Chapter 10: Meeting the ancient heros part 2

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A/N: I'm sorry if things are getting a little boring. I promise things will pick up very soon.

It has been a week. A week since these cookies from a game popped into (Y/N)'s life. A week where (Y/N) has been excited to come home everyday and see who is going to be home. A week that the cookies of cookie run kingdom because friends with a human. Well almost all the cookies. There were a few that were still apprehensive like todays visitors.

(Y/N) had come home, ready to be greeted by either a crash, a boom, or a scream from wither them or a frightened cookie.

(Y/N) got home and looked the door before hearing rustling in the kitchen as usual. (You would think the author would be more creative about locations)

(Y/N) walked over to be greeted by 4 cookies like usual. And judging by the 4, (Y/N) knew who was here and how much of a challenge it would be to great them.

"Look look, Hollyberry Cookie! It's the human!" Princess cookie pointed with her wand.

After the call, both knight cookie and wild berry cookie stood in front of their respective rulers.

"Watch out you majesty,"Wild berry cookie shouted, brandishing his silver fist.

(Y/N) crouched down before raising their hands in surrender, "Hey. I'm not here to cause any trouble. I am actually very happy you guys came!"

"Oh and why is that?" Princess cookie tilted her head.

"Because I'm really big fans of all of you. Princess cookie the way you decided to protect the kingdom even when all odds were against you." Princess cookie, couldn't help but turn away and blush.

"Knight cookie! The way you stood by her majesties side even when no one else would."

"I mean, not me then who else." Knight cookie mumbled.

"Wildberry cookie! The way you protect Hollyberry cookie with just your will and fists alone is amazing." Wildberry cookie remained blank face at the compliment.

"Hollyberry cookie. Not only are you awesome but the fact that you were able to come back from amnesia and remember who you were. How you protected your kingdom and friends just with the shield alone is fascinating."

Hollyberry cookie couldn't help but giggle at the compliment, "Why than-"

"Just because you give words of praise doesn't mean her majesty will trust you." Wildberry Cookie spoke, still holding the same blank face.

Hollyberry cookie nudged his arm, "Now now Wildberry cookie.... Yes I am apprehensive to trust them but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to give them a chance. Both Gingerbrave and Pure Vanilla cookie both spoke highly of them. Doesn't everyone deserve a chance?"

Wildberry cookie didn't respond, trying to figure out how to dispute her claim.

Princess cookie stepped forward, "Well. I believe people deserve a chance!"

Knight cookie stumbled, "But your majesty-"

"But nothing!" Princess cookie interrupted continuing to walk towards the human, "Sorbet Shark cookie told us they were really nice. And if Gingerbrave and Pure Vanilla cookie said so then I will trust them."

The princess was so passionate about her speech she didn't realize that she walking getting closer and closer to the edge of the kitchen counter, where a long drop was soon after.

Nobody realized the princess's grave mistake until she went to step forward and found no ground was there.

Princess cookie yelped as she begun to lose her balance, all the other cookies gasped.

Both Hollyberry Cookie and knight cookie zoomed ahead.

"Princess cookie!" They screamed.

Knight cookie was closer and he reached his hand out to grab the princess but he was a hair bit too late.

Princess cookie lost her balance, her crown and staff sliding off her person as well. She screamed as she fell off the counter. She was falling at an alarming rate but thankfully didn't fall for long.

"Gotcha!" (Y/N) exclaimed, catching the princess in their hands.

All the cookies sighed once they realized the princess was okay. (Y/N) put the cookie back on the counter with her friends and grandmother.

Hollyberry cookie hugged the child, "Princess Cookie! Are you okay?"

"Yes. (Y/N) saved me!"

Hollyberry cookie looked towards the human, a gentle gaze and smile fell on her eyes. "Thank you for saving my Granddaughter. I don't know what I would have done if something happened to her."

(Y/N) scratched the back of their head chuckling, "Oh. It was nothing! I'm just glad the princess is safe."

"Where is your crown and staff, your majesty?" Wildberry cookie asked the princess.

"Oh no. They must have fallen off when I fell!"

(Y/N) upon hearing this immediately scoured the kitchen floor in search of the fallen items. This time being mindful and not taking a step so they don't break it like they did with Custard Cream lll cookie's staff.

A shine hit their eyes as they looked towards their left side to discover the staff and crown.

(Y/N) very gently picked up the items before bowing in the grand gesture and presenting the pieces.

"Your majesty!" (Y/N) spoke in a very fake British voice, "I present your staff and crown."

Princess cookie giggled before grabbing her crown and staff. She placed the crown back on her head and displayed her staff.

"Thank you, my loyal subject." Princess cookie exclaimed in a mockingly royal voice.

Hollyberry cookie watched the entire exchange between both cookie and human. The cookie was so grateful that (Y/N) saved her granddaughter and didn't ask for anything in return.

The human genuinely seemed like they wanted to get to know and be friends with the cookies before them.

"Now that we've seen the human. I believe it is best we head back to kingdom, Hollyberry Cookie." Wildberry cookie said, interrupting the ancient hero's train of thought.

Princess cookie whined, "Awww do we have to."

"Wait!" (Y/N) shouted making all the cookies jump, "Before you go. Please take some of this."

(Y/N) got up before frantically looking inside their fridge and pulling out a bottle.

Hollyberry cookie read the label and gasped, "(Y/N) is that?"

"A huge bottle of apple juice. Heck yes."

Hollyberry cookie's eyes sparklers, "Do they all come in sizes like this in the human world?"

"Yep some are even bigger and there are a variety. Sweet, sour, bitter, and heck even spicy at times." As (Y/N) was describing all the types of juice Hollyberry cookie only grew more excited much to her guards dismay, "I could show you the grocery store sometime so you could examine it."

Wildberry cookie began to sweat "Hollyberry Cookie no-"

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let us go to this grocery store and see all the juices. I must examine each and every one to see how good they are. Then I must figure out how to bring them home to share with all my friends."

(Y/N), Princess cookie, and Hollyberry cookie all squealed with glee at the longer stay. While Knight and Wildberry cookie slapped their crumby hands on their head in disapproval.

(Y/N) was so happy they had finally gained the trust and approval of Hollyberry Cookie but they knew it was going to take a lot of convincing for the remaining ancient hero that had yet to meet.

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now