Chapter 28: A meeting

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A/N: Thanks to my friend Jen for making this beautiful fanart. Omg it looks amazing T-T ITS (Y/N) AND TIGHNARI!

(Spoilers for game)

(Y/N) felt groaned as they tried to blink the tiredness out of their eyes. The bitter taste of the poison gas still king to their mouth, making them cough as they tried to get rid of the last puffs of gas from their lungs.

Once they finished their coughing spree, (Y/N) was finally able to look up and at the new area they were in. It was a dark and cramped space with very little light. And a singular door that seemingly led to freedom.

(Y/N) was at first confused about how or why they were suddenly in this holding cell. But when the memories of the sudden anguish of Pomegrante cookie came back, they quickly realized where they were. (Y/N) was in the hidden dark kingdom, and they were taken prisoner. Just as the panic began to settle in the door of the cell opened, to reveal one of the many servants of the dark castle. This one was a werehound similar to Schwarzwälder. But this one wore a suit and tie and wore a monocle. Overall he looked much more dignified then his counterpart.

"You're finally awake!" The werehound greeted.

(Y/N) violently shook not knowing how to respond.

The werehound servent gave a sharp toothy grin at the scared expression of the prisoner, "My Master has been very eager to see you. If you would follow me please." The werehound then elegantly turned leaving the prison cell with the door wide open.

In a normal situation, the hero would begin to contemplate on the best ways of escape. But seeing how (Y/N) was a (Y/A) year old from the human world. They were instead scared to death, so they jumped up and quickly followed the servent.

The halls the two were passing were unbelievably quiet. Except for the occasion cake soldier who looked at (Y/N) with a glare as they walked passed them. On the walls there was painting after painting of Dark Enchantress cookie. (Y/N) gulped,

Someone please save me.

Meanwhile in the cookie kingdom~~~~~~

Dark Choco cookie drew up a layout of the hidden dark kingdom. All three of the ancient hero's, and the main group watched as he explained the best course of action.

"There is a hidden entrance on the west side of the castle," Dark Choco said, pointing at an entrance he marked with a circle, "That would be our best course of action for how to get in."

"But what if Dark Enchantress cookie sees right though us and had guards placed in every single entrance way." Custard Cream lll asked while the ex-prince chuckled.

"Well it wouldn't be a hidden entrance then would it. I am the only one who knows about this entrance. I often used it in case I needed to.... get away from it all." Dark Choco cookie said, avoiding eye contact especially from his father who stared at him with concern.

"Okay, then once we get in. Then we attack mercilessly and make all those Dark Cookies pay for taking (Y/N)." Chili Pepper cookie smirked.

"No we don't," Pure Vanilla cookie said while the female thief whined, "We still do not have our full capabilities to take on Dark enchantress cookie head on. The only course of action we can do is simply sneak in, get (Y/N) and get out. If we run into trouble, we take care of it quickly or evacuate as quickly as possible."

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Strawberry cookie asked, holding her lollipop tightly.

"It is. We will succeed and get (Y/N) back before Dark Enchantress cookie does anything horrible to them. Are you with me?" Pure Vanilla cookie said as the cookie jumped up with cheer.

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