Chapter 43: Feel better

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Custard Cream lll stood at the entrance of the castle, watching the small cookie that was pacing back and forth inside their room. It had been a couple days since (Y/N) had left their room. Ever since they discovered their hand changing color, the only thing on (Y/N)'s mind was panic and fear. So they decided to confide themselves into their room, lest this be some sort of disease that could spread to all the other cookies of the kingdom.

So now the small child could only watch his friends distress. The only thing that pulled him out of it was a gentle thump on the head.

"Ow!" He yelped but the only response he got was a small chuckle.

He looked around but didn't see the owner of the voice.

Another bonk on the head made him turn around but like before only laughter followed.

The more this continued the more fed up the young prince got. He was just about to give up on this game of Cat and Mouse when another laughter rang through the area. Only this one more grander in volume.

Custard Cream turn his head but now with shock as he witnessed the splendor before him. With their white hair and black speckled hair and pink armor. A cookie flew down using their dragon wings and landed right in front of the small prince.

"Pitaya cookie!" Custard cream shouted all the while the dragon was still laughing.

"You cookies are always so slow. Can't even see the baby dragon poking fun at you."

Custard Cream tilted his head in confusion, "Huh?"

"Snapdragon cookie. Get over here." The Dragon commanded.

Custard Cream watched as a shadow much smaller than Dragon fruit cookie. Flew over the young princes head before landing on top of Dragon Fruit, not an ounce of fear displayed even while on top of the beastmen.

At the sight of the small pink baby's dragon, Custard Cream couldn't help but coo. His eyes grew big as he stared at the baby.

"Awwww they are so cute. And they like you so much."

Pitaya cookie rolled their eyes as the baby dragon began to play with their hair. "Yeah they're cute but be in charge of watching them and all of a sudden they become annoying."

"I never thought such a scary dragon like you would actually take care of a baby. Turns out what Hollyberry cookie said when she returned from the Dragon Valley was true. You really are kind at heart."

At the sound of the praise Pitaya cookie growled, dragon like eyes glowing. Custard Cream saw this and immediately began to sweat, "Um.... Nevermind."

Pitaya huffed, their eyes turning back to normal, "Anyway what's wrong?"

"You... actually care about my feelings?"

The dragon cookie chuckled, "Heavens no. I just so happen to be flying by the area when this little one jumped off my back and flew towards you. Snapdragon had always sensed when someone is sad and goes out of their way to try and help them."

"Baaawa!" Snapdragon gurgled before flying over to the young prince and landing on top of his head.

Custard Crema chuckled as he gently lifted the baby dragon off his head and held him.

"Thank you. The only reason why I am sad is because my friend is sick or something. I want to help them but they are too afraid to be near any cookie."

The dragon child listen to the princes words and immediately babbled to which Pitaya immediately understood but the look of disgust on the dragons face revealed that they were not pleased with whatever the baby had to say.

Pitaya snatched Snapdragon out of custards arms, "Absolutely not!"

"What did they say?"

"They said they want to make them feel better. But-"

"Hey that might actually work. I mean who wouldn't feel better after seeing this little thing." Cusatrd reached around Pitaya to punch at the babies cheeks.

"No. I don't care. We are leaving and that is final." Pitaya growled, giving Snapdragon one last glare. But the baby dragon was a lot smarter than people gave them credit for.

So they had to use their secret weapon. Snapdragon looked up at Pitaya dragon but with the biggest puppy dog eyes. But the warrior did not waiver, so the baby began to whimper. Still no sign of waiving, Snapdragon used their ultimate power.

Pitaya's eyes widen with horror as a single tear went down the baby's face, immediately crumbling all the power they had previously.

"Ugh... fine. We'll help!"

Both SnapDragon and Custard Cream shouted with glee. The prince gently grabbed the baby from Pitaya's hold.

"Ok, let's go. They are gonna be so excited to meet you."

Menawhile inside things weren't going good for the human turned cookie. In fact, (Y/N) had been a nervous wreck. Not only having to sit and wait anxiously for Dark Choco and Wizard cookie to return, but also having to deal with the fact that something was happening to them.

This didn't happen before?
What could this be?

(Y/N) contemplated, going back to all their stored up memories over the past couple of days. They didn't eat or drink anything strange. But they did have a spell cast on them.

(Y/N) began to recall all the memories of their second time trapped at the dark castle. It was only Poison Mushroom that cast the spell that allowed them to look like dark enchantress cookie.

(Y/N) knew without a doubt that Poison Mushroom would never do anything to harm them. But the same thing couldn't be said about the other cookie that was also present. It was odd how willing Pomegranate cookie had been to let them go, even though her leader had tried multiple times to get her hands on them. So what changed? Yes Affogato cookie was an obstacle for the mage but what if there was an ulterior motive. Something that even Poison Mushroom had no idea had any idea about. Once again the child was being used for evil without even knowing it.

That thought made (Y/N)'s cookie blood begin to boil. Tighnari who had been sleeping so far quickly popped up at the feeling of magic and the toxic smell.

"Master!" Tighnari yelped. But the foxes cry fell on deaf ears as the power further began to grow. The fox was forced to watch as his owners arm was turning green at a rapid rate. But not only that, familiar white spikes began poking out but this time on the cookie's entire arm. They were also growing at a rapid rate and looked sharper than the small ones on the cactus cookies head.

(Y/N)'s eyes also began to shift turning from a their normal (E/C) to a much darker green color. Tighnari not knowing what to do could only watch as the transformation happened before their eyes.

The two were so focused on what was happening they didn't even see the three cookies on the other side of the door.

Custard Cream knocked before opening, "oooooo (Y/N). I got a surprise for you."

(Y/N) turned but due to their eyes shifting they could only make out the slightest shapes and colors. So upon seeing a mass that was a majority pink and red, (Y/N) grew angrier.

Three spikes formed where the normal stub of the cookie usually was, giving them a set of claws. They ran raising their claws,

"P҉O҉M҉E҉G҉R҉A҉N҉A҉T҉E҉ ҉C҉O҉O҉K҉I҉E҉!"


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