Chapter 44: Blinded Anger

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Custard Cream cookie watched in horror as the monster like version of (Y/N) went to attack the new cookies that were right in front of them. But thankfully one of the cookies in the group was a literal dragon warrior and was able to think quick on their feet.

Pitaya pulled Custard Cream and Snapdragon cookie behind them just as (Y/N) landed a hit. Custard, SnapDragon and Tighnari all shouted in horror but when there was no scream in agony all of them looked back to see Pitaya perfectly in fine.

"Heh." The Dragon warrior chuckled, "It'll take a lot more then some claws to do any actually damage to my tough dragon skin."

But just as they said that a small thump sound came from below their feet. The dragon cookie looked down to see their tail. Now instead of it just missing its point like previously, another small chuck of it was missing. The missing chuck just a few inches where the tail sat.

For once, Pitaya cookie was actually stunned by the actions of a cookie. Only one other cookie throughout the entirety of Earth bread was able to nic some of their tail off.

Their stun quickly grew to anger as they turned back to face (Y/N), this time eyes dark with their pupil sharpened. The heavier their breathing became, the more visibly angry Pitaya cookie seemed which immediately worried Custard cream.

"Um... Pitaya cookie how about some deep breaths...."

But he was ignored instead Pitaya let out a monstrous roar of anger. One so loud that it could be heard outside and all the birds in the nearby area flew away in fear. Thankfully the roar was just what (Y/N) needed to snap back to reality. As their vision began to clear, the first thing (Y/N) noticed was the new appearance they took.

They looked down in horror as the green now consumed both arms and sharp spikes protruded both appendages. (Y/N) ran to the mirror in their room where they gasped at what they saw. They're eyes that are shining an emerald green unlike the (E/C) they had previously.

(Thanks again to my friend Jen for creating this beautiful piece of fanart

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(Thanks again to my friend Jen for creating this beautiful piece of fanart.)

"What's happening to me?"

"Um... (Y/N)." Custard Cream said, slowly coming out from behind the dragon cookie who still looked very much pissed. (Y/N) turned to see the small prince as well as the baby dragon, who remained glued at their guardians side.

"Custard. I...I don't know what happened. I thought I saw Pomegranate cookie and I got so mad. Are you okay?" (Y/N) took a step forward which made Custard Cream take a step back.

He took a step back away from (Y/N)

(Y/N) saw this action and felt their heart drop. But just before they could dwindle on this feeling of heartbreak, a certain dragon decided to step forward instead.

"So you think you can just sob your way out of this, huh?" (Y/N) looked at the angry dragon in confusion. They were about to ask what the warrior meant when they saw Snap dragon cookie sniffing something on the ground.

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