Chapter 25: Hide (For real)

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After a morning of endless sneezing, (Y/N) was able to move forward and get to their next lesson in combat and fighting. Both (Y/N) and Tighnari both made their way to the general area where they went to go and train. (Y/N) was able to hone on their spikes and control them to attack enemies both near and far away.

Meanwhile Tighnari in his much larger form, was now using the dummy's weakspots to bring the fake cookie down. The two were hard at training when (Y/N) felt a sudden hit on their shoulder. They quickly turned around to see nothing, but the open area around them.

(Y/N) shrugged their shoulders before turning back and continuing to summon and control their magic spikes when they felt another hit, this time on their head.

(Y/N) growled turning around but once again revealing nothing. It wasn't until a cloud of smoke literally shot out in front of them did they truly begin to panic. (Y/N) yelped causing Tighnari to turn. He could only see his human moments before they were shrouded in smoke. He growled running over to his owner. His sudden movement so powerful that the sudden cloud of smoke quickly dissipated to see (Y/N) safe and sound but also another cookie.

Once the smoke cleared and (Y/N) coughed the literal smoke out of their lungs, they were able to get a good view on who it was that surprised them. Dressed in a typical ninja outfit, there stood ninja cookie, looking calm despite being growled at by the kitsune.

"Hey, Ninja cookie. How are you? I don't suppose you can give me a warning the next time you decide to do a sneak attack??" (Y/N) grumbled at the cookie who scoffed.

"I am a ninja, I can only do sneak attacks." He explained, "But besides that I came here to help you."

"Help me with-???"

Ninja cookie grumbled, "Sneak attacks!!"


Ninja cookie sighed, "During battle it is necessary to have the ability to fight in combat. But there may be times where you must hide from your enemy." The Cookie then brought out a smoke bomb and dropped it onto the ground.

Both Tighnari and (Y/N) were now coughing the smoke that suddenly filled their lungs. When they looked up they could see Ninja cookie was nowhere in sight. But that didn't mean they couldn't hear him, "I have seen your progress and I admit, I am very impressed."

A sudden flash caught both cookie and foxes eyes. "But in order to truly become strong in the field. You must not only learn offense but defense as well."

Another flash, "Blending in with your surroundings is the best way to surprise your opponent." (Y/N) and Tighnari both turned to see Ninja cookie was now in view and on top of Tighnari's back.

The cookie sat in a meditation like pose, "That is why I am going to teach you stealth."

(Y/N)'s eyes sparkled with excitement while Tighnari rolled his eyes, violently shaking the ninja off his back.

While Ninja cookie did fall off, he did a flip so he could at least look cool as he fell. When he successfully landed, (Y/N) clapped while Tighnari growled.

Meanwhile somewhere in the cookie forest~~~~

Licorice cookie and Poison mushroom cookie both watched as Ninja cookie explained the art of hiding to (Y/N). Licorice cookie was violently shaking even at the mere presence of the new cookie while Poison mushroom looked happy to be there.

"New friend!" The purple cookie squealed about to jump out of the bushes when his older group member violently rigged him back.

"Are you crazy?? Look I know we need to bring that cookie back to our master. But we can't just waltz in." The scythe wielding cookie sighed, rubbing his head, "I am not approaching them. There is no way that cookie would be willing to go with us. So we need to knock them out instead. We need a plan!" Licorice cookie explained, meanwhile another cookie was spying on the two dark cookies.

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