Chapter 34: A plan

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"So what are we gonna do?~~~" poison mushroom asked.

"Simple." (Y/N) stood up from their previous sitting down position, "I just need to simply act like you convinced me to join. I've taken a theatre class when I was a kid so maybe they will help me now!"

Poison Mushroom cookie chuckled, "Oh boy~~~ I can't wait to see."

"Now I need you to get me out of the cell." (Y/N) said causing Poison Mushroom Cookie to look at the older cookie a little confused.

"Why don't you just slip through the bars?~~~" Poison Mushroom asked pointing at the cell bars that had clear gaps in between.

(Y/N) stared at the gaps dumbfounded, "Are you serious?" (Y/N) turned so they were now on their side. They then walked horizontally with their arms by their side. Just like that, they were free and on the other side of the cell.

While this would have had anyone else relieved to be free, this just furthered (Y/N)'s anger.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS! I COULD HAVE JUST DONE THAT THIS WHOLE TIME!!!" (Y/N) angerly glared at the child cookie, "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!?!"

The oblivious Poison Mushroom cookie shrugged his shoulders, (Y/N) sighed, "Hey buddy, cover your ears."

The child obeyed and watched as (Y/N) took a deep breath before their face slowly turned red and they began to shout incoherent words. Poison Mushroom chuckled with glee at the very odd gestures (Y/N) was making.

Finally finished (Y/N) took another deep breath before nodding at Poison Mushroom cookie to release his hands from his ears, "Okay. Now let's go."

The two nervously walked out of the dungeon and towards the dining hall where all the cookies were once again sitting.

Dark Enchantress cookie smiled, "Ah Poison Mushroom cookie, it appears you successfully cast your illusion. Now tell me, what did you make them see that made (Y/N) join our side."

Both Poison Mushroom and (Y/N) began to sweat nervously, they both glanced at each other seeing the panic in each others eyes. Poison Mushroom turned back, "Um... well..."

"IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!" (Y/N) suddenly shouted falling dramatically to the floor, "I saw witches eating my friends and family back in the cookie kingdom. It was awful." (Y/N) cried dramatically.

All the dark cookies watched the spectacle, some convinced and others not so much. While crying (Y/N) peaked through their cookie hand and saw this. So it was time to pump up the theatrics. "Dark enchantres-No Master! Please allow me to help in preventing the future I saw. You were right. There are no good witches or humans. All of them are greed driven."

Dark Enchantress cookie smiled, "Yes. Now you have seen the light. But before you join us, there is one small question I must ask you."

(Y/N) dramatically bowed, "What is it master?"

"How do you have witch magic?"

(Y/N) began to sweat further. Staying quiet as they tried to come up with an answer or anything that will help explain but nothing would work. Yes cookies got magic from the witches but this connection would soon break off so the cookies had their own abilities. (Y/N) was different because they magic was literally taken from Octavia and Lucinda. So the magic they have been using was someone else, not their own.

Noticing the silence Poison Mushroom spoke, "Master!~~~"

(Y/N) sighed as the attention was directed away from them and now towards the child, "I... thought I saw something down the hall. It looked like Choco cookie~~~"

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