Chapter 17: Rebuild a kingdom

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On the back of Crunchy chip's wolf back, (Y/N) and the others made their way back to the cookie kingdom. Or at least the remains of it.
Due to Lucinda and Octavia mission to collect every last cookie in the kingdom, the big castle that was home the not only the main group but even (Y/N) was barely hanging on.

Walls completely smashed as if a giant foot had stepped on it, pillars either brokers completely or chunks missing from the side.

Of course, at the sight of the crumbled castle, (Y/N) could help but feel heartbroken. In a way, (Y/N) helped build the castle and to see it in such a state broke their heart. But their heart break soon turned into confusion when they saw many cookies running around the rubble.

(Y/N) turned towards Pure Vanilla cookie, "Um... what's going on?"

Pure Vanilla cookie smiled, "We are currently preparing to help fix the kingdom of course."

"Oh." (Y/N) sadness returned, "I'm so sorry this had to happen. Maybe I can help fix it... as soon as I learn how to walk with my new legs."

The ancient hero chuckled, "Don't worry, perhaps this could be your first lesson in magic?"

The confusion came back once more, "Okay. But what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to fix the castle." Pure Vanilla cookie said, gesturing towards the rubble and pieces of the kingdom.

(Y/N) recoiled out of shock, so much so they nearly fell off the pet wolf.


Custard Cream cookie's eyes sparkled, "Woooow! That sounds amazing? I can't believe you're gonna actually do that, (Y/N)?"

The green haired cookie stuttered, "Uh... I can't believe it either but how am I supposed to do that Pure Vanilla cookie?"

"It's simple but first we must gather everyone to meet the perso- Cookie who has saved their life."

"Wait, what!?"

Once completely out of the forest and into the kingdom, all the cookies stopped their frantic work and turned to see not only the ancient hero's, but Gingerbrave and his friends, but also someone new.

"Who is that?"
"I have never seen a cookie like them before?"
"Are they lost?"
"Which kingdom are they from?"

The little whispers only made (Y/N) nervously sweat as the group stood in front of the crowd.

"Cookies of the cookie kingdom!" Pure Vanilla cookie shouted, "We know that our recent events with those horrible witches have left many of you feeling anxious and is ancient hero's apologize for not being able to help you all." All three ancient hero's bowed their head in apology. The crowd couldn't help but praise the leaders and try to get the cookies to stop apologizing for something that they couldn't even control.

When the three lifted Hollyberry cookie spoke, "Thank you friends. Even though we could not help you, there was someone who did. Their name is (Y/N)."

(Y/N) began to shake as the whispered voices grew louder.

"That's the nice human that saved us!"
"Aren't they the magicless human that took care of Custard Cream lll when he was stuck in their world."
"Where are they now?"

Great I get thrown into a new world and on top of that I have to deal with a sudden spotlight on me.

"But due to a sudden witch attack, (Y/N) was hit by the crossfire trying to protect their friends," Dark Cacao Cookie said, gesturing to the main five, "But the spell affected them in a way none of us would have anticipated." Dark Cacao and the other two hero's stepped back as Crunchy chip's wolf stepped forward with a very nervous (Y/N) on top, "Everyone meet (Y/N)!"

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