April fools!

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After a morning of endless sneezing, (Y/N) was able to move forward and get to their next lesson in combat and fighting. Both (Y/N) and Tighnari both made their way to the general area where they went to go and train. (Y/N) was able to hone on their spikes and control them to attack enemies both near and far away.

Meanwhile Tighnari in his much larger form, was now using the dummy's weakspots to bring the fake cookie down. The two were hard at training when (Y/N) felt a sudden hit on their shoulder. They quickly turned around to see nothing, but the open area around them.

(Y/N) shrugged their shoulders before turning back and continuing to summon and control their magic spikes when they felt another hit, this time on their head.

(Y/N) growled turning around and faced the head of giant dragon. The dragon ate them in one gulp.

The end!!!!

April fools!!!!!!

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