Chapter 11: Meeting the ancient heros part 3

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It was the weekend once more and (Y/N) was anxious for the next cookies that were going to arrive. Based on the pattern of who was coming, (Y/N) could predict who was going to come next.

It was the very powerful, and also very stubborn King of the Cacao kingdom. Dark Cacao cookie. Most likely Caramel arrow cookie and Crunchy chip cookie would join as well. (Y/N) knew the only cookie with a level head out of the three was Caramel arrow cookie but that didn't mean they would be able to get the archers approval and trust.

Crunchy chip was a bit brash and acted on emotion and anyone that insulted him or his kingdom. And then Dark Cacao cookie was like previously stated very stubborn. It takes him a lot to sway his mind so the human began to wonder how would they gain these cookies approval.

(Y/N)'s train of thought however was interrupted when they felt their house begin to shake and when they looked out they saw a familiar glow coming from the kitchen.

When the glowing dimmed down, (Y/N) didn't immediately go towards it for once. They felt their heart race since they still hadn't come up with a solution of gaining to trust of all three cookies.

But they couldn't think long before they could hear shouting,

"Where are they?!" Crunchy chip cookie shouted.

(Y/N) took a deep breath before hesitantly making their way towards the kitchen. Once the human was in their sight, both Caramel arrow and Crunchy chip cookie both stood in front of their ruler.

"So this is the fabled friendly human." Crunchy chip cookie growled.

(Y/N) stuttered, "Hey guys. I-Its a pleasure to meet you all." As (Y/N) was about take a step closer towards the cookies on the kitchen counter, a bark stopped them.

(Y/N) jumped as the creature revealed itself to be Crunchy chip cookie's wolf. (Y/N) couldn't help but gasp at the creature. It was the largest living thing that came with any of the cookies that visited so far. The largest thing was probably Strawberry Crepe cookie's wafflebots who were small but terrifying when there were tons flying around and messing with their stuff.

(Y/N) cooed as they leaned in, "Awww aren't you the cutest. Can I give you a pet?" (Y/N) reached their finger out to pet the wolf but the wolf snapped its jaws making the human quickly retract their fingers.

"Okay I guess not." (Y/N) turned to the king cookie, "Hi, Dark Cacao how are you?"

He didn't answer

"Um...Okay. How is rebuilding the Cacao kingdom? Going well? It has been a while since we have last seen each other!"

Once again he didn't respond.

(Y/N) nervously sweat, this is not going well.

(Y/N) turned to the remaining cookie, "Hi, Caramel arrow cookie! How is guard duty?"

"It's fine." She respond her hand not leaving her bow. (Y/N) nervously chuckled, "Well that's great. Um... I'll be right back!"

(Y/N) then quickly shuffled away, the embarrassment clear as day on their face. Once out of sight, (Y/N) groaned rubbing their head.

"That was so embarrassing. Now they are just gonna leave and tell everyone how stupid I am and then no one will come back. I won't see Custard Cream lll ever again. What do I d-"

"Did you see the size of that human?" Caramel arrow cookie gasped, "I fear even the entirety of the Cacao army would have trouble taking it down."

Crunchy chip cookie scoffed, "Please! That human is nothing compared to me and wolf. Right boy!"

Crunchy chip cookie's wolf barked as if agreeing to his masters words.

Caramel arrow cookie shook her head before turning towards the window on the other side of the kitchen sink. She gasped before running until her face was mere centimeters away from the window.

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