Chapter 23: Training

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(W/N): Wrong name

Now knowing that Dark Enchantress cookie was aware of their presence. (Y/N) Immediately got to work in training to become stronger.

Everyday they became much more familiar with their abilities and now their new fox friend Tighnari's abilities. So they needed to figure out who best to help them train. Well one cookie had an idea but they weren't very forth coming.

(Y/N) and Tighnari, now in fox demon form, were beginning to train, well at least they attempted.

Yes Tighnari could slash a dummy in two pieces but that's way more different then actually having a battle with another living thing. The fight (Y/N) had with Red Velvet cookie proved that.

Tighnari slashed another dummy with his paws and teeth. (Y/N) applauded, "Good job, Tighnari. But I'm afraid it's gonna take more than a slash to fight against the literal embodiment of evil."

Tighnari whimpered as (Y/N) gently pat the foxes head. The two stopped however when the sound of shaking leaves rang through the training area.

Tighnari growled at the direction of the noise while (Y/N) brought out some of their signified spikes. The two stared at the area particularly a bush. When (Y/N) squinted their eyes they swore they could see another pair staring back at them.

When (Y/N) decided to take a step closer that's when the figure in the bush began to run. (Y/N) shouted a quick hey before chasing after the stranger in the bush. Tighnari following close behind.

The two ran after the figure who seamlessly jumped over rocks, ducked under branches and leaped over fallen trees. Meanwhile (Y/N) was getting hit by branches, struggling to climb over fallen trees and stumbling over rocks. Finally the figure stopped when a giant cliff prevented them from getting any farther.

(Y/N) gasped as they tried to catch their breath and also recovering from the many scratches they had just received.

Tighnari was right behind them still growling at the figure as their back pressed further into the rocky formation.

Unfortunately due to the heavy vegetation, the two couldn't make out the shadowy cookie or the creature coming to protect it.

"Hey," (Y/N) said, gently making their way towards the figure, "I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to know why you're chasing me."

The figure looked hesitantly at the cactus cookie, not moving from their spot. (Y/N) gently held out a gingerbread hand, "It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you."

Seeing the offering hand, the shadowy figure started to move away from the cliff side when a growl stopped everyone in their tracks. Tighnari snarled at the sudden growl, pupils becoming even sharper as the growl got closer.

It wasn't until a much larger figure jumped at Tighnari and (Y/N) did the fox jump in front of his owner to protect them.

Now in the light (Y/N) could see who was causing all the ruckus, it was a yellow tiger or a butter tiger.

(Y/N) stared at the tiger who was still growling at Tighnari. Wait... that Tiger looked familiar.

"Meat king!" A raspy voice shouted. The tiger immediately stopped and sat down.

Tighnari in confusion sat up as well when he no longer sensed danger. The bushes ruffled as the cookie finally revealed themselves.

With long blue hair, and a tiger lily hair piece. An orange dress, brown boots and spear in hand stood Tiger Lily cookie.

"Here, boy." Meat king obeyed his owner and sat right behind his owner, who gently pet the tiger head.

(Y/N) gasped, "Tiger lily cookie!" (Y/N) zoomed towards the cookie, but before they could get into contact, Tiger lily cookie pointed her spear right at (Y/N) neck while Meat King growled.

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