pot fit for a cactus

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After picking up the remaining dirt and debris, and putting away the milk.

(Y/N) turned back to the small cookie,"Come on. Let's go together."

Custard Cream lll looked hesitantly at the humans hands before hoping on.

(Y/N) then moved their hands towards their right shoulder and Custard Cream hopped off their hands.

"Okay. Now let me get a bag because walking talking cookies aren't necessarily common here." (Y/N) grabbed a sachet near by and wrapped it around their left shoulder.

"They aren't?" Custard Cream cookie asked.

"Nope. Neither is magic. Which is why I was genuinely surprised you were here and why we really need to keep you a secret and stay hidden from other people. Who knows what kind of experiments they would do to a little prince like you." Both Cookie and human shuddered at the thought.

(Y/N) then laid there hand out for the cookie to once again hop onto before they gently placed him in the bag. Behind mindful, of his fragile body and staff.

(Y/N) then proceeded to walk out there house and heading to the grocery store to pick up a new flower pot for Jerry the cactus. Custard cookie was able to at least pop his head out of the top and there he saw a world he had never seen before. Trees that were much bigger then what he was used to, and large metal machines that zoomed by really fast.

He was too busy admiring he didn't feel the sudden gust of wind that hit the side of his cheek. When he looked he saw a large nose and a beast connect to it.

He gasped as he suddenly dove into the bag. The creature began to let out a monsterous roar. But in actuality it was a husky barking towards (Y/N)'s bag. 

Upon seeing the dark barking towards their hag, (Y/N) quickly snatched their satchel as carefullly as they could, while the owner of the husky pulled on its leash.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I don't know what's gotten over him."

(Y/N) let out a nervous chuckle, "Oh don't worry!" They then sped walked as the owner finally gained control over the husky.

Now far enough out of sight, (Y/N) lifted there bag and whispered towards the inside of it.

"Are you okay, Custard?"

The small cookie popped his head out of the bag once more,

"Yes. What was that monster? It was huge!"

"It was a dog. It's kind of like a cake hound but bigger and they come in varying types." (Y/an) described.

Custard cookie nodded, getting used to all these different things was going to be difficult but with (Y/N), he had a feeling that it would ease the constant tension he felt.

(Y/N) then carried the bag back down to their side before finishing the walk over to the grocery store.

Once inside, (Y/N) made their way over to the plant section where pots of all different shapes and sizes laid. Some in basic formation, some in fun and interesting designs.

This gave (Y/N) and idea. The very gently opened lifted the bag once more, and gently whispered for the small cookie.

Custard cream lll cookie popped his head out.

"Hey. I wanted you to pick a flower pot for me!" (Y/N) smiled.

"Um... are you sure?"

"Of course. I need something his highness would approve of. What type of subject would I be if I didn't."

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now