Chapter 14: Rescue

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In the witches house~~~~

After gathering all the cookies and putting them in jars, Lucinda and Octavia gathered all the swords, shields, staffs and all the other items belonging to the cookies and left them on a counter away from their owners.

Lucinda picked up Clotted Cream cookies mirror, "Hmm. Fascinating how this tiny thing could radiate energy. This magic is powerful."

Octavia stared at the cookies who cowered in fear, "All of these beings are radiating magic. But who on earth would cast a spell that would bring cookies to life?"

Lucinda placed the mirror back on the counter, "Well whoever it is did a good job. Unfortunately these cookies are a bother to us and must be taken care of at once. Like how their feigning ignorance on where our spell book is because for some reason we couldn't find it even after going into their world." The witched glared at the cookies before wiping her hands, "No matter, let's make supper, but make sure to have extra room in."

She sent a malicious smile towards the cookies, "We need space for dessert."

Meanwhile at (Y/N)'s house~~~~

(Y/N) had sat on the ground for who knows how long. They clutched onto the staff of their friend. The tears never seemed to stop flowing as their feeling of worry never ceased. Questions started flooding their mind but there was no answer to any of them.

What happened to the cookies?
Where are they?
Did someone take them?

(Y/N) wiped their eyes to stop the flow but some thing got caught instead. A flash of light caught them by surprise temporarily blinding them.

(Y/N) winced before looking at the source of the light. It was the necklace that Clotted Cream cookie gave them.

(Y/N) lifted up the pendent attached to necklace and stared at it. Their eyes widened in horror at what they saw. It was the cookies, (Y/N)'s friends trapped inside jars. But it wasn't just the main five, every cookie from the cookie run kingdom were inside the jars and they couldn't get out.

Then two figures came into view as they stared at the cookies. Clocked in black robes and witches hats, (Y/N) didn't need to figure out what those two were. Also in the house their were ingredients for potions and a giant cauldron placed right near the cookies. It looked like a typical witch house. But who are they and why did they take the cookies.

(Y/N) continued to stare before both witches turned away from the cookies and that's when (Y/N) could finally get a good look at the witches faces.

(Y/N) gasped as they saw the faces of the two women that (Y/N) would always meet on Mondays. Even though they were wearing the get up, (Y/N) would have been able to easily identify the two ladies that they had come to care for. But how did they know about the cookies and why did they take them?

(Y/N)'s thoughts began to swirl once more but another thought came to mind.

"I have to save them."

Meanwhile back in the witches house~~~~~

All the cookies watched as the witches ate their dinner, horrified about what would come next.

Clotted cream cookie, rubbed his chin as he was trying to think of a solution. He was in a jar with the ancient hero's.

"What do we do?" Hollyberry asked, worry written in her face.

"I do not know. Without our weapons we are powerless and even with our weapons our attacks were merely bug bites to these witches." Dark Cacao said, defeated.

"Do not give up hope friends. There must be something we can do, right Clotted Cream cookie?" Pure Vanilla cookie asked, but the Consul could only stare at the table that held all the cookies belongings.

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now