Chapter 49: The final battle part 3

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Back at the battle field~

As the two cookies landed on the ground, they were immediately hit my the brightness and colorful ness of the entire kingdom.

"Well...this place is interesting." Lucinda commented gazing at all the magical creatures running around.

Octavia's mouth watered, "So many delicious smells and sights. And look at us we're cookies!"

The two witches looked down at their forms to awe at their new gingerbread bodies that were covered by their witch robes.

"I'm so flexible now. It's like I'm just 100 years old again." Octavia squealed running and jumping around on her nubby legs. "I'm gonna do a cart wheel!" She shouted before getting bonked on the head by her older sister.

"We do not have time for cartwheels. We have to focus on that." Lucinda pointed at the giant fox beast that was currently going head to head with a dragon.

"Is that-"

"Yes, it's (Y/N)." Wizard cookie answered, sadness laced in his voice.

The witches watched in horror, as the monster was able to knock the dragon off its feet and was now hovering over the heady with a sinister gaze. (Y/N)'s claws grew in length as they growled and just as they raised their hand, Lucinda shouted.


The fox beast stopped their attack at the sound of their name being called.

They growled as they looked up to see through their foggy haze, two cookies they were not familiar with. But the voice sounded so familiar.

Pomegrante cookie gazed at the beast in their stilled state before turning to the two other cookies who caught the attention of (Y/N).

She snarled, slamming her staff against the ground creating a force that pushed all the cookies around her back.

Now with this slight chance of freedom, Pomegrante sprinted over to the two new cookies.

"I see the the weak little cookies brought back up. Unfortunately for you, I am much stronger than any cookie you have encountered and my glorious master is on her way right now."

Lucinda ignored the Pomegrante cookie's threatening aura to face Custard Cream lll.

"Um... who's this?"

"That's Pomegrante cookie. She's the one who made (Y/N) into that monster." At the sound of the princes answer, both sisters turned to glare at the mage, who had an evil smirk on her face.

Magic began to pour out from Octavia's form, "Oh~ Well then... let's take care of this b****, sister."

"I couldn't agree more. You four need to stand back." Lucinda said, magic also leaking due to the pure rage she was feeling. Wizard cookie and the others did not need to be told twice as they sprinted a safe distance away.

Pomegrante cookie laughed manically, "I don't know what strange language you guys used. But it will do nothing but delay the inevitable. Now take this." The mage shouted before using her staff the shoot a ray of pomegranate seed shaped bullets towards the sisters.

Once she finished her attack the mage chuckled, "Hehe I wasn't even using my full power and yet they fell just like that. Such pathetic weak-"

"Was that meant to hurt." Lucinda causally said, dusting off the red residue left behind from the bullets.

Meanwhile Octavia licked the juice that was now on her hand, "Delicious yet evil."

Pomegranate cookie gasped, "It had no effect... I see... well then I guess I should take this more seriously."

The ground began to tremble as Pomegranate began to whisper a spell, the cookies around the three yelped in worry and fear at the power. A red sphere formed around the cookies hand, which at the end of the spell casting shout out towards the sisters. Wizard cookie and the others gasped with worry as the beam seemed to destroy everything in its path.

Once finished Pomegranate released the beam and went back to her cocky attitude, "Ha! That may have been a stronger attack but it was still no match for me-"

"That tickled." Lucinda joked, though her tone of voice made it seem other wise.

Now Pomegranate cookie truly began to panic, "Impossible! Only beings with magic on par with my own can feel no effect to that blast."

"Enough of these games." Lucinda said, summoning her own spell, "Let's end this quickly so we can save (Y/N)."

"Of course sister." Octavia said filling closely behind. Pomegranate cookie looked back at (Y/N) to see they have fully stopped fighting and has now just watched the three in battle.

Pomegranate let out a frustrated scream, "I have worked too hard for anyone to stand in my way. I don't know where you two are from or how you are so powerful but I will not let you ruin my masters plan! NOW JUST DIE!!!"

Just like the sister, Pomegranate was also beginning to leak magic from her being due to rage. But before she could release the magic into an attack, a slight flick on her face sent her flying away.

She screamed not only at the sheer force that sent her off. But also because she could now identify the type of magic from the figures.

Just as she had gathered her thoughts she felt her back slam into something before landing on a rough surface. The mage groaned as she looked up to see she landed on a giant red clawed hand. Her eyes widened as she already knew what had saved her.

It was a giant cake witch and in its other hand.

"Dark enchantress cookie!" Poison Mushroom shouted out.

"Master! These cookies aren't normal cookies. They have witch magic. I don't know how but I believe that these two are witches some how."

Dark Enchantress cookie just stared down at the two cookies back on the ground, who looked incredibly confused at what they were seeing in front of them.

A monster made of cake and a literal cookie that is emanating dark magic.

"So it's finally time for the battle between cookie and witch had finally begun. You did well to fend them off Pomegranate cookie but now I will take a turn at i-"
A giant gust of wind cut off the dark mages speech, one that sent the cake witch flying away leaving Dark Enchantress and Pomegranate cookie suspended in mid air thanks to a spell.

Dark Enchantress cookie scowled while Lucinda shouted "Enough! Let's just get this over with. It's not like you can actually beat us."

The dark mage could feel her blood boil at the older sisters taunt.

Now the real battle will begin.

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