Chapter 32: Captured

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The doors to the dark kingdom opened with a very pleased Affogato cookie on the other side.

Dark enchantress stood up from her throne, "Affogato cookie, you've returned."

"Indeed your majesty, and I have wonderful news."

All the dark cookies watched in awe as the mage stepped aside to see a familiar cookie.
Dark Enchantress cookies grin grew three times the normal size. There (Y/N) stood but their eyes were changed to a purple. Their faces remained neutral and their body was as still as stone.

Pomegranate cookie couldn't help but growl at the other mages success. If it wasn't for his stupid smoke like abilities then she would have succeeded in getting the cookie.

"You really did it," Licorice Cookie awed, now unafraid to get close to the green cookie. Why was he not afraid anymore? Well in order to understand that we would have to go back. When Affogato cookie first displayed his magic after his first attempt to get (Y/N) to come.

After the smoke finally cleared, Pomegranate cookie let out one final cough before looking at the Affogato cookie. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Licorice cookie, Red Velvet cookie, and Schwarzwälder's eyes all changed from a normal color to that of a bright purple similar to that of his staff.

Pomegranate cookie chuckled, "That's it? Your just gonna change their eye color." She laughed louder. "I see, perhaps it was a mistake to ever put you in charge of capturing that cactus cookie." Pomegranate turned to her master and bowed.

"I'm sorry, master. It appears this cookie is incompetent. I believe we should go ahead and-"

"I didn't say that is all it did," Affogato cookie interrupted. He then snapped his fingers, "You three come here."

All the cookies whos eyes changed obeyed Affogato cookie without a question. The other three remaining dark cookies stared in awe and confusion. Until finally the three made it right before Affogato cookie.

He then smirked, "Bow." The three complied once more with no questions asked.

"What did you do to them?" Dark Enchantress asked making Affogato cookie get even more excited.

"It's my ability you see, not only can I produce clouds of poison. But I can also produce clouds that have the ability to influence the mind, if you understand what I mean." The master nodded while Affogato further explained, "As soon as any cookie takes a sniff of this toxic cloud. I can command them to fall under my spell and do my bidding. But it does have its limits. I can only control them for so long before they finally break out of my enchantment. Of course I can just force them to breath the gas once again but too much can really be poisonous."

"I see, well either way we need them here. We can worry about all that after. Especially after last time. We will need to take extra precautions to make sure no little vermin try and attempt an escape plan." Dark Enchantress Cookie said, making Affogato bow.

"Of course. Now if you'll excuse me." The mage then left, a smirk present on his face. Much to the annoyance of Pomegranate cookie, he couldn't deny this plan of his was going to work.

Which brings us back to now, where (Y/N) is now standing under the spell of Affogato cookie.

Poison Mushroom cookie made his way to Affogato cookie and the hypnotized (Y/N), "Yay~~~ you brought friend~ Wanna shroomie?~~~"

The small child then held up a purple mushroom for the male to take. He forced a smile as he carefully picked up the fungus, "Uh... thanks you... I'll enjoy it later."

Poison mushroom's smile grew bigger at the mages promise.

Dark Enchantress cookie finally cleared her throat, "Good. Now that settled. Affogato cookie could you please command (Y/N) to go into the dungeon. Pomegranate cookie, show him the way."

The red jeweled cookies eyes widened, "But but Mas-"

"Pomegranate cookie." Dark Enchantress cookie said voice much more stern.

The women growled before finally bowing, "Fine follow me." Pomegranate Cookie then walked out of the dining hall and towards the staircase where the dungeon was held. Affogato cookie turned towards his hypnotized victim, "Yes. Follow me."

(Y/N) complied immediately as all the two made there way towards the dungeon doors. But before leaving Affogato cookie used his magic to discreetly burn the mushroom that Poison Mushroom gave him.

Even though he was trying to be discrete m, the child saw. A frown formed, "He burnt my shroomie.... I don't like him anymore."

Pomegranate cookie led the two down the winding staircase, all the while Affogato cookie chuckled happily, "Well that is just magnificent. You guys got the cookie you were after and I got praised by the Dark Enchantress cookie."

"Yes, indeed. You should be grateful." Pomegranate cookie growled.

"Oh believe me, I am. I'm sure in due time I will be a part of the Dark cookies as a member. Then after that I can be the masters right hand ma-"

Pomegranate cookie pointed her staff at the other mage, "Ha like she would ever even consider that. I have been with the master since the very beginning. I was the one who thought about bringing you here. Which means I am the brains of this operation. So I will continue to stay by MY masters side as her Right-Hand man and you are not replacing me!"

Affogato cookie couldn't help but chuckle, "My is the Pomegranate cookie actually getting jealous?"

The red cookie gasped before covering her flushed face with her cape, "Shut it. Just get (Y/N) inside the cell. It seems your spell is wearing off."

Affogato cookie turned to see (Y/N) as the purple glow of their eyes began to fade and they grasped their head.

"What's going on?" They winced before looking in front of them.

(Y/N) gasped at the sight of the two evil cookies and the jail cell behind the pair. They glanced behind them, hoping to see a way to get out.

"Don't even think about it. We have gotten stronger since the last time you came. We have made sure to prevent any form of escape. So no little fox can save you now." Pomegranate cookie said evil grin on her face, "So do us all a favor and get inside. You will be staying here for a while."

(Y/N)'s lips quivered as they hesitantly made their way to the jail cell. Once fully inside Pomegranate shut the door before leaving the dungeon. Now it was just Affogato and (Y/N), the mage's grin turned to a scowl.

"You should not have underestimated me. I don't know how you know me but I'm sure I can get that information sooner or later." He giggled, "Have a good night dear."

Affogato cookie did a small curtesy before leaving the dungeon. Now it was just (Y/N).
Alone in the dark dungeon, with no one around to help them.

(Y/N) sniffled, "Oh my god. This is actually happening. I'm currently being help prisoner by a Cookie who could actually kill me. What does she even want with me anyway. How long am I going to be stuck here! Am I going to get out? Will I ever see the others. Are Custard Cream lll and Tighnari okay?"

The last question finally broke the damn because (Y/N) sniffles turned to full sobs. Wanting nothing more than to go back and scream at their past selves to not open the door back at the palace. It was almost laughable, they were in a game they had always dreamed of being in but like when most characters get isekai'd it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

The only thing that stopped their sobbing was the sound of the foot steps making their way down. (Y/N) looked at the blurry image of a familiar purple child cookie.

(Y/N) rubbed their face as Poison mushroom cookie got closer, he let out a frown, "New cookie is mean~~~ Do you want a shroomie?"

(Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle, "Sure That's very nice of you, Poison Mushroom cookie."


"It means it was good thing for you to do." (Y/N) answered honestly. Poison mushroom cookie was an odd one, even though he was a dark cookie and has helped with their evil plans. He is only a child so he may not understand what is actually happening and what he is doing. So (Y/N) couldn't help but have a soft spot for the child cookie. Plus he is really cute.

Poison Mushroom smiled, "I like you, friend~~~"

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