Chapter 24: Regrets

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A/N: Hi, everyone! I am back from Spring break(Idk why my school does this like a month early????) but I have been itching to write but I wanted to take a break. But now break is over and now it is back to writing! I hope you enjoy! Also Xx_Elikx_xX made another beautiful piece of art work! I love it to death and the new ending is adorable!

After the very chaotic training (Y/N) and Tighnari were able to get better in their fighting skills thanks to Tiger Lily cookie and her Butter Tiger Meat King. The two however were exhausted and after saying their goodbyes they quickly made their way back before heading in for the night.

Meanwhile back in the human world~~~~~

Let's travel back in time a little bit, after (Y/N) was sent away to the new yet familiar world. Lucinda and Octavia stared at the burned residue that was left from the spell Lucinda suddenly shot out.

Lucinda fell on her knees while Octavia stared in horror.

"What happened?" Octavia shuddered while Lucinda remained in the floor.

"I-I don't know. I just got so angry and I just shot out a spell. I don't know what I did!" Hearing her sister distress, Octavia placed a comforting hand on her sisters shoulder.

"Let's not worry about that. Let's return home, we still have the scroll that contained the portal spell from that cookie. All we need to do is recast it and get (Y/N) back." Lucinda wiped the tears that were beginning to form on her face, "Yes. Thank you, sister. Let's go."

The two sister quickly disguised themselves back into elderly women before leaving the house that was now completely quiet. The two ventured back into the forest and back into their house, whose door was wide open after the two broke free from the sudden chains that had been wrapped in by (Y/N).

While Lucinda immediately rushed in to find the scroll, Octavia lifted the now broken golden chain. Even though it was now broken, the witch could still feel the magic radiating off the metal through her wrinkly fingers.

"This has the same scent as those cookies. But this magic is so powerful how could these cookies possibly have such powerful magic?" Lucinda rushed back to her sister.

"I CANT FIND IT!" She shouted making Octavia jump and drop the golden chain.

"The scroll. I can't find it! Those cookies must have taken it when (Y/N) went to go take them back!" Lucinda collapsed on the ground, crying while Octavia looked at her sister with worry. "Now now, maybe it was simply misplaced. I mean a lot of stuff has happened and maybe your mind is still trying to get back into place. I'll find it for you!" Octavia stuttered before scrambling out of the main entrance and into the kitchen where the two held the cookies and their items. She then scrambled through the many spell books they had laying around and all the little bottles that held ingredients to potions.

Cabinet after cabinet, Octavia searched while Lucinda laid crying helpless on the ground. Finally after realizing the scroll was no where to be found. Octavia went back to the main entrance of the house where she watched her sister lay.

Lucinda whimpered, "Why did I do that? I just got hit so angry. And I don't know why the first thing was the shoot at them! But they were right?! I took away their friends and now they're gone?!"

Octavia kneeled down and placed a gentle hand on her sister's trembling shoulder, "It's not entirely your fault. We both got involved and what (Y/N) said wasn't particularly nice-"

"They only said it because of the panic we caused them. And now they've gone to a completely different world. And we have no way to get (Y/N) back!" Lucinda began to sob, "If only I just talked to them. I-I love (Y/N) like my own grandchild and now I may never see them again. If only we didn't keep such a secret like this. Then maybe we could have gotten closer and showed us their new friends and maybe (Y/N) wouldn't hate our guts now."

Octavia could feel tears build up in her eyes but she wiped them, trying to be the strong one for once. "I know you love (Y/N). I love them too, and we will get them back. I promise."

Octavia helped her sister up, "Here. Let's make some tea. Maybe then we will have a clear head on what to do."

Lucinda begrudgingly followed her sister up onto her feet and sat her down on the kitchen table. Meanwhile Octavia used magic to brew up some tea.

"Do you remember the day we first met (Y/N)?" Lucinda asked, letting out a shaky smile.

Octavia smiled at the memory, "Of course. They were so young at the time and they had wandered over to our cottage."

Lucinda cooed, "They had the cutest cheeks and face that I would want to squeeze."

"Indeed, but we didn't know them really at the time so I decided to just cast a spell to make (Y/N) forget about our home."

Lucinda nodded, "Indeed. But something about them made me not want you to do that. Especially after (Y/N) promised to visit and buy us treats since they only believed it was just two old women living in this house."

Octavia giggled placing a cup of tea in front of her sister before sitting down and placing her own cup, "Indeed and they kept that promise every Monday since then."

Lucinda smiled before tears began to build up once more, "Yes. Now they may never do that again."

Octavia grabbed her sister's hand, "We will get them back." She repeated not only to Lucinda but also them herself.

"I promise."

Meanwhile in the hidden dark kingdom~~~~~~

Back in the present time. Dark Enchantress cookie sat upon her throne as Pomegranate cookie, Red Velvet cookie, and a very bandaged Schwarzwälder came in to tell Dark Enchantress cookie their encounters with the new cookie. All each saying how powerful they were and with the new companion on their side, the cookie would only grow stronger.

"What shall we do, Master?" Pomegranate cookie asked.

Dark Enchantress cookie rubbed her chin, "Hmmmm.... Well I think we should invite this cookie to our kingdom. I know that since they are staying in with Gingerbrave and his friends. I'm sure they have been telling them that friendship is magic or other garbage like that."

All the dark cookie recoiled at the nice phrase that came out of their masters mouth. Even they were not used to such words being released from their masters mouth.

"And once they are here, what do we do then?" Pomegranate cookie asked.

"Well, we simply tell them the truth of the purpose of cookies and maybe then they will see that all that Gingerbrave has been telling them is useless when it comes to facing our true enemies. Humans!" Dark Enchantress cookie gestures with her staff, "Licorice cookie, Poison Mushroom cookie. You will go tell this cookie to our kingdom. But don't fight, we want to show our hospitality... for now."

Licorice cookie whimpered at the thought of meeting the fabled powerful cookie while all the other dark cookies chuckled at the planned meeting.

Meanwhile another cookie was watching from the sidelines determined to stop these evil cookies from ruining the balance of the cookie kingdom.

Back in the cookie kingdom~~~~~~~~

(Y/N) had woken up and was having breakfast with Custard Cream lll who was sitting on a rather lavish thrown.

The two were enjoying themselves except when (Y/N) would suddenly let out a sneeze. Which was currently happening multiple times just in the morning hours.

"Are you okay?" The prince asked, as his friend used a tissue to wipe their nose.

(Y/N) sniffed, "Yes. I don't know why I am sneezing so much. In the human world, if you are sneezing this much that usually means someone's talking about you."

Custard Cream lll nodded, "I see. Well whoever it is must really like you since they are talking a lot about you."

(Y/N) giggled, "Yes..... hopefully they like me."

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