Chapter 48: The final battle part 2

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(Sorry this chapter is so short. I just wanted it to be quick so we can get to the bug stuff next.)

Back in the human world it had been a week or two since all this had began and still the sister could still feel the weight of their actions. With no certain way of finding the child and bringing them back, Octavia and Lucinda were forced to live normal well as normal as possible with them being witches and everything.

The two were ready to settle down for some breakfast when their whole house began to shake. Lucinda scowled, "Octavia! What did you do this time!?"

"Nothing! And would you stop blaming me for everything. I am getting so tired of-" Octavia was soon cut off when a magic ring began to form on top of their dining room table.

"What is-" Before Lucinda could finish her thought she stopped as 4 shadows began to float down from the rings entrance and landed safely on the table.

The witches stared at the 4 new visitors, 2 of them looking familiar. Lucinda's hand flashed with a bright red as power began to ooze from her due to rage.

The 4 new strangers jumped as the witch slammed her arms against the table surrounding them on inside. On the other side Octavia also blocked their path, her fingers oozing with a blue power.

"YOU!" Lucinda growled, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

Wizard cookie gulped as Poison Mushroom, Custard Cream lll, and Tighnari hid behind the cookie. "Hello Mrs... uh Witches. Look we need your help."

Lucinda and Octavia looked up at each other before bursting into a roar of laughter. "Did you hear that sister?" Lucinda chuckled, "These creatures seek our help. Even after they caused all this to begin with."

"You were the one who took us in the first place." Custard Cream lll muttered, quiet enough to not be heard from the witch in front of him but not the witch behind him.


"But they were only acting so strangely because they were afraid of what would happen to us if any human found out about our existence." Custard Cream lll rebutted, "But I guess you guys aren't exactly human." 

Octavia snarled and was about to open her mouth to shout some more but a hand on her shoulder prevented her from doing so.

"No..." Lucinda admitted, "We are not fully human. We are witches, one of the few genuine in this world. We wanted to keep our existence and life private but then one day (Y/N) happened to find us and we grew close ever since. That is until you guys appeared and they got shot into that portal and now they are missing."

"(Y/N) isn't missing~~~~~" Poison Mushroom explained, surprisingly calm despite seeing witches for the first time (but then again he was kinda stupid so I really wouldn't past him) , "(Y/N)'s at home."

Wizard cookie slapped over his forehead, "Why did you say that?" He whispered.

Lucinda growled, "Oh~~ so you knew where they were from and yet didn't do anything to help bring them back. You guys are not beasts more like kidnappers."

"We didn't kidnap them! We were trying to help them go back home but Dark Enchantress cookie took the spell book that had portal spells."

Lucinda raised an eyebrow, "Dark Enchantress cookie?"

"A bad lady who wants to take over all of Earthbread and take revenge against the witches." Poison Mushroom said, voice dropping into a more serious tone.

Once again Lucinda and Octavia burst out into laughter. The thought of some sentient cookie being able to stop them was something that even witches themselves would consider fictitious.

"What does she do? Attack others with magic sprinkles and rainbow dust..." Octavia snickered, "Or maybe she makes the clouds out of cotton candy and makes it rain chocolate milk. Wouldn't want these cookies to be soggy."

"More like an evil that has caused cookies all over Earthbread to crumble. Entire kingdoms are gone and she has only gotten stronger." The two witches still laughed as Wizard tried to display the actual danger of the situation. "Now she has (Y/N)."

This made the two women stop laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"She cast some sort of spell that has forced them to become a raging monster. The cookies back at the kingdom are doing everything they can but I'm afraid it won't be enough."

"You have to help them please. They are our friend." Custard cream and Poison Mushroom cookie both said, hands out in a pleading motion.

"Look you have every right to be angry with us. But I know you care about (Y/N) just as much as we do. So please help us." Wizard cookie said also holding his hands out.

Tighnari whimpered as he bowed down, trying his best to display his sadness and worry.

Octavia and Lucinda both looked at each other one last time. The magic emanating from their body slowly began to dispersed.

"What do we have to do?" Lucidna asked.

"Also why does that purple cookie smell so bad..."

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