Chapter 33: Comfort

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A/N: Another beautiful by the wonderful Xx_Elikx_xX POISON MUSHROOM LOOKS SO GOD DAMN CUTE!!!!

Now that (Y/N) was in a much more secure hold. Dark Enchantress cookie was filled with glee. All of her retainers could see it as she made her to way to the dining hall.

"Congratulations, my friends. We have made a successful attempt in capturing (Y/N) and this time no pests will be able to get through." All the dark cookies shouted with glee, except for Pomegranate cookie who was still sulking and angry, "My biggest thanks to Pomegranate cookie."

Pomegranate cookie's eyes widened with glee at the praise she was given by her master, "Of course Mas-"

"For bringing Affogato cookie to help successfully capture (Y/N)!"

The male cookie stood up and bowed meanwhile Pomegranate's cookies scowl immediately returned.

"If I may ask your darkness?" Licorice Cookie asked making everyone in the room turn to him, "Um... now that we have successfully captured (Y/N). What are we going to do with them?"

Dark Enchantress cookie snickered before full on bursting in laughter. Somehow finding the question funny, "We do the same as before. We convince them to join our side!"

"...Okay. But that didn't work last time. How do you know your are gonna be successful this ti-" Before Licorice cookie could finish his sentence, Dark Enchantress cookie had already levitated towards him, a fury of fire around her.

"What was that?" She growled. Licorice cookie gulped as he pulled on his hoody.

"Um... nothing. I was saying how I know you are going to be successful this time." Licorice cookie awkwardly laughed while sweating profusely.

"But he does have a point, Master." Pomegranate cookie said breaking the tension, "While Affogato's cookie magic hypnosis smoke is useful. It will only work for sometime and too much breathing in could be lethal. So how exactly are we going to work around this?"

Dark Enchantress cookies fire quickly dispersed at the question her right hand women asked. As much as the leader of darkness hated to admit it, Pomegranate cookie did have a point. (Y/n) was not going to join there cause willingly no matter how much anyone tried. So she needed to think of something. Something that would make (Y/N) join no matter what.

She floated back her seat before sitting down, "Indeed and I know exactly who we need." The dark mistress then looked around the room, staring at all the cookies before realizing, "Wait, Where's Poison Mushroom cookie?"

The child cookie was in fact downstairs watching happily as (Y/N) took the mushroom that he offered to them. It was a small fungus whose head matched the one who created it.

(Y/N) helped the plant to their cookie chest, finding comfort in the gift despite the terrifying situation, "Thank you, Poison Mushroom cookie."

The child smiled before sitting just across from the dungeon cell, "Woooow. You're really nice. It wasn't how Schwarzwälder or Red Velvet described you at all.~~~"

"Oh? And how did they describe me?"

Poison mushroom cookie placed his oversized sleeve on his chin as he began to think, "Red Velvet said you were mean for taking the foxy and Schwarzwälder said you were mean because you hurt him~~"

It didn't take a genius to figure out what Poison Mushroom cookie was saying. But the second part left them confused, "I see. Well I don't necessarily blame Red Velvet cookie for wanting Tighnari since he was rare around the cookie kingdom. But how exactly did I hurt Schwarzwälder? I had never seen him except for the first time the others captured me."

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