Chapter 20: A companion

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A/N:Fanart by the lovely _xXblackberryXx_ Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You really didn't have to do this. I can't say how much I felt like crying after seeing this art pieces of (Y/N).

Now who's ready for not only a two day, two chapter release but also Who's ready to be a Disney princess???

After knowing that everyone was safe, (Y/N), Milk, and Purple Yam cookie grabbed as many spikes they could off the ground and in the surrounding area. They would immediately disperse much like how Milk cookie  was able to disperse his weapons

While (Y/N) and milk were picking them up one by one, Purple Yam cookie was just swinging his mace, reducing the spikes to little stubs, Almost like sheering grass. It worked, which made the work much quicker.

And after many hours, the work was complete and all three exhausted cookies went to their respective kingdom to get a goodnights rest.

The next day arrived and just like normal (Y/N) had been excited to greet the next cookie and understand their new magic and abilities.

From what we have gathered now, (Y/N) has the ability to shoot spikes not only out of their hair but summon spikes to appear at their will and shoot down at enemies like a bow and arrow. Which is not only amazing but usually cookies are only left with one ability. But (Y/N) was no ordinary cookie. They were a cookie gifted with the magic of a witch.

So what else is trapped inside their tiny body, well one cookie was determined to find out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)! Me and Pompon have been waiting for this day." Pumpkin pie cookie said, curtsying while still holding her stuff toy.

(Y/N)'s eyes couldn't help but sparkle, not only was Pumpkin pie cookie one of the coolest designed cookies (people can fight me on this) but also her relationship with Pompon was adorable! (Can you guess who my favorite girl cookie is?)

(Y/N) awkwardly curtsied back, "Um... it's a pleasure to meet you as well, you too Pompon." The little plushie gave a small wave back.

"I have heard about all the things you have done in your new form. And I couldn't help but wonder what else you have in store?"

(Y/N) rubbed their arm, "Um... I don't really know. I can barely comprehend what I can do. It can be a bit overwhelming at times."

Pumpkin pie cookie nodded, "I understand. Having a lot of power can be a lot to handle, that's why I have Pompon to help me." The cookie squeezed her plushie was smiled at the affection."That makes me wonder if you maybe able to summon a companion as well?"

(Y/N) looked in confusion, "A companion?"

"Yes, something to help relieve you of some of the burdens that come with your abilities. Or maybe something just to hold and love?" Pumpkin pie held Pompon out towards (Y/N), who pet the dolls head.

"I never thought of that?"

Pumpkin cookie chuckled, "Good. That's why I wanted to visit you. To help you summon a companion."

(Y/N)'s eyes grew, "Wait, what do you mean summon?"

The Halloween cookie didn't respond, only sending the cactus cookie a mischievous grin before dragging them to a creepy dark part of the forest that surrounded to kingdom. Which was a stark difference to the colorful and light parts they were used to seeing.

Pumpkin pie cookie finally stopped her pulling, "We're here!"

"Oh and what are we doing" (Y/N)'s sentence slowed as they took in the shocking view before them.

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now