Chapter 27: Forces unite

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A/N: You guys are not ready for this! Also again thank you to Xx_Elikx_xX This makes me so happy and I still can't believe they go all put in making so many moments of my story. Anyway some important stuff for this chapter:

"Normal talk"

"Special talk"


Chili Pepper cookie and Tighnari were still going at while Wizard cookie, Gingerbrave, Strawberry, and Custard Cream lll cookie watched on in amusement. But when the fight suddenly came to abrupt halt, all the cookie including Chili Pepper grew confused. They stared at (Y/N)'s pet fox Tighnari who had stopped and begun to sniff the air.

"Is something wrong, Tighnari?" Custard cream lll cookie asked as he continued to sniff the air, the prince leaned his head towards where (Y/N) last sat, "Hey, (Y/N) is something with.... Huh?" Custard Cream lll tilted his head in further confusion as the foxes owner was now no longer next to him. In fact they were no where in sight.

"Maybe they went to go get more snacks?" Strawberry cookie said as the others were beginning to look at the surrounding area for the missing cookie.

Just as all the cookies were about to stand up, Tighnari finally stopped sniffing before beginning to sprint in a direction not far from where the group was. All the cookie's gasped before running after the fox.

"Where is he going?" Gingerbrave asked.

"Maybe (Y/N) had wandered into the woods and Tighnari has picked up their scent?" Wizard cookie said which only made Chili Pepper cookie even more confused,

"Okay? But why would (Y/N) go into the forest in the first place. Unless something happened..."

As Tighnari traveled further into the forest the scent had grown stronger not just for him but for the main group as well.

Gingerbrave gagged, "Ugh... what's that smell?"

Strawberry cookie pulled her hoodie up higher, as if to block out the smell from her nose, "I don't know. But it smells familiar for some reason. It reminds me of that one cup of poisoned juice me and Wizard cookie drank when we were in the Hollyberry kingdom."

"Well that's oddly specific..."

"No she's right," Wizard cookie agreed, "I recognize the smell as well. And I believe the one responsible for that was the Dark cookie, Poison Mushroom cookie."

"Okay, but why is his poison all the way out here. Unless." Before Chili Pepper could finish his sentence another cookie was racing ahead of the group, almost catching up to Tighnari.

"(Y/N)!" Custard Cream lll shouted, fear laced in his voice as he was now desperate to see if (Y/N) was okay. Now after hearing the others conversation, he was scared out of his mind.

After one final sprint Tighnari finally stopped, this is where the poison scent was the strongest and most potent. A think fog of purple laid in the area making it hard for any of the cookies and the kitsune to see ahead of them.

"Hey, Wizard cookie. *cough cough* Do you think you could come up with a spell that can get rid of this. *cough*"

The mage stepped forward, coughing while weakly raising his staff. "Of course."

Wizard Cookie staff began to glow as he cast a wind like spell that gathered the poisonous smog and quickly dispersed it. Allowing the air to be a bit more breathable.

Now able to see and take deep breaths, the main group watched as Tighnari sniffed at what appeared to be a cookie laying on the ground.

Not thinking twice, Custard Cream lll cookie sprinted before jumping on the cookie laying on the ground.

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